I just broke out in song on your behalf…sing it with me… “Am I blue…Am I blue…ain’t these tears in my eyes tellin’ you…” Billie Holiday is now rolling over in her grave.
I am insanely jealous.
I live in Quebec, Canada, where this kind of snow is the norm. This year, not so much. The only decent storm we had so far (12″ or so) was before the Holidays. so far, no storm forecasted until the end of the month. BOO!
We don’t have quite that much here in Chicago- only a foot or so. Stella is much more equipped to deal with the depth than my two basset plows… I mean hounds.
Wow! Glad here in the Houston area we just have rain. But it’s that cold rain (43 degrees) that makes you want to just lie on the couch and read all day. If one could get away with that, of course. Which I sadly can’t.
Great pictures! Bossy’s house is so cute. I am jealous of the northeast, because this is my first winter in Denver, and while we have had snow, it’s nothing like what you guys have been getting!
I think at some point you just leave the lights up because it’s almost December again. I know you don’t believe me, but pretty soon you’ll all be saying, “Crap, it’s December again?”
We woke up to snow in Dallas of all things ! We do not ever get snow like this. Big white fluffy snowflakes. Of course, we are only expected to get anywhere from 3-8 inches. Right now, it’s at about 3-4 inches. They are calling this the snowiest day since 1978. (Yes, that is what they said on the news – snowiest)
We have the same here in NE Ohio and I am so sick of it. Just reading the word “daffodil” in Lisa’s comment brings me hope. Spring, we are waiting!!! (Love the house photo Bossy…looks like a Christmas card)
We have almost 3 feet of snow in western PA. Kids have been off of school all week. Have spent hours shoveling and still have more to do, with 35 people coming to the house tomorrow!
Our Christmas lights are still up, too. I thought it would be nice to put them on in the storm but my husband got all green this and green that, environment yadda, yadda, yadda.
Love the “lingering” lights and the dog. We had a little snow here in the Nation’s Capital. Just a little. They freakin’ closed the Fed Gov’t for 4+ days! Definitely a Snowpocalypse, or as they tag it on Twitter #snOMG.
Based on all your weather posts of the past I know we are nearby each other. Finally got out today. The days off have been nice but about two days ago I contemplated killing and eating the rest of my family.
My oldest sister is 4’11”, so my parents put her in every snow picture they sent me from the ‘Burgh to make the snow look even higher. The snow was up to her chest.
Your Dane is the greatest.
Am so glad to see that Bossy still has some type of festive lights still hanging outside her house. I have big snowflake lights hanging from my porch roof. Considering how I’m feeling about snow these days, I’m about to take the damned things down.
I live in Iowa. I get to see this stuff every !@#&*! winter. Not a snow fan; it only looks pretty in pictures. Love your Stella, but you know what she does to that pretty snow, don’t you?
I live in the part of the country that’s next to the country that’s desperate for snow (Vancouver BC) and lo and behold, we’re having a marvelously balmy dry-ish winter. I’m loving it, even if the Olympics folks are not!
And I’ve scaled down my Xmas lights to only 2 strands indoors. Usual goal is to have them down by Valentines but what the heck, I’m still enjoying them! Keep yours up however long you want. Make that into your next year’s Xmas card photo!
We were supposed to get slammed too… but only a dusting in MA. Somehow though your little dog makes it look like you only a had dusting too…
These gave me chills and made me reach for a blanket.
All I can say is “Ugh!” I’m so sick of winter!
Stella looks like the second coming of Sasquatch. II believe she could easily handle a brandy casket around her sturdy neck, too!
Umm, makes that brandy cask. Clearly a casket would be slightly more difficult for her.
All I have to say is HOLY SH..!!! I have been watching the news. I don’t envy you all having to do the big dig out.
Stay warm Bossy!
Wow! Beauteous pic’s Bossy!! I’m sure it’s all a pain ….but it’s so cool too. I love the winter
I just broke out in song on your behalf…sing it with me… “Am I blue…Am I blue…ain’t these tears in my eyes tellin’ you…” Billie Holiday is now rolling over in her grave.
Hello! I’ve been waiting! And I think I might have you beat, or at least a tie…
Over here in western PA we have about double that.
Glad to see Stella can keep her head above the snow!
Gigantic Stella mocks the dusting of snow that barely covers her ankles!
beautiful pics. Wait, is that your christmas lights still up on the house?
Wonderful winter wonderland photos! Love the blue tint. But, errrr, ummmm, is that Bossy’s Christmas wreath over the door?!
Good gracious, Bossy. That’s a lot of snow! And I thought we got a lot…
I am insanely jealous.
I live in Quebec, Canada, where this kind of snow is the norm. This year, not so much. The only decent storm we had so far (12″ or so) was before the Holidays. so far, no storm forecasted until the end of the month. BOO!
winter just sucks without snow.
Love the Snow Dane.
We don’t have quite that much here in Chicago- only a foot or so. Stella is much more equipped to deal with the depth than my two basset plows… I mean hounds.
Wow! Glad here in the Houston area we just have rain. But it’s that cold rain (43 degrees) that makes you want to just lie on the couch and read all day. If one could get away with that, of course. Which I sadly can’t.
–>If BOSSY has a license to blog than I don’t even having my driver’s permit to blog.
You people mention the lingering decorations as if they were a BAD THING! I say, Right On, Bossy, keep your festive going!
Great pictures! Bossy’s house is so cute. I am jealous of the northeast, because this is my first winter in Denver, and while we have had snow, it’s nothing like what you guys have been getting!
I think at some point you just leave the lights up because it’s almost December again. I know you don’t believe me, but pretty soon you’ll all be saying, “Crap, it’s December again?”
Now THATS a reason to leave the Christmas lights up!
Gorgeous and beautiful!
–Im looking outside at my daffodils coming up!
(upper left corner of the map)
Your snow photos leave me cold.

Love Stella’s snose!
holy moly I hope y’all are keeping warm!
I could have pictures of the snow at my house but that would require GOING OUTSIDE in the cold. Jammie days are the BEST!
We woke up to snow in Dallas of all things ! We do not ever get snow like this. Big white fluffy snowflakes. Of course, we are only expected to get anywhere from 3-8 inches. Right now, it’s at about 3-4 inches. They are calling this the snowiest day since 1978. (Yes, that is what they said on the news – snowiest)
Hm. I think some got on your car.
We have the same here in NE Ohio and I am so sick of it. Just reading the word “daffodil” in Lisa’s comment brings me hope. Spring, we are waiting!!! (Love the house photo Bossy…looks like a Christmas card)
Wow that looks just like my neighborhood in Long Island, NY!! We are on our second snow day.
Sadie at heyMamas
Dude. That is truly a shitload of snow.
We have almost 3 feet of snow in western PA. Kids have been off of school all week. Have spent hours shoveling and still have more to do, with 35 people coming to the house tomorrow!
You’re going to have to start shoveling now if you’re planning on taking a (No)Book Tour soon.
Our Christmas lights are still up, too. I thought it would be nice to put them on in the storm but my husband got all green this and green that, environment yadda, yadda, yadda.
So beautiful to look at . . . on the computer screen.
Brrrrr Stella! Where’s your hoodie?
Love the “lingering” lights and the dog. We had a little snow here in the Nation’s Capital. Just a little. They freakin’ closed the Fed Gov’t for 4+ days! Definitely a Snowpocalypse, or as they tag it on Twitter #snOMG.
Carry on.
The blizzard was intense, but today was pure magic…
sun and glistening snow….pure magic.
DAMN. Looks like what I’m in for tonight. It’s snowing right now. I should have stayed in California.
WOW. That’s a lot of snow! Loving me some sunny SO CAL! sorry!
Based on all your weather posts of the past I know we are nearby each other. Finally got out today. The days off have been nice but about two days ago I contemplated killing and eating the rest of my family.
But looks so darn pretty!
I can say that as I am far, far away in Vancouver BC Canada where the snow has fallen maybe one day so far this winter…
If our community ever got that much snow the city would be closed down for days!
Perfunctory? Pshaw! Heaven forfend!
You can’t mean it – especially regarding that last one.
Eh, I’m from Cleveland. Looks pretty normal to me. We do leave our Christmas lights up until the first thaw which is about mid March most years.
My oldest sister is 4’11”, so my parents put her in every snow picture they sent me from the ‘Burgh to make the snow look even higher. The snow was up to her chest.
Your Dane is the greatest.
I just can’t get over how beautiful your dog is.
Beautiful snow photos. Now Bossy can go out there and make a snow angel
That Dane really is great.
Sending a sanit barnard with a brady keg to you location. funny no snow in snow canada this year so we have allot of out of work dogs
Am so glad to see that Bossy still has some type of festive lights still hanging outside her house. I have big snowflake lights hanging from my porch roof. Considering how I’m feeling about snow these days, I’m about to take the damned things down.
I live in Iowa. I get to see this stuff every !@#&*! winter. Not a snow fan; it only looks pretty in pictures. Love your Stella, but you know what she does to that pretty snow, don’t you?
Awwww, Stella has a snowstache!
That’s a hella storm for your area…I like the @snOMG!
Well, you probably don’t think so by now, but it really is beautiful – great pics!
Even my neighbors Mr. & Mrs. Drunk have taken down their wreath.
I <3 Stella!
I live in the part of the country that’s next to the country that’s desperate for snow (Vancouver BC) and lo and behold, we’re having a marvelously balmy dry-ish winter. I’m loving it, even if the Olympics folks are not!
PS. Nobody could build Al Gore an igloo here.
And I’ve scaled down my Xmas lights to only 2 strands indoors. Usual goal is to have them down by Valentines but what the heck, I’m still enjoying them! Keep yours up however long you want. Make that into your next year’s Xmas card photo!
As beautiful as that looks, I am suddenly very grateful to be living in California.
Crap, your dog only has two legs. You know that. Don’t you?
Poor Stella looks so cold! We only had 9 inches of snow, so I can’t complain.