A certain Poverty Party blogger who shall remain nameless but whose name rhymes with Flossy, purchased a coat at T.J. Maxx a couple of weeks ago and she can’t decide if she should return it.
You see, Flossy was in this particular T.J. Maxx looking for a warm winter coat, when a scarf and a belt and a purse and this not warm coat got in the way.
The thing is, it was cheap, and even though it isn’t winter warm, it fulfills a certain need in Flossy’s fall and spring wardrobe, and that need is: super cute!
And Flossy felt pretty good about it, considering its cheapness, which is practically akin to free-ninety-nine. Except when Flossy who is tired of this yet? Bossy put your hand down walked in the house, her daughter was all, “What? Mom, no.”
In a nut shell emphasis on nut, Bossy’s daughter thinks the coat is too young for someone 29 like Flossy.
This is where you come in. Thumbs up or down on the T.J. Maxx coat?
–>Sorry, but I’m going to say thumbs down. I don’t think the jacket is as cute as Bossy.
****THUMB’S UP*****
This coat rocks your style! Love it with the boots, and the belt! (is that a NEW belt too, Bossy?)
Even if you still need a warm coat, your soul-deep need for a stylish accroument has been filled. And on sale too!
All I can say is, Congratulations! You scored!
Does it make you happy? If so, then keep it. Part of your JOB is to mortify your children whenever possible. Heh.
adorable. i wish i looked that cute in anything, ever. keep it. and never let BOSSY’s daughter borrow it, either.
As adorable as Bossy, er… Flossy is, I’m thumbs down on the coat. Was fine until I read that cowardly lion line…
I’m digging the coat. Keep it, because it’s not how you feel (cold) it’s how you look (fab).
I’m also digging the grandma’s coat and matching hat, however. They look warm and fuzzy.
Flossy, please relay to Bossy that she should most certainly keep the coat. And to please wear it whenever escorting Bossy’s daughter anywhere.
Don’t hate me but thumbs down… nothing to do with the style I’m just not sure if one of the staff at TJMaxx didn’t pull one over on you and sold you their old coat that they wore out all last year. I’m hoping those furry parts look better in person.
Great coat! I have something similar. Keep it! By the way, how’d you get a picture of my Grandmother?
IT’S YOU! work it like a supermodel!
Thumbs up.
You’re adorable. The coat’s adorable. You look adorable in the adorable coat. So, that’s a big Adorable Thumbs Up!
I don’t like it. Older, younger, in the middle.. I just think the ‘fur’ looks ratty.
I love that coat and I am an elderly lady too. You rock it. I say keep it!
Mom always told me if I couldn’t say something nice I shouldn’t say it.
PS the fur is supposed to look that way….reminds me of something Janice Joplin would wear…ROCK IT OUT!
Ummm, sorry FLOSSY – please tell Bossy I’m not really fond of the new lion coat. Thinking the “fur” has seen better days…
I’m all about ways to embarrass your offspring while out & about w/them, but try not to embarrass Flossy/Bossy while you’re at it…
Thumbs down. Flossy looks adorable but I have never liked road-kill coats. Age has nothing to do with it. But still….if it makes you happy… I’m no help at all.
I think it’s great! Thumbs up from me. And I LOVE those boots, AND the belt. Definitely keep it. You do need a not-so-warm coat for those cold-but-not-THAT-cold days.
Thanks for popping in on me at my blog. To see a comment from you was a lovely surprise this morning!
sorry… thumb down
Unless it was under twenty bucks, return it! BOSSY looks just fine, but that’s because BOSSY is pretty. That coat will not wear well–has “premature rattiness syndrome” written ALL over it. Plus I don’t see any closures? Not practical, either.
Thumbs Up.. You own it Bossy!
umm…yeah. not really.
Great photos though. I’m not liking the risk that your hair will look work and ratty, like the fake fur, every time you wear it.
But again, great pics – and you were having a great hair day…
Sorry Bossy. Thumbs down. It does have a somewhat Sundance Film Festival vibe but you won’t want to wear it come spring. Cowardly Lion about sums it up.
If Flossy were really Bossy, she’d know right away that that’s not a coat…..it’s Sonny Bono’s vest with sleeves.
and the beat goes on……..
Thumbs down. If it was functional (i.e., provided actual warmth), then I’d reconsider my vote. But a borderline coat that doesn’t actually keep you warm? Ah, no.
No real opinion on the coat (sorry!), but your post and photos did make me LOL this morning. Good luck with your decision. Oh, and for the record, when my sons tell me NOT to do something, I ALWAYS do the opposite. Just sayin’.
thumbs down on the real
That is one butt ugly coat. Two thumbs down Bossy.
Oh dear, Flossy-Bossy, I thought you were taking us back to the ’70s. That very coat is exactly what all we California pseudo-bohemians wore back in the day. Has anyone seen my Jessica McClintock peasant skirt?
Waaay thumbs down. Only two people would wear that coat:
1. The pathetic cougar-esque woman that held on to a coat from her youth and after too much exposure to patuli perfume has decided to rock her favorite coat from when she were 19… in 1961.
2. A 17 year old that is too much of a dumb/self-absorbed/fashionista to know it looks like a ratty fur, cowardly lion looking coat.
And you don’t fall into either of these categories. Take it back and get something cute!
Def a keeper
Was this purchase before or after you saw The Fake Furs…oppps Psychedelic Furs?
Yep…invasion of the 80’s.
You look cute in anything, but your mom says…”is it WARM?”
I was fine with it until you mentioned the cowardly lion wanting his costume back, now I can’t get that out of my head! The comment was very funny but it fits the bill. I can just imagine the comments on “What Not to Wear”!
Thumbs down. Bossy/Flossy is cute. The coat is not. The fur looks scraggly in a road-kill kinda way.
Normally I am all for expressing oneself however one wants to, but this coat has to go. I agree with everyone who said the fur part already looks ratty… and not in a good way.
Daisy (#21) captured my thoughts exactly: under $20, o.k.,, maybe. Do you have the closet space for it??
The fur does look ratty already, and if the coat does not stay closed, your chest will freeze when Stella is taking you for a walk.
Take it back and apply the money toward a good quality warm parka from Land’s End that will last you for years. Nice colors, too. (I have been sporting bright plum for 6 years, and it still looks new.)
Good luck, thanks for asking, and no offense intended, p.j.
I kind of like it in a funky, fun, wish I was cool enough to pull it off, kind of way.
I love it, and covet it. But I’m not sure it suits your hair. the fur bit and your hair clash. If you wear you hair up or straightened then it would work but who needs that bother on a cold day.
That said I will happily take it off your hands. For your own good of course!!!
I think it’s cute & I also think it looks like Flossy has had it for a long time & that it’s meant to be with her forever
I am so laughing cause….. it’s a cross between Stella and Martha’s rug… you know the one in front of the fire place…. cracking up….. so cracking me up….. you have to take a picture of Stella on that rug….
Thumbs up!
I always loved Burt Lahr—-in anything!
I think you rock that coat. Keep it!
Thumbs down:
1. It’s not my favorite coat.
2. While I don’t normally advocate taking fashion advice from a thirteen year old, Bossy’s Daughter does have a very sophisticated sense of style (at least from what we’ve seen here) and great flair. I would trust her.
It does look great on you, but only because you look great. I vote to return it and use the money to get something else. Of course, if you decide to keep it, you would have a rockin’ Halloween costume. If you dye the fur blue, you could go out as cookie monster.
I’m not a fan of that coat, but who cares what we think? If you love it, keep it! Life is too short…….
Bossy/Flossy looks great but the coat needs to be returned.
Thumbs up! It’s cute and casual and there are times when you don’t need a full-on coat. If it was “free ninety-nine,” and it makes you happy, keep it!!
You are gorgeous…but the coat? The fur reminds me of snowbanks on the side of the road six days after the first snowfall. It is not even close to matching your adorable boho chic style.
It’s not too young for you… it’s too scraggly for you. The “fur” looks too tired.
I love it, but I’m an old hippie relic from the 60’s and 70’s.My daughter would probably say “Ummm, not age appropriate”
Remember the green headband that Bossy’s daughter wore in public every day for a month, just to mock her mother? You know what they say about payback.
Meh. Hard to tell where Flossy’s hair ends and the fur starts. And don’t get me wrong, I like your hair, but the coat looks cheap.
No. It’s not you, it’s the jacket.
Sorry, L’il Bossy — I think Flossy is ROCKIN’ it. And cheap? Keep!
vuboq *hearts* the coat.
Can I haz?
Absolutely NO! Not because it’s too young – it’s not. And you would look great in almost anything. But – it’s ratty, it looks poorly made, and even the cowardly lion would give it back to TJ Maxx. And buy something MUCH younger that really looks like you.
THUMBS DOWN. Unless you are planning to go as a lion or washed up ’70s rocker for Halloween.
Thumbs up – it’s cute! Plus you like it and that’s what matters.
Thumbs up!
First, it’s totally cute. Second, age appropriateness involves skirt length and cleavage. Are either of these things involved in that adorable jacket? Noooo. No they are not. (And now I have to go to TJ Maxx.)
I think you look great in the coat, but can’t talk long . . . I’m now panicking that I don’t have nearly enough long-ish tops and awesome belts in my closet and must now go shopping. My husband thanks you.
I’ve never understood coats that don’t fasten in the front – it looks as if the coat is missing something crucial – like a zipper, or buttons. Last time I checked, Flossy does not live in Tennessee, so warmth is important. Therefore, thumbs down.
Sorry, thumbs down. Never buy anything you have to groom.
Only take fashion advice from women whose fashion sense you adore – and NEVER listen to a teenager, even if she is your adorable daughter! Assuming you’d adore my fashion sense, I say keep it and rock it!
HI, if you LOVE it, enjoy it. julie
Sorry Bossy….my 11 year old daughter had that coat two seasons ago, bought it at The Children’s Place!
I thought maybe you had raided Bossy’s daughter’s closet!
I like it. You look cute.
Lawdy, NO! The fur is soooo ratty and nappy….hasn’t even really been worn yet….not a compliment to your fabulous mane of hair either! There are better versions of that coat somewhere…RETURN to T.J. MAXX immediately! Could be fleas in that thing!
Gotta say no to the coat, but I love the belt.
I think you, I mean Flossy, Looks great.
You are cute. The coat, however, looks ratty and cheap. Thumbs down.
Sorry Bossy but I’m not a huge fan of the coat. You, however, look adorable! Just…not under that coat.
Please. No. Acid flashback. Granola. Birkenstocks. Woodstock. Deadheads. No. Please.
It’s cute, and so is Bossy, I mean Flossy. Thumbs up.
Take it back. It’s awful.
Like it….you must keep it!
Thumbs down. It’s not that Bossy needs to wear something more mature, it’s that Bossy needs to 1. save money (and therefore not end up having to buy two coats), 2. have a WARM coat, and 3. not wear something that looks dated. She needs something that reflects her awesomeness. Shag isn’t it. What’s wrong with a dark peacoat and awesome scarf?
(And I know you didn’t ask, but for my money-saving attempts, it’s helpful to keep in mind that these “almost free” purchases add up very, very quickly.)
Bossy’s daughter and I thought the same thing–honest! That being said though I believe Bossy is not worried about pleasing everyone or she would not make the comments she does on this blog–most recently father types for incest–So I think she should keep the coat and make herself happy–there is nothing wrong with wanting to feel younger and she certainly has the personality and the looks to pull it off!
thumbs down.
I like it, and I think you look great in it. The money saver in me would be more concerned about the need vs want than I would be about the age of the owner.
If you “need it” Thumbs up.
You are adorable but that coat is ugly!
Two thumbs down. The fur matches your hair too much. Sorry. Maybe darker fur or shorter hair.
too old? Who is she kidding, it looks like this jacket was made for you, right after Woodstock.
take it BACK..take it back WAAAAAAAAAAY BACK!
Sorry Flossy. The coat looks cheap. Not made well.
I think the coat is cute, however it does look a bit too shaggy. I’d return it and use the money to get a warmer coat. Like Tasha said a Navy Pea Coat would be good. Go to the nearest Army/Navy surplus and you can find them fairly easily. I love mine!
I have, er had this exact same coat. I bought it 8 years ago! I just gave it away to Goodwill this fall because I figured it must be out of style!
It looks cute on you!
Like the coat, love the face
THUMBS UP!!! Way UP!!! Because if Flossy is too old to wear it, then I definitely am. But I’m going to my TJ Maxx today to try to find one! Super cute is right.
It’s not you; it’s the coat. You look beautiful and young and fresh and hip: the coat looks none of those things. My vote: take it back, or make some throw pillows out of it.
You look like Foxy Brown. I mean Foxy White.
Love it. Why? Mostly because it suits you so well, and because YOU LOOK SO HAPPY IN IT. I am all for clothes that make us happy. Presently, for example, I am wearing two ankle bracelets (I made ’em myself) and pajamas (it’s 6am here) with monkeys all over them. I am 44 years old and probably too old for monkey jammies and ankle bracelets, but there ya go. I am about to iron clothes for my husband to wear to work. He has requested his purple banana aloha shirt, to start the week with a smile.
Wear what you love, and love what you wear.
No. Just no.
If you’re looking for funky coats for almost no money (even including the dry-cleaning bill), you might try the local second-hand and/or consignment shops.
I am not seeing buttons or zipper, which would make me say no. But (and this is a big but here, not big butt, but big but) BUT, I have to say that the length is perfect! I go crazy trying to find coats that cover my butt and yet aren’t too long to get all caught up around my legs when driving, etc. I say if it was cheap enough, keep it. I like it. Ratty fur and all.
Too young for Flossy? No.
Cute? Yes, with a note: TOO FURRY! If the trim was more tame (especially on the sleeves). I see lots of food and other debris collecting on the sleeves like food in an old man’s beard.
Cute overall. If you love it, and it makes you happy, get it. But not perfect enough to warrant a Poverty Party lapse. IMO.
Thumbs Down
When you go to San Francisco are you going to wear flowers in your hair? A macrame fringe vest in olive green hemp to accessorize?
Note: I have the fashion sense of a gnat — I wear crocs, forgahdssake.
Oh Bossy, if it’s not warm enough to redeem the furriness of it, return it. That coat is a no on so many levels but if there was some function, it might be excusable. Stacey and Clinton are crying for you right now.
Two thumbs up. It’s awesome! And I want one, too.
I like it, if you feel good in it, its a keeper. Did you get a warm coat too?
Have to side with the Sunny-One on this…big thumbs down. Hate the hairy sleeves. I understand, Bossy…TJ Maxx sucks you into it’s vortex of “cheapness”.
Chewbacca, anyone?
Positively absolutely thumbs up!
Thumbs down.
Thumbs Up – Thanks for the reminder – have to get mine out of the closet and take to the cleaners. I have always loved the “rugged-country look”
I had that coat when I was in junior high, granted only like 7 years ago. I bet you can find some more rocking boots with that return money!
Thumbs up! If for no other reason than to torture the woman-child!
Thumbs down. It looks cheap. Sorry to say it but as others have noted that fur just ain’t high class. Either way though you are adorable/fashion forward and could pull off a gunny sack so keep it if you must torture the small one. : )
You’re way too cute to wear that coat. Please return it. (And please de-cuff your jeans!)
Sorry. Thumbs down.
I should have commented before I read everyone else’s. They’re making me doubt my thumbs up. I think you look great and that’s what discount stores are for–fun pieces that you just wear for a season.
I agree with Bossy’s mom and Martha-thumbs down.
Coat? What coat? The important thing is where did Flossy get those boots!?!
But um, thumbs down. It does not look like it would wear well and would look ratty with the slightest bit of dog dirt or what-not.
If you love it, keep it. But I’d vote no. It looks like the 80s to me and the fur looks worn. You could do better and I think when you find a better coat, you’ll find you don’t want to wear this one.
Bossy is, as always, adorable, but that coat is not doing it for me. Thumbs down.
You’ll always think of the cowardly lion quote whenever you wear it. Only reason to keep it is for torturing the teen, but you like her too much!
Keep it!!!! Scraggly fur IS cute. And, I, who am only two years younger than you, will go buy an identical one. Seriously, if it suits you (which it does) and you like it and it was CHEAP, don’t listen to the nay sayers.
Dear Flossy,
You are very cute, but the jacket needs to go. Nobody should wear a shag rug outside of the house.
MidLifeMama does not like the fur AT ALL and says no, but her husband said, in response to the question “Do you like this coat? On this person” “Yea, and yea. Why?” So you have two votes in one response. We cancel each other out.
Loves it!
Terribly sorry, but it’s a thumbs down for me. If the “mane” were black or dark brown, it might work.
And Bossy? I love you, but I abhore that duplo pop up, it’s beyond obnoxious.
Uhm, sorry to tell your friend Flossy, but I give i a thumbs down. Not because it’s too young for Flossy (it’s for sure not, screw that. Once someone I know, let’s call her Faleal, was told she was too old to wear a mini skirt. And she was all, schwaa? I’m 24! And from then on, she hated all age stamps on clothing), but simply because I’ve never liked that style.
Flossy – keep the jacket! And Flossy – I noticed the belt first!!
Ha! Keep it all!!!
I think Flossy needs it….
Thumbs down. I had this same coat 8 years ago. It got dingy very quickly and multiple people referred to it as my “hooker coat”. Return!
Thumbs up to the belt though!
We clearly have vastly different taste in clothing. So perhaps my vote doesn’t count in the design department. But you asked.
My mom would say, “that fur looks like a cat’s been sucking on it.” And while I’d always roll my eyes and whine “Oh, Mo-o-o-o-om” when she’d say that, this time she’s right.
So, will you do a followup and let us know what you decide? If you keep it, I won’t judge. It’s your coat, your life.
It certainly does look like Stella on a flokati rug, though! I agree with whoever said something like that.
I think Flossy would look cute even in the black velvet grandma number, but I have heard that the rule is if you’re old enough to have worn that style the first time around, you shouldn’t wear it this time…
I say rules are meant to be broken!
No no no..sorrry, Flossy/Bossy. You’re too classy for that rag er, coat. and can you imagine when it gets wet…? Hopefully it wouldn’t smell the way it would look.
Sweetie, you’re absolutely GORGEOUS, and would make a potato sack look good. Return that, and invest in a good, warm coat. Ditto on the Lands End recommendation. Think of the walks with Stella, and the visits to the cold tundra of NYC to visit your sweet boy.
I wish I had your figure and could wear something that cute, but unfortunately I cannot. You look super cute and tell Bossy’s daughter “Whatever!!!!”
Here’s the thing: Before I even began to read the comments (particularly those from your daughter), my first thought was, “That’s amazing! Her hair goes perfectly with that AWSOME coat!” And what to daughters know about being 29 (!), anyway? Keep the bloody coat and love it!
BOSSY, you’re gorgeous, but the coat has got to go.
Honestly, I’m not so much on the freshly slaughtered baby lamb look. I’m thinking you can probably find something that’s both more practical and cute as all hell.
You are rockin’ the coat, girl! Keeper!
I have to agree with 23. Fur looks ratty, risking making your lovely waves looking ratty too. No go.
Haven’t read the other comments yet but, much as I adore the usually casual/classy “Bossy Look”, my immediate reaction on seeing that picture was “Oh, no!” To me it begs a comparison with Farrah Fawcett — in not such a good way — like some of her wildly excessive hair somehow escaped and got stuck around the edges.
What I THOUGHT you were going to ask us was more along the lines of “Hey, Poverty Party Peeps, I’ve had this thing stuffed in the back of my closet for over two decades. Whatcha think, is it back in style? Can I get away with wearing this out in public or should I ditch it to make space for something warm *and* trendy?”
My answer would have been “ditch it”.
But, as always, we love you no matter what you’re wearing, Sweet Bossy!
UP. Because it took me a minute or two to decide if I liked it liked it, or if I only liked it because it was LOUD without being too loud, or if I actually didn’t like it at all. The point is this: I like it and I think you do too. And isn’t that all that matters?
Thumbs down. Looks like something you had in a box from the 80s – sorry!
Thumbs up.It’ll look especially good when you come riding down the mountain, leading the herd to their winter pasture. Bossy’s daughter likes it, (for herself) but doesn’t want to go in for the cheesy mother-daughter-look-alike thing?
DOWN on the thumbs. Sorry but the fur “fringe” looks like it went out last night and partied way too hard and sweat really bad and then tried to fluff it out and spray perfume in it and go straight to work because it was hung over and did not get up in time to shower.
Thumbs up. It’s a good length and color for Flossy.
It looks horrible, therefore you need to send it to me.
all of these varying opinions would send me right over the edge, you’re a brave one Bossy! My two cents is this…..if my FAMILY didn’t like it, then I’d return it, even if I liked it. Otherwise, who cares what people think?
Because seriously? Bossy has the body and enough hip factor to make a potato sack work
Down. But then again, I’m into PLAIN stuff that no one will notice me in.
Most definitely do not love it, but if it makes you happy, be happy. Will roll my eyes until they get stuck in the back of my head if I ever see the ‘fur’ trim in person. But the eye rolling will be subtle and you won’t notice it.
Well … maybe on Halloween with your daughter dressed up as Dorothy.
You’d look good in a paper sack, fer chrissake.
But I vote thumbs down: The idea is good but the execution is not. The fur looks like it needs to be brushed, conditioned, and trimmed.
Rawr! Flossy looks hawt. Flossy’s daughter is just jealous.
Thumbs up.
I so want to like the coat!! But I’m thinking that it just maybe might just be wrong. You see how I really didn’t want to say that! But yes on the cute belt!
I am with the baby girl on this one!
Thumbs up Bossy! You look great in the coat.
I vote no, not because it isn’t cute ON you, but because it reminds me of my poodle’s fur (may he rest in peace) when he needed to be groomed.
I think the coat is feeling very Stevie Nicks-ian. Stevie is not just a person, she is a lifestyle. Rock it, Gold Dust Woman.
While the pictures totally rock and I doubt there’s anyone who could strut that coat like you do- If you’re supposed to be saving money, buying two coats isn’t going to cut it. This coat is also not going to look as cute in the spring, what with the fur starting to look a little old already. I wish I could say yes, but I’m afraid I have to say thumbs down.
The 80’s called….they want their coat back….thumbs down!!
Sorry Mossy…ahhh urrrrr…Bossy!!!
Does it come in RED?
Sorry, but thumbs down. It looks as if the lion got mange. It’s great that it was cheap but it also looks it.
Thumbs down. It’s not too old at all, but I totally agree about that cowardly lion costume thing. Blends is w/ your hair in a not good way.
Of course it’s not too young! If I were you I would just pretend I had had it for decades, and had never stopped wearing it. Bleeding retro chic.
I looks seriously cool on you! Keep it!!
Well, Bossy’s Posse is nothing if not opinionated. And obviously, we care
Flossy is generally regarded as a bit of a fashionista (well, hell at 6 foot whatever and a buck ten, how could she not be), but what I would say, IF I ONLY HAD THE NERVE, is…maybe not so much.
p.s. if I see you out wearing it, I’ll smile and tell you that you look hot and mean it. Mostly.
WOW, bossy, every thumb DOWN. This is no good. I love your cute style but this is not it.
Yummmmmm, Bigfoot’s gal looks extra yeti-rific! MMMMama!
The only price cheap enough to justify keeping it is $1.99. If you paid anything over that, you was robbed!!!
Bossy makes an awesome Cowardly Lion. I say KEEP.
thumbs up!
Listen, it’s a thumbs down. But I would own it, wear it, and rock it anyway.
Thumbs up! Looks great on you!
Sorry Bossy. You are super cute, the coat, not so much. The fur looks old and dirty, ratty.
I’m just not “feelin it”. Course you look nice in anything and everything, but like I say, I’m just not “feelin it”. I think you should return it and get a genuine vintage coat from ebay or Savers or the Salvation Army. I don’t think it is to young for you either. Now, go shop on ebay. I have a long haired lamb coat that has your name on it. Send me your address. Loves ya! Kay
Thumbs down. You always look great but the coat just doesn’t. I bought a long suede coat once with a “fur” collar. Very much in the style of this coat. It just looked stupid after a short while. Age has nothing to do with it. I was 25.
Keep the coat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s a little too Daniel Boone for me but you look cute in it. It’s just me being anal retentive, but I’d fear that the faux fur would be dingy in about a month.
I’m fond of apple green and was so mad at myself for not buying a coat in that color last year…I think I’d seen it at Lands End on clearance.
If you’ll have buyers’ remorse and if it makes YOU happy I say keep it!
p.s. I’m not helping am I?
Yeah… there comes a time for all of us when we have to start dressing our age or we look SiLLy. Sorry girl.
Commenter number one said it best.
I think it’s cute- and it looks cute on you, too!
The Cowardly Lion?….my first thought was of Bumbles, the Abominable Snowman. Love you, Bossy, but not the coat.
You’re cute Bossy..but the coat? Eh…I’d take it back. The fur looks like somebody washed it 25 times and then put it in the dryer on high heat. Maybe you can find another with fur that looks newer…
What I think of the coat is not that important (hello, cowardly lion!), I think here is another way of looking at it: if the coat had been more pricey, say $60 or so, would Flossy have wanted it anyway? I just heard this advice that if you wouldn’t consider buying it at the regular price, you certainly shouldn’t be buying it just because it’s cheap. I think it’s a pretty good question to ask. Good luck, Flossy and Bossy!
Since you asked, and ONLY because you asked — that coat is fugly. It looks creepy, like that “fur” is full of nasty things. But, if you like it, keep it.
Well, Mrs McP is pretty nervous now. I have a coat like that and I am going to MN IN JAN. I figured I would wear it..NOW everybody has me thinkin its from the 80’s. I think more of the 70’s which I can deal with. I just cant do a 80’s anything. BUT I like it and you look great in it!
Thumbs up, Flossy! Remember when your son bought a pea coat instead of a warm winter coat? Keep it.
Oh Gawd, no. Bossy/Flossy is WAY too adorable for that.
Return it and save your money for something from this line.
Thumbs down for two reasons, Flossy. 1) You were so unsure you had to ask us what we think 2) The coast looks like a used coat. You asked!
Listen to me. You MUST keep that coat. It is absolutely great and looks fabulous on you and I never ever ever say fabulous about anything. Except that coat on you. Look at it this way: you’re learning the meaning of life. To just be in your own skin and know that you need not part with the perfect coat. You love that coat and it makes you happy. Nuff said. Can you tell I’ve run this gauntlet before about various purchases?
Oops. I meant to say “The coat looks like a used coat.”…It looks like something from the neighborhood used clothing store. But hey, if aggravating your daughter is a goal — I say keep it.
I don’t like the idea that fur is fashionable .. even if it’s fake. What would Stella think?
Bossy’s audience never fails to shock me. It’s totally you and super cute.
Sorry, thumbs down from me. It reminds me of a coat I wore in high school in the 70’s. And now that I think about it, it wasn’t all that attractive then. You wear it well, I just don’t especially like the coat.
Love it. Want it. That coat is a classic & you’ll be able to wear it forever. Thumbs up from me.
My sista, I cannot tell you any lies. This is not, not right for you. I love you and I love the way you look but not in this jacket.
I lovelovelove FlossyBossy, but I hatehatehate that coat. It’s not necessarily the style, but the fact that it looks cheaply made and I think Bossy is way too classy of a gal and deserves something that is cool and funky, but well-made. Regardless of the price, you’re wasting your money. You’d do better to spend a bit more and get something that fits better, looks better and will last longer than a season (if you’re lucky). Just because it was cheap, that doesn’t make it a bargain.
I tink it’s looking mad adorz on you! KEEP IT! Plus you said, “The thing is, it was cheap…” which therefor validatez it even if it was ugo.
Definitely Thumbs Up! The coat is adorable and looks fabulous on Bossy!!!
Two thumbs up (for the jacket AND the hair). Too old? Please. You’re a goddess.
Down, sorry.
Wow… My husband had a coat almost like that. It was stolen, so obviously someone really liked it. I must admit, I was relieved to see it go. Makes me think of a Yeti.
If it’s any consolation, Flossy looks way better in it than my hubby did
Bossy is always adorable. But thumbs down. Way down.
Sorry, I just scrolled up to read comments and saw #194 “This coat is a classic” and diet coke shot out of my nose.
are you sure you didn’t purchase that coat at the salvation army – it looks a little worn – and the “fur” – looks like it just might smell like a wet dog should it ever get wet… just sayin’
Love it!! You are gorgeous!
Rule number thirty eighty – Never trust someone who smiles with their lips turned down. I don’t believe that you really love the coat, you love the idea of it, but the reality of it? Nope. Sorry hun. xoxo
Love the hair, not the “fur ball”!
That is all.
Had a similiar one a while back….got really tired of it, really fast. Love your hair.
Sorry I am late. Yesterday was Thanksgiving.
How you Bossy’s daughter can say it is too young for her is beyond me. It looks like something that traveled straight out of the 60’s so how could it not be apropos for Bossy? Oops. I think that came out wrong…
Thumbs way, way, way down.
@Jill # 203 I stand by my comment! Like the parka, trench, duffel & pea coat, that style has been around for *ages*.
Just think of it like Chanel’s flap bag, Gucci’s Bouvier or Fendi’s Baguette… only it’s a shaggy collared shearling coat.
I hope it was “classic” diet coke that shot out your nose.
Sorry Flossy, but thumbs WAY DOWN.
No way jose!
You can be fashionable AND warm with something else! Go with the younger generations instincts!
sorry, but thumbs down. you look awesome, but probably better w/o the coat? the trim and your hair are just a little too similar, i’m so sorry to be so blunt. your hair is pretty cool but put it next to the ratty-looking trim and your looks frizzier, i think. take it back and get something WARMER and cuter!
You rock it. On me it would look like crap
Kee-yooot! Keep it! Put your hair up, though; I agree with that. Hey people: it is *supposed* to look ratty and scraggly and cheap and a little heroin-chic. This is why Bossy’s Daughter hates it and why Bossy must wear it. Also most of us who are Bossy’s age have butts that are too big to pull it off.
The one that made diet coke snort out of my nose: the suggestion that Bossy return it and buy a nice plum-colored Land’s End coat. Snerkkkk.
OMG keep it! It’s adorable, even if somewhat Rachel Zoe.
Two enthusiastic THUMBS UP!!!!! Don’t think the double belt didn’t go unnoticed either.
I know the ratty fur is ratty-looking on purpose, but I have never understood why anyone would want to wear ratty fur –pretend or otherwise. A whole heck of a lot of people won’t realize it’s supposed to look that way. They won’t understand that it’s pretend ratty or that people wear it to be in pretend ratty fashion. I am going thro the same agony with another TJMaxx jacket–with pretend fringe. I think this post just made up my mind. It’s making the return trip to TJM’s tomorrow! Thanx, Bossy!
My vote is thumbs down. I don’t absolutely love it on you so save your $ for something that totally rocks!
That being said, if YOU think it totally rocks then keep it, my opinion is that it isn’t so awesome.
People, people. We did not wear coats like this in the 80s. We wore them in the late 60s, early 70s. This is not an 80s coat. I was there. I know.
(And, if you doubt me, realize that we did not wear anything in the 80s unless we could shove large shoulder pads in it. The goal in the 80s was to look as though you were ready to take a long pass on a football field at any second. This is not a shoulder pad/football field coat. Which proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it’s not from the 80s. Ladies & gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case.)
1. BOSSY always looks great
2. Don’t know about the coat…
3. LOVE the belt
4. BOSSY should NEVER wear Lands End (that would date you for sure!)
You look great, but the coat is a flashback to the Zhivago coats of the 70s. Maybe if your Mom wore one and you feel all warm, fuzzy and nostalgic, not if you wore one in high school and you feel all traumatized and glad to be decades away. I have a vicious critic of a daughter and she is always right.