Bossy found this buried in her linen closet a few days ago and it made her laugh senseless. Here’s why: Bossy’s sister-in-law was an actress.
She acted in movies, and she acted on Broadway, and she appeared at least once in every major sitcom and police drama throughout the last decade. Like this:
And this:
And this:
And especially this:
Bossy’s sister-in-law the actress? Hilarious. And when not making Bossy laugh until her insides emptied, she negotiated Bossy’s entree into the world of upscale beauty regimes.
It was Bossy’s sister-in-law who taught Bossy how to pilfer makeup samples from Bergdorf Goodman, and how to use the Origins store as a place to wash her hands, just like she introduced Bossy to the concept of haircuts with Italian men that cost the equivalent of a plane ticket.
Bossy and her sister-in-law would often meet in New York’s midtown for a day of beauty—which always began with cream puffs and continued through
spring rolls with a couple of shoe acquisitions thrown in for good measure.
Well. It came to pass one summer that this certain sister-in-law met and began a friendship with Jennifer Aniston. And Bossy’s sister-in-law spent some time at Jennifer Aniston’s house. And one of the first things Bossy’s sister-in-law did while visiting Jennifer Aniston, was to throw back Jen’s shower curtain so she could study all of Jennifer Aniston’s hair products and report them directly back to Bossy.
Oh yes she did. And this was the main product she saw:
Which is why, a few months later, standing with her sister-in-law in the aisle of Ricky’s NYC, Bossy filled her cart with the stuff.
Because although Bossy and Jennifer Aniston do not have the same hair texture—or the same anything—Bossy’s sister-in-law reasoned that if this conditioner could keep Jennifer Aniston’s locks from hair dryer ruin, it would certainly be advantageous to a certain someone suffering from frizz.
So Bossy went home and tried the product—which she left on her hair for two entire hours, tucked under a shower cap. And Bossy was so satisfied with the smooth result, she took the following photo for her sister-in-law, as proof of the conditioner’s worth:
Anyway. Bossy found this conditioner the other day while wrestling the alligator that is her linen closet. And it made Bossy laugh because, although her sister-in-law lost her battle with cancer two years ago, giggling over Jennifer Aniston’s hair products would have been precisely what she would have wanted.
Oh, what a great blog entry. And a great memory of your SIL.
And now when the product flies off the shelf, Bossy is to thank!
Darn, you do look good in that photo. (hair’s not bad either) Why did you stop using the stuff?
Here I was giggling along…then I got all choked up…co-workers think I am manic today…you are amazing…
That’s an awesome legacy to leave behind, actually.
My brother has been gone 7 years and the best thing we do it laugh and remember the good times
Such precious memories.
What a nice tribute to SIL!
Oh my! I was quite amused until the end. It is good to remember someone with laughter in our heart. Yes.
Amazing storytelling. Fantastic post.
So lovely. Anyone that does re-con at Jennifer Aniston’s house had to be a hoot!
Happy, happy, happy – then sad, sad, sad – then happy, sad….
Bet your SIL is laughing right along with you.
The first pic of Bossy, beautiful eyes. I was like, wuuuvvvvaaaawwuuuvv-wo-wo-wo, like that. Powerful.
The second pic, there are Bossy’s nostrils again.
….I think headbands make anyone who wears them look pre-teen. I don’t know why.
I feel sure that Sister in Law is out there laughing too!
Oh the end of that just crushed me. I’m so sorry. But I’m also buying some of that hair stuff.
What love!
Bossy is beautiful and so are her words
this is probably my favorite bossy post ever.
well, aside from the “if it’s still box shaped, it’s not done”
i’m sure bossy’s sister-in-law would have loved that story! and the hair…my goodness…the hair. a head full of awesomeness.
Thanks for that literary equivalent of a kick in the stomach.
“sniff” You’ll pardon me a moment, I have a little dust in my eye is all.
Oh, what a sad ending to a funny post. Fucking cancer. That is the second time this week I have included those words in a blog comment. Enjoy the memories that linen closet brought up!
Mine is taunting me, its exorcism promises to be blog worthy as well, but probably not at all poignant or clever or, well, interesting.
I use that product and have for years. Even if you leave it on for 2 minutes, it’s amazing. Want to grow your hair out and have it be in great condition? This is the stuff!
Hint: Ebay
So I found out my Uncle has cancer today except he’s not my uncle I just used to call him that when we were kids because he’s my Dad’s mate – he’s a really good guy. His family have the worst luck!
Bossy’s posts always tell the most amazing stories.
I’m so sorry about your sister-in-law. You do look kind of like a peppy news anchor in that last pic though. I think I want to go buy some of that stuff.
Hm. May have to try that stuff.
What a fantastic tribute-post to your SIL. Sounds like she is someone that you will think about forever.
Sidenote: (Wasn’t she in “The Sponge” episode? She looks too familiar to me.)
Laughter is the best way to remember somebody. It’s the type of legacy I definitely would like to leave.
Shit! I bet Bossy’s SIL is laughing at Jami’s emotional whiplash right about now. And well she should!
Sweet remembrance. And see? Your SIL is *still* making us all laugh.
i read years ago that jennifer aniston used kerastase and immediately started ordering it online also! now i am sad that i can no longer justify $30 shampoo and conditioner.
Love this post a million times.
And yay for funny sisters-in-law. They make everything better. Including memories.
your SIL and my friend planet – same thing. gone too soon (for same reason), still makes me laugh today – esp when i get the equivalent of your kerastase moment.
Anyone who would have the presence of mind and the GUTS to snoop out hair products must have lived a very full and vivid life. It’s shared memories like this one that keep her life very present and vivid. Thanks, Miss Bossy.
Aw, Bossy got me with that one.
I love that your SIL had the cajones to sneak a peek in J. An’s bathtub. But I gotta know. Did she have a hair-ball creature in her drain?
Could Bossy be any sweeter?
Oh Bossy, I am so sorry about your sister in law. What a great post and as always, I am amazed at your very talented and intersting family! BTW, I absolutely adore Jennifer Aniston-she is my favorite actress. Wow, I am still amazed at this story!
Would she want me to choke back tears? Huh? Would she? Bossy’s turning into M. Night Shyamalan with her writing. That darn twist ending doesn’t mix well with my PMS.
Very humorous post. I wasn’t prepared for the ending. That sniffling sound you hear, so not me.
Bossy has the best family.
Best story I’ve heard in a very long time. It’s good when you can remember the good times again, no? I’m getting there myself.
Even though I love everything you ever write, I might just love this the most.
Awww…what a sweet tribute. I’m so sorry that you’re missing her, but how wonderful that you are able to laugh about fun times with her. You are not only a good sis-in-law, but a good wife for loving your Hubby’s sis so much. I actually remember her from “Friends with Money”.
that stuff looks expensive. anything i can’t pronounce is expensive.
bossy’s sister in law looks like she was a nice person. :o}
I hope Bossy put that conditioner right back where she found it, so she can discover it again in another couple of years.
Oh man, the ending of this blog post was way too sad.
Last week, I saw a lady cleaning her ears with the make-up q-tips at Whole Foods. Friend of your SIL’s?
BOSSY. My hair thanks you & your dearly departed SIL for sharing J.A.’s hair secrets.
Isn’t it so much better to laugh instead of cry when we think of them? Especially when you know they would do the same.
P.S. Bossy kind of resembles Sharon Stone in that mirror SP.
Dood! I want that conditioner!!
I love your sister-in-law. Having met her this very second. I love that all your peeps (if I may be so bold) are all thinking about her today. Lovely.
I’m pretty new to your blog, but WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE…I laughed so hard at your cute post and your sweet sister in law. THANK YOU for sharing. You SIL’s legacy is that hundreds will have good hair now, because of her SNOOPING.
Hope Jen isn’t reading the blog. HI JEN!
Kelly S.
Oh my goodness – just looked up your S-I-L. She died on the exact same day as my dad did, 8/4/05. My sympathies. Sweet, funny post for her today!
It’s amazing what makes us think of someone, isn’t it?
Glad you found it and glad you had some giggles over it!
I love the thought of your sister in law snooping through Jen’s bathroom cabinet.
Hasn’t everyone had a Jen A hair moment?
I’m doing a sponsored run for Cancer Research this Sunday – Race for Life… I was running… to fit into a bikini… and to remember a friend… but I’ll take a moment to run for your sister too.
Your SIL does look familiar, since I am a television addict I’m sure I’ve seen her in things. I’m very pissed off the cancer took her SO very young. Bossy and Bossy’s Sister In Law are 21 in the above photo, aren’t you?
Your SIL sounds amazing, what a wonderful friend. I am all over that conditioner, must find some.
That was beautiful. When laughter sparks good memories, it is a blessing.
At least now we know how beautiful hair happens to the beautiful people. It involves guts to peek in their showers.
She obviously rocked.
So impressed by your hair, I went to to scope it out- $52?!?!?!
I may have to find my own celebrity friend just to steal expensive haircare items out of their shower.
Ok, thanks for making me have an ugly cry! I lost my dad to cancer a year and a half ago and his 65th birthday would have been this past Monday. But thanks for the advice on the conditioner. My hair sucks!
Dude, you caught me totally off guard. This is so sweet. And funny.
And could you please be my sister-in-law? We could pretend?
I’ve never used that particular product, but I do use their shampoo. Tarjay carries their stuff!
No fair ending that story with how you ended it. I’m already in a crap mood.
Damnit, I didn’t see that coming and it made me cry.
(I hate to cry in the middle of the day. Night time, fine, but not in broad daylight).
Anyway, great tribute. She sounds like she was really quite special.
Can’t wait to get some of that stuff. And the end of your post? Gasp, beautiful. Still kind of shell shocked, and loving the tribute… thanks.
Bossy is so lucky, just to get to be Bossy. I’d have to agree with another commenter, that this is one of my favorite posts. And leave it to bossy to be all happy and funny and then all sad and sweet at the end.
I’m so sorry about your sister-in-law. She just radiates life and laughter from those pictures.
Wonderful post.
OK, kind of a buzz kill ending. Um…yea.
Now is that picture of you at the bottom the BEFORE or the AFTER? You’re looking svelte and all but I’m not liking the hair.
Sorry. Joe can’t lie. Well that’s a lie, he can actually lie quite well, better than he would like, he just chose not to now because he knows Bossy can take it.
You’re not crying are you?
Not nice! Made me cry! Your hair looks nice, though.
BOSSY writes the best tributes.
What a great blog! I am sorry she lost her battle, but you have to know she was right there with you when you found it.
I believe laughter is the best way to talk to our angels, and what a great giggle the two of you shared over hair care products.
Thanks for sharing Bossy! I can always count on getting something on your site when I stop by, every day….
BTW, you are smoking hot, just as you are!!
Wow it’s a sad world. But I love your blog. And be assured, Bossy, that no matter how old you think you look, you look way younger than me!
Ditto to what Jill said
Amazing storytelling. Fantastic post.
Theres a reason Madness hearts Bossy.
This is it.
That’s a lovely remembrance of your sister in law.
Stupid darn cancer.
Ack, sorry, great post. Great hair, great sister in law. Shame about the ending, here’s thinking about you.
What a wonderful tribute to someone who was obviously a huge part of the family. So glad you could remember her and laugh today!
You made me actually let out a STRANGLED SOB at the end of that post.
awwwww… I love you in the red shirt!! Sassy!!!
Bossy, what’s uncanny is the resemblence between your SIL and my friend who passed away five years ago — of cancer. It’s the kinds of memories you shared that keep our loved ones alive in our hearts! Thanks for sharing.
Bossy, that was one of your best.
3rd rock from the sun… too cool…
too young…
a toast to bossy’s sister-in-law, cheers! ! Peace
Bossy’s SIL (I’m so sorry she’s not with us anymore) was in MY favorite show ever? With John Lithgow?
(And Bossy is much cuter than Jennifer Aniston)
Oof, that last part made my heart hurt.
And you are still smokin’ hot, fer chrissake.
What a wonderful memory of your sister-in-law! It’s very touching and warm.
And isn’t it funny, the things that remind of most strongly of those who are gone – hair conditioner!!
Long live your SIL through expensive celebrity hair care!
This post made me laugh out loud. It also made me think of my hilarious mom, who also lost her battle with cancer at the very young age of 46…she died almost three years ago.
She reminds me a great deal of your SIL. Both hilarious, wonderful women who are probably still cracking up today.
And as a side note, is it just me, or am I the only one who thought of Jennifer Aniston in the movie “Friends with Money,” pilfering the makeup samples at department stores, when you mentioned your SIL at Bergdorf’s?
Im with SparkleySunshine..
FUck Cancer.
sorry bossy, happy you can remember funny times. Still sorry. I know how it feels.
coastal nest
Wonderfully funny story about your SIL.
My beloved crazy beautiful 73-year old grandmother died suddenly this week. Thanks for the reminder to remember with laughter not just tears.
This was so well written. I teared up and everything. Would you please tell me your SIL’s name? She looks so familiar to me and I’m being driven mad trying to think what characters she played. Is this too personal of a request?
That was absolutely beautiful.
i bet she couldn’t have hoped for anything better. and i think you should put that jar under your sink, or in the closet under your stairs or someplace like that, so that two years from today, you will laugh again.
I’m so fired up that I finally know what JA uses on her hair. Tomorrow I’m running right out to Walgreens to get some for myself.
Oh. Oh. I’m so sorry, but what a skillful way to tell that story, really. Very…real. Thanks for this.
What a great tribute to a sister in law and friend. You got me, Bossy. I am going soft, feeling all of these “emotions”!
Just wow. Delurking to say that your lovely memories touched me, and I’m sure you’re right, that’s exactly what she would have wanted.
Crap! I had a chuckle all ready to fly, then I cried. But it’s OK. Truvy says, “Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.” I tend to agree…
First: Love the hair
Second: Jennifer Aniston? SHUT UP! Love.Her.
Third: So sorry about your sister-in-law, but those little moments where you find them in the strangest places is what it’s all about.
what a wonderfully sad story.
This is so sweet and funny. I love your sister-in-law, and so glad you have these kind of memories to keep her alive.
Now that is a loving tribute! (She types while sniffling and sobbing over here in MN). In honor of your SIL, I think you should treat yourself to a cream puff AND spring rolls AND an obscenely expensive haircut.
Also? Nothing has ever made me want to buy an expensive hair care product before this post. Now all I want is that Kerastase goo. Seriously, that company should give you a billion dollars. Oooo! Which you could spend on cream puffs and spring rolls and SHOES.
I’m glad you have such amazing memories of an obviously AWESOME person.
This was a great tribute to your SIL.
great post, boss. and don’t front, you always look good!
Jen, you look mahvelous. Very sorry to hear about SIL though, a wonderful tribute.
this was a great story.
and oddly enough, i LOVED IG’s character on 3rd rock…she reminded me of someone i knew. who knew bossy was related to her? ah, what a small world.
I am beginning to suspect that Bossy is doing a late spring cleaning and we are reaping he benefits.
I’ve been dealing with insomnia for awhile now and it came to me at 3:00 a.m. where I had seen her before. I remembered her from 3rd Rock from the Sun. She was wonderful.
What a wonderful memory and tribute to your sister in law. I can’t think of a better way to be remembered and I hope my sister will remember me like that.
Man, buzz kill of an ending.
Is that picture the BEFORE or AFTER shot? While you are certainly svelte, the hair isn’t doing it for me. Nope, nope, nope.
I critisize from a place of love because I think Bossy can take it.
You’re not crying are you? Damnit, I’m such a JACKASS.
Sounds like she was a very fun, fabulous sis-in-law. And she’s so pretty too.
And I’m so sorry for your loss. But it sounds like she’s with you in spirit. And maybe that was her way of saying “Hi. I’m still here.” (Course maybe that’s her way of saying, “Bossy. Your hair is a mess.”) Or maybe its all just coincidence. I guess that depends upon your own beliefs.
You know what goes great with Jeneefer Aneeston hair? FREE CHOCOLATE!
Enter to win some over at my place…
I swore off expensive hair care products a few months ago but it looks like that stuff WORKS. Hmmm… A totally bittersweet post. I’m so sorry about your sister-in-law.
Oh, Bossy. What a lovely story and a lovely sister-n-law. I hope where ever she is, her hair is shiny and manageable.
I know this was intended to be uplifting…
but wow, im really sad all the sudden. you and your husband must miss her. she looks like she was full of lightness!
I had no idea that’s where you were going with that “nothing” story, but I loved it. I’m sure your SIL loved it too.
So sad… Great post.. Just wish your SIL could have read it..
Not a quick nothing at all – that post was a big something! Sorry about your SIL. Beautiful post.
Which Seinfeld episode???????????????????????
What a thing to still have friends laughing two years after you’ve gone…
bossy, ouch. I’m reading along, enjoying a story about hair products and jennifer aniston, totally starting to dig on your cool SIL, feeling your pain over the aging thing, and then you sucker-punch me with “she lost her battle with cancer . . .” You almost made me cry, dammit.
Your sister-in-law cracked me up as the “modeling agent” on That 70s Show. Hilarious woman.
what a beautiful post. Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.
Thank you for sharing your sister-in-law with us!
i’ve come back and re-read this 5x now, and i haven’t been sure of what to say. so, i’ll just say this: your ability to share a story amazes me more and more every day.
i can’t think of anything to say about the loss of your sister-in-law that would be worth a darn, so i;ll just point out that you are a very talented lady.
i bet your sister-in-law knew it, too.
on behalf of all women who suffer from frizz/flyaway/ stupid hair no matter how much conditioner is used- i thank your sister in law.
frizz is my arch enemy.
i will save up to buy this stuff.
that must have been a fun friendship. and i am sorry your husband had to go through the loss of a sibling. that is indeed hard.
PS, you’re so slender.