It was the year the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after its launch.
Cagney & Lacey swept the Emmys:
And Robert Palmer threw a few guitars at some chicks dressed in black:
This was considered cutting edge technology:
And a few people got together to record a little-known song Bossy likes to call We Are The World:
This won seven Oscars:
And she was born:
The median Household Income was $25,000 a year, Georgia O’Keefe passed away, and Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Iran:
Also, this:
Here’s how it went: Bossy’s brother was in a band:
And, like, there was this other band right? And that other band used to be the opening act for Bossy’s brother’s band.
And it was this situation in a nightclub outside of Philadelphia where Bossy first met her husband-to-be. Bossy admired his intricately embroidered dungaree jacket and Bossy’s husband admired the fact that Bossy was a raving groupie so smart.
Two days after they met Bossy’s husband-to-be phoned her for a date. They drank a vat of margaritas responsibly and toured the city in his limousine VW Rabbit. Later they went back to his place where Bossy met her soon-to-be cat Tuesday. Bossy and her husband-to-be screwed like bunnies pledged to remain virgins.
They became one.
Inextricably Tied, even:
Within a few months they were living together. They did what any other totally immature nesting couple would do: they went directly to the SPCA and picked out another responsibility cat.
Within the year they were married. Then they had a baby. Then another baby. Next they moved sold quit bought sold rented worked went back to school quit moved quit went back to school and purchased.
Where have the nineteen years gone?
Happy Anniversary!
Cute photos … *sigh* those were the days.
My ex is a musician and those pics remind me of our “band days” … fun times, eh?
That’s odd….I was a freshman in high school and distinctly remember waking up in Civics class and yelling, “Some chick I’ve never met just met some dude in a band and rescued cats!!!”
I always wondered where that came from.
Great post! Happy Anniversary.
Ahhh, that was sweet! But to be honest, when the first picture of you two came up, I thought it was John Oates that was giving you the look of having just ate Ghirardelli chocolate.
Congratulations! I always wanted to date a guy in a band. Way to live the dream, Bossy!
oh that brave, brave man. Had he any idea? *grins*
Happy Anniversary
Bossy’s husband was and is one hot dude. Bossy isn’t so bad to look at either.
greentshirt is happy for Bossy and her hot husband (and maybe she has a little girl-crush on Bossy too)
AWWWWW…. some!
I was going to say “awwww,” but a couple of people already said it. I’ll say it again, I guess … “Awwww.” And, may I say that you two were very awesomely eighties.
In that first photo of the two of you, it looks like a community theater production of Grease.
I’ve always wondered why your husband has been so much in the shadows on this blog. Like, maybe he’s an ass and you’re miserable together. Maybe he’s deformed! I see I’m right on both counts.
It’s clearly one big lovefest over there, and now we know where your kids get their good looks. You’re good looking too, Bossy, yes you are, to say the least. But your kids don’t have your good looks; they have his.
Nineteen years? You must have been a child bride.
You rock! Happy Anniversary!
Bossy, I have to know….
How LONG does it take you to come up with/write your posts? I love them!
Happy (Virginal) Anniversary!
Ooo the happy memories. Congratulations to you and yours.
Happy Anniversary! I am pleased you pledged to remain virgins. Vuboq has done the same thing!
PS. A photo of Y has been posted just for you.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
So you pledged to remain virgins and went on to have two children thru immaculate conception? Cool!
omg I love it, you guys look like stars in some 80’s teen flick, so cute. And I double-plus-heart your eyeshadow. Congrats!
Woman, I’m sorry but I might have to hate you — you look even hotter now than you did then. Oh wait. I can’t hate you. You are way to sweet and fun!
Yesyesyes…so totally adorable! Great photos. I hope you have those framed somewhere in your house. Just great.
Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Bossy. The Skimmer and I are working on 18 years and you’re right — where the heck did the time go? We’re nowhere near old enough for this high-teen years stuff.
Oh. And I used to belt my t-shirt dresses too. I was also one of those Robert Palmer girls for Halloween one year with two other friends. I had a Halloween party. All I remember is lots of people — who shouldn’t have been together — ended up in my closets. That and “Addicted to Love” playing 9,000 times.
Have a great night, you two!
You’re married to John from Hall & Oats? Sweet!
such a sweet post
you do have a way with words…sigh…
happy anniversary! oh, and was the new cat’s name Wednesday? just curious
I am freaking out.
Freaking my wad.
Happy Anniversary! I must say you guys make a great couple. You took cool pics even back in the olden days!
How can that be when you are only 25????
This is the best anniversary re-cap! Have a good one!
My God woman. From the BlogHer pics I’ve seen you don’t look like you’re over 30..
I don’t know Bossy math… but that wold have made you prepubescent when you got married.
[blank stare]
Hope you have a fantastic day! Happy Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Bossy!
Those are great photos.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!! Lovve the trip down memory lane!
Happy anniversary!
Awww…happy anniversary, Bossy and Mr. Bossy.
Those clothes are giving me nightmares…er…flashbacks! Yeah, that’s it!
Awww! I hope Daddy-O and I look just as loverly in another 10 years! What a great stroll. Thanks for taking us down Memory Lane.
Did you say PHILLY?! I am right outside of Philly… in Joisey;-). My hub and I have a business there.
Lets see… 20 years ago I was 18 in college (also in Jersey)… and too chicken to go to bars and see bands.
Many blessings to Bossy and her music man on their anniversary.:-D
Happy Anniversary!!!
But didn’t the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster happen in 1986 — 21 years ago? I was a senior in high school and specifically remember hearing about it in Civics class…
Also, I thought some of those other events were 1986, as well…
Either way, though, here’s to another 19 years! And another!
What is…1986?
thanks for dragging these old pictures out.
utterly adorable.
we all rode the wave, didn’t we?
congrats to my 2 best friends for 19 years
jan (bossys boss!)
Happy Anniversary you two! Those pics are too cute! You still look the same as back then, girl!
aw, so cute! Love this post!
A lot of people wished they were you this weekend Mr. BOSSY, do us proud.
Happy Anniversary!
i can’t get over the blue eyeshadow in that first pic of the two of you! oh, i just want to eat it!
Happy Anniversary, hot stuff.
Sweet! How do you manage to look the same after all those years? Hawwwt!
Aah that’s SO NICE! Lovely photos. Total flashback … Happy anniversary!
Wow…great clothes on the both of yous. We just celebrated our 19th as well…crap why didn’t I do a photo recap? My clothes were far nerdier than yours…yours were rockin’….but I did have some fantastic big white plastic triangle earrings and a hot pink cropped jean jacket. HAWT. Anyway congrats. 19 years….and from the look on your face in the first picture and the last it is a blissful love….that’s the very best kind.
Bossy was damn fine! Loved my slouchy boots and rocking the eurotrash wear, too.
How can this be when I thought you were barely 30???
Congrats on finding wedded bliss!
Rock and roll, Bossy! Happy anniversary. 19 years is damn impressive.
you guys are hot! Happy Anniversary!
Brings a tear to the eye. Congratulations. After seeing you this weekend, I must assume that you were a very mature 10-year-old when you married.
Are we talking 1986? I was a senior in high school (graduated ’87).
Wow. Happy Anniversary!
19 years strong, that’s great!
You both look very happy, and so young.
those are some of the sexiest mullets i have ever seen. rock on for another 19 woman.
This is easily the best anniversary post the blogworld has ever seen. I’m glad we never got married so that I don’t have to live up to this.
Happy happy, you two crazy kids.
Hey doll,
Thanks for commenting on my bloggy-thingy. Your post here made me smile and go “aww” and laugh. You may be bossy but you’re also totally cutetastic.
<3, g
I had another question as someone else up there — how long does it take to get all these photos doctored/posted and then do the text and… hey, I’m exhausted just asking the question!
happy anniversary
Bossy, you crack me up. Happy anniversary
Let’s hear it for 80’s rock bands!!!
Happy Anniversary!
You so totally rocked that rocker chic garb! And do you know what you could get for those slouchy pirate boots on eBay today?
Many more happy, happys to you both!
Pledged to remain virgins…hahahaha. Happy Anniversary!
Happy, happy anniversary!
Oh fer chrissake! (that just never gets old, does it?) Happy Anniversary! You two are an incredibly sexy couple in that way that only incredibly sexy people from the 80s can be.
19 years? Jeezus Christ!
Love it. The kind of tribute to your marriage only you can get away with.
And I belted t-shirt dresses too. Gah.
Happy Anniversary.
Aha, you visited to comment on my anniversary back in June and now here I am for yours, and you, in your slouchy suede boots and all. My god, it’s like an edgier Rick Springfield and a saucier ZZ Top “She’s Got Legs” knock out.
Happy Day to you both, happy, happy day!
Awww. You guys are sooo cute. Love it.
Happy Anniversary to Bossy and Mr. Bossy!
Happy Anniversary, to one rockin’ couple.
I never know what to expect when I get here … except the unexpected, of course. Totally fun. Happy anniversary to you two.
Happy Anniversary! Love the blast from the past photos.
jeez bossy. you barely LOOK 19. how iz it possible? happy anniversary to the bossys (bossies?).
Bless! Happy Anniversary and sorry for making you spit wine.
you guys had the same hair. that is so sweet! xo
Heyyyy! Bossy was a rock chick too!! Congratulations babes. Hey, I got married in 1988 once to a musician too… Guess you made the better choice tho as I had to do it again with someone else 15 years later. Congratulations on having something lasting in this throw-away world x
Holy gams, Batman! You were a HOT young thing! Bossy is way cooler than Jen. My husband (God love him) wooed me as a young lass in college with gifts like whole life insurance policies (way, way better than a term policy) while pulling up his dark socks that always matched the briefcase he lugged around campus. Really.
sweet love.
Yeah, I have met Bossy and there ain’t no effing way that she is older than 23. 25 tops.
Also, congratulations and all that.
Happy Anniversary, you rocker you.
Oh Bossy. We’re of the same vintage. I love this tribute to your rock star husband. How fitting. Happy anniversary!
Fantastic post and I love the pictures. Congratulations to both of you!
Those are the most fabulous 80s photos I’ve ever seen. Now I want to see the photographic progression from then ’till now.
Awesome post!!!
Wait a minute! This looks familiar! Poll time on Bossy’s blog… does EVERYONE have the end of the hallway, circa 1985, in multiple poses with their then prospective spouse pictures? I own one of myself in a “Howard the Duck” shirt (it was a movie, f’real) and hubby in size 30 waist 2-tone denim, at the end of the hallway, doing the whole ‘hold the candle together in the center of us while smiling cheesy for the camera’ picture.
Your’s is way cuter, Bossy. Congrats on another milestone!
Happy Anniversary!
This post made me miss the 1980’s (sorta.)
Hope all is well. I am DROWNING in my life and my work. Urg.
In ’86, I was 12. I had David Cassidy’s hair (check this -> and a face that hadn’t yet grown into my nose. In fact, I pretty much looked like David Cassidy. It was a much better year for Bossy than it was for moi
In any case… happy anniversary!
(Hella belated comment, I know. Forgive. I’m doing my catch-up blog reading.)
Ahem. Actual link:
Meghan in ’86 =
How is it that most people’s embarrassing 80s pictures look WAY cooler than my current, not-at-this-moment-embarrassing 2007 pictures?
And your kids must have awesome hair.
I just clicked through here from your most recent post and thought I’d give it a quick read. Cheers to you both, and happy (extra belated) anniversary. What a fun post!
I want your life and if I ever find a way to steal it, I am skipping town with it and you will never be able to find me.