Last night Bossy invited a few friends and family over to watch the election returns, where last night also equals this morning, because Bossy never really went to bed, and she’s still glued to the TV.
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[…] and here’s why: when Bossy was shopping for the booze that would eventually be consumed on Election night, she stood in the aisle of her liquor store and eyed up the prices versus sizes yet again, and […]
[…] postage stamp. See it back […]
Still kinda can’t believe it
Did you do a lot of rocking on your heels and keening too?
Asthmagirl and her family were so happy after the returns came in that they literally baked a cake!
Oh, that cheer looks like the one that went up at our house and sounded like this:
Being born and raised in Ohio and my whole family still there, then living in Missouri, and now New York I am so happy to see my home-state going blue!!
Hurray! There was champagne and neighborly good cheer in the VUBOQ home last night!
I watched the return at a bar and it was a very happy place indeed. (The only scowler last evening was my dear S who was rootin’ for the other guy.) Oh, the roar when PA, OH, FL, & CA were turned blue on the CNN map was a wonderful thing to behold.
Happy Obama Day everyone!!!
Thank Bossy’s son for making sure we took Pennsylvania!
i think it’s kind of great that my children don’t really understand why it’s such a big deal to have our first black president. they can’t relate to a world where that seems implausible, at best, impossible, at worst.
I feel like I did when I 1st fell love with Yankee. Just walking around with a stupid grin plastered on my face.
Still waiting to hear NC’s official status before deciding what kind of hollerin’ to do.
Today we are a country very rich in possibility.
next time there is an election party, someone needs to invite me, because i watched the returns by myself and sent approximately eleventy thousand text messages. i also got accused of eating lead paint chips and made a disparaging remark or five about nebraska. all my best comedy, and nobody heard it!
This one goes out to Bossy’s son and all his peers. It is guys like him, who read and learned and worked and talked and VOTED FOR THE FIRST TIME because they were inspired and believed in the possibility of change. The young people of this country were called upon and, guess what? They came through. Can you imagine how powerful they must feel today? My hat is off to you, Bossy’s son, and all those you led.
I am so proud that Obama took Indiana because I participated in his campaign here, so I feel such a part of THAT historic outcome.
That exact scene was repeated in my living room…minus the other people…and plus a dog and a couple cats. But the wine was there! And I posted pictures, too, just so I’ll always remember where I was when it all came down. Yawnnnnn…
What a great time to be an American.
We ordered in and the kids skipped their baths and stayed up late for the official announcement (even though we already kinda knew the results after OH went to Obama) and I cried tears of joy like a wee baby when MSNBC declared Obama President-Elect. And my family openly mocked my emotional outburst.
I told them all to go to hell, but, ya know, in a positive and inspirational way.
Not all Nebraskans are dumb (thanks for that comment Rockle). Some of us voted for Obama.
What a beautiful thought. It brings tears to my eyes.
Yes! NM went blue! I’m so proud to be in a blue state again. Happy Obama Day to everyone.
President Obama…
And some of us voted for him in Tennessee! Looks like I need to move to the Northeast. I can do cold weather.
We Baracked the Vote!
I was in PHL screaming at the Lowe’s Hotel and in the streets. I am in the Inqurier today and on PW’s website. We had the most fun evah.
Next feat: President Hillary!
I didn’t dare get too excited until they called Ohio, and then there was NO STOPPING the tears! YES WE DID!!!!!!!!
Tamela, no stay where you are and work to convince your neighbors to vote differently next time. Look at Virginia and possibly North Carolina. They went blue. It didn’t happen overnight. It was years in the making.
Also thanks to my Neph who changed his registration from CA to PA where he’s in college — he helped turn that state blue!
Sadly, I missed all the major states tipping over but did hear Obama’s stirring speech as I was driving home. I’m still glued to news and post-game analyses now.
So proud to be living on the beautifully blue Left Coast.
I was home ALONE (since kids were asleep) so I just did a woot-woot to myself! And tweeted, of course.
How about something more important….like which shoes goes to which guest. Tis the time to start tightening our belts even more cuz we aren’t movie stars!!!!
its like the “poltergeist” the movie “WE’RE BACK!!! Go Blue, although I am subdued at work, they voted for the other guy. there’s a PARTY inside me!
Oh, it was SO exciting!!!!!!
Thank Gaaawwwd! I’m glad I don’t have to move to Brazil now (that was plan B).
I feel patriotic, for the first time in years. All that stuff i used to teach – your vote matters! – really came into play. This is wonderful.
I’m another Hoosier who is proud that Indiana FINALLY got it right. Blue, indeed.
Whoo Hoo!!!
Now that’s an election night spread!
Quite the awesome feeling after an 8-year hangover.
I had the TV on and three windows open on hubby’s laptop. At 8pm CA time when the state turned blue I let out a whoop that brought my naked fresh from the shower son upstairs and he danced in front of the screen and there were tears in my eyes and my heart was so full. And that was a really long run-on sentence.
I just sat in front of the TV and cried every time something turned blue. I was channel surfing, and when I clicked to Fox’s coverage, I cried because the guy calling the news was so freaking creepy. I have come to the conclusion that it is very difficult to love a candidate whilst pregnant. There is just so much damn crying.
It was good. Really, really good. Finally.
Why is your mom hogging the TV like that? I bet those other people were pissed.
Life is beautiful for the first time in in 8 years. God Bless America!
It’s a beautiful new day in America isn’t it?
Wasn’t entirely focused at work, was kinda glued to the NYTimes site.
I am so proud of all of my family (bossy,etc) who has walked the walk over the years.
And yes, I am very very proud for the very first time, of my country.
It was such an amazing moment when New York State went blue for Obama!
OK, cut me a little slack. All you former red-staters are making me feel a little inadequate.
But I did make calls to Virginia and Colorado for so I get points for that.
Native Californians living in Kentucky so a little put out that we reside in the first state to go Red….but, at least our county went Blue! My sister in North Carolina helped get out the Obama vote so I am very interested to see how it goes there…New York Times has Obama 12,000+ votes ahead of McCain right now.
I’m with Bossy’s mom…I’m very proud of our country today. We said NO to the politics of fear and ignorance. We said YES to a return to our core values. We can now start to rehabilitate our reputation around the world. YES WE CAN!
Well, we possibly weren’t quite as ‘into it’ as you were in that loungeroom Bossy, but I DID pop the TV on yesterday mid-afternoon here, deep in the Aussie bush.
And even I – as politically cynical and Australian as I am – almost welled up at that victory speech. The man can talk. Here’s hoping he can walk the walk with as much class and conviction. Time will tell … and Lord knows we need you guys to keep everything on a more even keel. Even this far away.
Congats to the Obama backers. I pray he lives up to expectations…

I want to cry every time I think of this. What an amazing day in history. I am so PROUD.
On NPR this morning they interviewed a 109 year old woman who was the daughter of a slave, and the tears flowed again. I felt awash with hope for humanity.
Well done y’all! Yes you did!
Congratulations everyone! I’ve followed the US elections from here in Europe and …. well, everyone I’ve talked to today is so happy with America’s choice. We believe Obama will be good for the world. And if he lives up to half of the expectations, he will do good. He will certanly have a tough job to do. I wish him all he best.
STILL Loving it!
OMG I commented this morning did it get eaten?
I am so, so PROUD and giddy! I talked about my day over at my site, but to sum up,
we let the kids stay up to watch it unfold, and then they made fun of my tears of joy!
THIS is one helluva great f*cking day! We set off fireworks in our cul-de-sac last night and feasted on Barack O’Brownies.
After the official announcement we had a neighbor standing in the rain on our corner lighting fireworks, and all of the apartment buildings for blocks and blocks burst into jubilant screams of “Obammmma!” Love.
Watch out, Bossy. I’m after your boyfriend. I’ve always liked Obama, but after his speech yesterday, I’M IN LOVE. The man is amazing – such dignity, strength, intelligence and magnetism. One of our Aussie tv channels followed the count for 5 hours leading up to the result & I stayed glued to the set. More than once I was moved to tears. What a great result for America & the world. So happy for you.
The roar that went up last night in Grant Park when CNN announced that Obama had won was the most incredible thing ever. Best moment of my life. Seriously, if I ever get married or have a kid, it still might not be topped. Gobama!
This morning Martha’s niece said ” Mom, Yes we DID” and then “We GOT change” before she hear it from any one else! Wish I was with you yesterday!
Where is my sister??
Still hysterically crying is she??? Happy to be alive!
I had to take a couple of Tylenol PM just to be able to “come down” from the excitement of the night. The “hangover” today was worth it. Being able to hear Obama’s speech live, was worth 1000 Tylenol PM hangovers!
I am so proud of our country! I’m still weeping.
I cried a lot last night. Now I’m just grinning idiotically.
I thought of Bossy this morning while I was watching them raise Obama – President Elect banners on the streets of Chicago.
Jen (#51):
I love your comment! “Awash with hope for humanity.” Great description for exactly how I am feeling too.
Florida went for Obama! I had a hand in that – or at least a finger. Only campaign I’ve ever been involved in. I cried last night, this morning, this afternoon. It’s a beautiful thing.
Awwww, now I feel like I really did attend an election night party … as opposed to sitting here and crying (with joy and raw emotion) every time a state went to Obama.
One of the top ten days in my life.
Dude! Is that the cutest big brother who ever lived in the foreground of the last picture? Still pretty cute.
I knew you would be SO happy : )!
Best Election Ever.
I still can’t stop smiling!
Those brown boots are the coolest.
Cute shoes!