Bossy walked through her house
And she saw nothing odd
Just dog hair and dust
Collecting! Oh gahhhh-d.
She was deep in her thoughts
When, suddenly, she spied it.
She saw the pale grey ski coat
With nobody inside it.
She wasn’t scared. But yet, she stopped
Why would a coat be there?
Why would the coat of Bossy’s son
Be sitting in the chair?
And then it moved
That empty coat
It flipped the magazine
The coat was resting near the fire
It was really quite serene.
“Why are you here?”
Old Bossy said,
“And not in New York City?
Lord knows you’d warm dear Bossy’s son
Even though you’re not that pretty.”
Just then the pale grey ski coat
Threw down the Martha Stewart
It swished past Bossy in a huff
On its way to find support.
The coat, it snuggled with the Dane
In the cluttered family room
It seemed depressed, that pale grey coat
One pound of down-filled gloom.
“How ‘bout TV?” Bossy suggested
“You can watch your favorite show.
Barefoot Contessa is almost on!”
But the coat shook itself no.
“How ‘bout a romp on Bossy’s site?
Last post is mighty clever!”
But the pale grey coat slumped in its chair
Not cheery whatsoever.
Bossy thought fresh air would do it good
So she tossed the keys to her car
Forgetting the coat can’t drive a stick
So, alas, it didn’t go far.
“That’s OK,” Bossy said, “Remember the swing?
You spent many a day and a night there!”
But the allure was gone on that old plank of wood
Without a warm body to share.
So the coat, it propelled, up to the porch,
Grabbed a chair for a sun-drenched sit
But the scene was too quiet for a pale grey coat
With nobody inside it.
Bossy thought, “I do not fear this coat,
With nobody inside it. This coat, it doesn’t make me sad.”
She thought that, but she lied it.
Because Bossy couldn’t see this coat
Without thinking of her son
And the many years he had this on
While setting off toward fun.
“Bossy thinks she knows why you are blue,”
Bossy whispered to the coat.
“You miss your boy, and so do we,
We’re rocking the same boat.”
And then a strange thing happened.
Why, that coat began to laugh!
Of course it didn’t really,
But Bossy did on its behalf.
And then she put her arm around
That nylon stuffed with feathers
And said, “What if Bossy puts you on
Throughout this winter weather?”
Well, ski coat was so happy that
The pale began to shine
And it pounded on those pads with sticks
Like its boy did for drum line.
And that night it rested soundly
In the bed of Bossy’s son
‘Cause of course it’s not a pea coat
And its status was hard won.
Now Bossy and the coat meet daily
Behind the closet door
Where she’ll throw it over shoulders
So the two can bond some more.
That’s a nice warm hug from your son every time you wear that coat!!
P.S. Bossy has one hot babe look there!
You did it service, momma. yes you did.
LOL.. nice job. The Sneetches is one of my favorite books. Yep it’s a mixed bag going into my college son’s room. Sometimes makes me happy to see his left over stuff there, sometimes sad that it’s just his ‘stuff’ and not him.
Did you cleverly & sweetly adapt a fave story just for me? That was nice of you.
That was *awesome*! Cheering loudly. Esp. loved the part about the neighbor
Um…it does make your butt look big.
I just recently discovered that book and LOVE it! Thanks for putting a fun, personal twist on that story.
I would curl up with the Dane also!! Major cuddle.
Yay, pale grey coat with Bossy inside it!
This is above and beyond for a Monday, Bossy. Thank you for a nice start to the week. Also Cheers to BD for the very artistic pics
thank you for the smile i needed on this monday morning.
me too, Ruth Wells…weep.
A great start to the week.
I’m sad today. Will Stella cuddle me too?
Do you know how beautiful you are? Good gahhhhd!
Oh my gosh, it must be That Time of the Month, because this made me so SAD! And SAPPY! Holy crap, I’m crying about your kid’s coat.
My but you do get attached to things, don’t you.
You could also donate the coat to a coat drive, then some poor person can derive warmth and comfort from Bossy’s Son’s passage onto manlier outerwear.
Bravo Bossy! Laughter and tears in the same post – Thanks!
Thanks, Bossy. That’s exactly what I would have done — if I had any talent.
Bravo. We have a similar issue at our house, except when Cape Cod Kid went back to MA in January, he left a scruffy shower sponge behind. My guest bathroom still smells like Chocolate Axe.
Did I see Bossy’s son in the audience at SNL this weekend? Or his twin?
If Bossy doesn’t want to wear it, I’m pretty sure it would fit Stella.
You know, What I see here is a mama missing her son..but also a little bit of a poverty party…but mostly…you are a farking crazy chick with the funnies sense of humor.. I think I better go and get your book..and try it on.
coastalnest loves bossy!
Bossy, you’re trying to kill me. I laughed out loud, then I cried, then I laughed again. I think I need a nap.
Are those Christmas lights in the living room?
Oh Bossy, I feel your pain. The first year my daughter was at college was much, much harder than I ever expected. I knew she was going, but having her gone was a whole ‘nother thing.
She’s been out of the house for 8 years now. I still miss her.
You are adorkable. That is all.
Hey, my neighbors DID phone the mental institution when I took pics of my kid face down in the snow…
I loves me some pale grey coat.
Snow? No snow? I’m confused about continuity issues in your movie, but (a) enjoyed the thought of you boldly posing Grey Coat hither and thither, including with Neighbor watching, and (b) can not get over how good you look in your jeans.
Did that weeklong cleanse back last year make you feel slimmer and/or, well, cleaner?
What a great post! Loved the pictures!
Oh so clever!! My fave
And then a strange thing happened.
Why, that coat began to laugh!
Of course it didn’t really,
But Bossy did on its behalf.
You are rocking the parka! I love it!
my what fancy comment NUMBERS you have!!!
bossy its good to see you
Oh, my. That was sweet.
Oh dear, that was . . .
I kept wanting to read ahead because I thought you were going to drive it up to Bossy’s Son at College.
Oh, Bossy dear…
See here
see here
Oh Bossy dear,
a tear
i think that maybe stella
should wear the coat
and take and umbrella
because’s she’s awfully skinny
and her own coat is this as hell-a.
thin! not this. frick!
dumb typos.
That’s the sweetest thing ever. EVER.
Okaaaaaay, so I don’t have kids or the book that inspired this post so I will just say that it was Awesomely Creepy and Hilariously Funny at the same time
That was really good. You definitely deserve a call or email from your son for that.
I totally choked up while I was reading it.
When my kids were growing up I was all like “There will be no empty nest syndrome here! I can’t wait for these little suckers to hit the road!” Well, when they did start to leave to go to college and move on with their lives…it was a whole other story. It was nearly as awful as the coat of your son sitting there waiting for him. It does get better and they do come back from time to time. But they are never little again. Cherish each childish moment.
Okay, that kind of made me sad.
Then I laughed because I was reminded of Chevy Chase in that movie where he was invisible.
Finally, I was overcome with an urge for Herr’s potato chips – either ketchup flavor or salt and peppa.
When my son left for boot camp, I would go smell various things in his room (not his shoes!!LOL). You made me miss him anew, and that was 7 years ago. Nice story.
How do you stay so thin??
loved it – thanks for making me smile!
Aw, yay, pale grey coat!
Awww. Just awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Bossy you rock my world. Your creativity amazes me. I love you. My dad used to read that Dr suess Story to us and scare the pants off us. Muah! You made my day!
It appears you miss your so as much as I miss my daughter!
I dunno Bossy… I begininng to worry… the pale grey coat may need a nice blue snuggie to love and keep it warm until the boy comes home again… hugz
bossy knows how to rock a coat AND a beret!
I’m glad my 7 year old is sitting next to me. We just read your version and laughed and laughed….seeing that the pale green pants is one of our favorite stories.
It’s nice to know that Stella was catching up on her reading today. My doxie several months ago turned the TV to wrestling – I had no idea he was a fan!
What a great post! I loved the story of your son’s coat, and what a beautiful ending it has. That coat looks just fine on you, by the way.
Really, really enjoyed the story and pictures.
Love this post, and I’m sure your son does, too, even if he never admits to it.
what a cool, loving mom you are.
I’m gonna cry….in stanza fashion of course…
The shot with the potato chips? The coat ACTUALLY looks comfortable. Belly pooched out and all.
Bossy’s Daughter has an eye for photography.
Bossy’s writing + Bossy’s Daughter’s photos = Sky’s the Limit.
I feel Bossy’s pain. My daughter wants to get an apartment near campus next year with some friends. Only problem is, she will live there all summer and not come home! Boo-hoo.
Best post in a very long time! I think it’s even better than de Barbie-movie-impersonations. I LOVE it!
I had no idea that a coat could make me teary. Who knew?
I was in awe at this one.
It felt so touched by that empty coat.
Bravo! Dr. Seuss’ pale green pants is one of my all-time favorites. You did it (and the pale grey coat) justice.
This was one of the funniest, sweetest things I’ve ever read, and you look great in those pictures. Bossy’s daughter is quite a photographer.
“Clever” does not begin to describe Bossy.
BTW, I love how you’ve painted the insides of your book shelves.
Great story, great photos. I’m with the neighbor.
Damn you and your cheekbones.
(Plaintively changes subjects.) Are we going to get Ten-Word Tuesday this week? How do I know what day it is otherwise?
I have the number of a great therapist……..
Seriously, that was funny and cute. I can tell I’m going to have serious empty nest syndrome too in about 7 years.
I found your link on paintandink’s blog. Glad I did. This is too funny.
I’ve got 2 more years before my oldest leaves the nest and I already wear his hand me downs when he’s at school. You’re killing me here! P.S. Loving the hat!
Stella looks totally freaked out by the empty coat, bless.
As much as I enjoy our home without the daily and overwhelming presence of my 19 yr. old (who shared a Uni Writing class with your owner of the pale gray parka last semester), your sweet and tender post brought tears to my eyes. Yes, I do miss my boy. Maybe I will go home and wear the high school soccer jacket that he left behind last month. I’ll bet it is forlorn as well.
Thanks and take care, p.j.
Clever, clever, clever.
You’ve got time on your hands like I do. I like the neighbor comment…very funny.
Sweet. Very.
oh my gosh. Is bossy clever or what. Originality plus. Plus Plus.
This was so touching…and that swing photo truly slays me. Bossy looks fabulous in the poor forsaken coat.
I’m glad I’m not at this stage yet, or I’d have to try to cram my butt into size 6X Garanimals and Dora the Explorer light-up shoes.
Inspired as usual, Miss Bossy — and happy recent birthday, I’m pretty sure?
Bossy made me cry … then .. after the tears .. Madness looked at the next to last photo again and all she could hear was “dude! your mom!” .. yeahhhh.. Madness would TOTALLY do Bossy. Im just sayin.
Oh lord. At first glance this is a funnnnny post. Hyyyysterical! With the coat like THIS and then with the coat LIKE that and HAHA look at the coat surfing the web!
But now I’m at the end of the post and I’m sitting here totally misty.
And this combination of funny plus misty is the PERFECT example of why I love your blog so very damn much.
Please.. this isn’t funny it’s sad. It’s upsetting. I do not want to hear about the kids leaving and how I’m going to be just as sad as Bossy when it happens. I’ve told you to put a poignancy warning on these Bossy’s Son is Away at College gut wrenchers. Okay. Thank you.
bossy, that was beautiful! with one at law school in philly, and another doing doctorate work in london, while we languish in michigan; there are many brothers and sister of the plae gray coat in residence here!
I can’t believe this almost made me cry. A personless coat. Amazing post. Thanks.
Ahhhh, the sisterhood of the traveling and empty coats…I love it Bossy. Thank you.