Hello, Monday—Bossy noticed you arrived early and wasted no time ushering the weekend out the door. Aces. Bossy is particularly grateful because she had a pressing list of things to accomplish during the weekend and achieved exactly none of them.
And now Bossy has to wait five days until the next weekend to accomplish her stuff, which is no big deal considering that a day passes in a few hours and five days feels more like two days and twelve years passes in a blink, ad infinitum until death. Etcetera.
But enough of Bossy’s sunny mood, because Bossy has some blog issues to address:
As you may remember, Bossy decided it would be a fun idea to create a photo collage of her readers reader. Although many of you have already emailed your photo to Bossy, there remains some confusion surrounding the project— which Bossy hopes to clear up with the following Q&A:
Q: Is this photo collage only for people who have blogs?
A: Absolutely not. This photo collage will represent Bossy’s readers. However if you have a blog, your photo will link to it.
Q: I read Bossy every day but I seldom comment and I don’t have a blog. Can I be in the collage anyway?
A: Absolutely. This photo collage represents Bossy’s readers, not just her commenters or fellow bloggers.
Q: I read Bossy but I’m just a friend and I don’t have a blog so I’m not going to be in the photo collage so quit asking, OK?
A: Not OK. And Bossy’s Friend Perri we’re looking at you.
Q: This isn’t a question.
A: No it’s not too late to send Bossy a photo, preferably of you working at your computer, just remember to put “portrait” in the subject line of the email and to include the exact URL of your blog if you have one.
Q: Does this mean I need to have a blog to participate?
A: Can Bossy borrow a handful of those prescription drugs?
Other business: Bossy has added a new feature to her blog and it’s called Ways To Distract Yourself From Trying To Come Up With A Book Idea—but you can call it Bossy’s Favorite Things for short:
This new blog feature lives in Bossy’s upper left column under the Guess and Press. This isn’t about hawking material objects and it’s not about consumerism. Or maybe it is, Bossy hasn’t decided. But mostly this is where Bossy will feature things she loves—music, books, movies, stuff—things that are in her life or things she loves from a distance.
And lastly, this paragraph contains Bossy’s clever transition to the end of this meandering post. Like it?
Love it!
Now, do I have to have a blog to be in the montage? Just wondering…
Ok, so just to be sure. I DO have a blog. Can I still be in the collage? Off to mull over the inevitability and immediacy of death.
BOSSY wasn’t very clear. Could she please repeat?
I love it too. But how can I get to be in Bossy’s montage?
vuboq remembered this morning that he hadn’t taken a portrait, so he’s glad there’s still time to send a picture. YAY!
Joining Bossy w/my own sunny mood – thanks to the 27 inches of rain last night (continuing through my walk in) and the complete and utter destruction of Docking Station #2 in less than a year.
God forbid you actually have to undock and dock on a regular basis for meetings. Isn’t that the point of a docking station?
I have a blog but no portrait, can I be in the collage?
I know I’m going to like stuff Bossy likes. This is very exciting.
Bossy does meandering better than anyone I know.
I will go grab The Husband immediately and force him to take a photo of me at my computer. I’ve been procrastinating.
Also, I loves it when Bossy adds new things to iambossy. Is like Christmas!
So, I have a blog, but no decent pictures of myself. And I only have 3 readers (give or take) except when Bossy links to me. Can I still be in the montage? ; )
You’ve been thinking about the Supernova too, haven’t you?
Very much so…
“Make sure the prince doesn’t leave this room, until I come and get ‘im.”
“Right. Not to leave the room, even if you come and get ‘im.”
“No no, UNTIL I come and get ‘im.”
“Right. Until you come and get ‘im, we’re not to enter the room.”
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. If you know this Python reference you’ll understand. If not, I’m just being a pain in the butt again.
Will send a photo as soon as you come and get it.
I’m so glad I’ve followed directions and already submitted my photo.
So I’ll be in the collage right?
FYI..those things that need to be done…they don’t know that it’s not the weekend, you can do them today! or not…
I was all set to send mine and then hello? Extreme bags under the eyes. Will retake.
Oh my goodness, I forgot what I was going to say (but I’ll bet it was really smart and funny) because there is Barack’s smiling face right there next to this comment box! And I can click his fine face to buy Obama 08 shwag?! Oh, the fun.
This is not a paid advertisement. Just a bizarre comment that is completely unrelated to the post it follows.
OOOH yeah, like it, definitely like it.
[He places fingers under tongue and whistles – loudly]
…but i have to have a blog, right?
What if my face resembles a penis and testicles? Is that okay?
Maybe Bossy should stop getting the mail.
I have a blog, but no portrait. Bossy should totally call me when I get home tonight so I can remember to do this. I don’t think I should take my photo at work, which is realistically where I read blogs, but too obvious.
ok that’s super weird because just last night i was thinking about adding a “things i love” to my sidebar.
great minds think alike!
i have a blog but i haven’t submitted a picture. yet! i will. i just need to take a good one!
Man, that’s a lot of work Bossy. It’s like you are a 5th grade teacher trying to explain a big project or something! I imagined a bunch of whining voices jumping in before you were finished, asking questions you planned on answering but not right at that second.
So… I don’t have a blog, but can I still be in your colllahhhhhhhh (you got me!)
Madness still wants to know how the heck ya get on the blog roll.. I prefer to be under the tomato.
Oh yeah.. and .. do I have to have a blog?
Oh, and BOSSY!! .. I have a NEW blog URL .. I know, Im a pain .. the new URL is
Do I need to send you a new email?
I refuse to add to this list of cracks surrounding the confusion about your project.
We kids in the backseat have a few more burning questions:
Are we there yet?
When are we gonna get there?
How much longer ’til we get there?
What if I have a BAD blog and a BAD portrait, can I still participate?
Can you clarify the procedures if I don’t have a blog?
Are we there yet?
Are we THERE yet?
Any more prescription medicine?
I’m sorry..I hope this isn’t a stupid question. But do I have to have a blog to submit a picture? I just don’t think you were very clear on this point.
Love it.
Now, if my stupid battery, in my stupid camera could stay charged for a stupid minute, I would send you my stupid picture. And, we all know how much I like having my picture taken, don’t we? Can you tell?
what if one a) has a blog and b) has a portrait but c) would like to get one’s neck botoxed prior to being in bossy’s reader collage?
i didn’t see that in the q+a.
Bossy is teh awesome. Perhaps even more than me. Cause I did an awesome blogroll and left out half my peeps and have never got around to fixing that. And now Bossy has reminded me and I am having a tiny panic attack..
But it is all good. I will send Bossy a pic of me panic attacking while fixing up my teh awesome blogroll that I believe does not hold the mayo and Bossy may not even be on.
I was gonna send a pic but I HAVE a blog, so I can’t be included, right?
Just want to clarify, cause I’m not so sure.
Ok, I totally do not have a camera at work…and that’s the only place I get to read blogs because I’m poor and can’t afford internet at home. Or was that lazy, just moved, and haven’t hooked it up yet? Anyways, do you have an anonymous(sp?) pic for those of us without a camera and desperate need to be in a collage? Sorry, I just had to be difficult…
… And, what was the middle thing?
What if I simply do not have a picture that would look fabulous enough to be included? Huh>?
I am still impressed with the industriousness of your collage project. I can barely download my photos from my digital camera, much less add linking and editing and whatnot…