These two meeting for the first time.
It’s not often that Bossy’s online life bumps up against her home life, but yesterday was one such occasion when Bossy and Bossy’s friend Isabel and Bossy’s son met for a summit in the Upper West Side. A summit topped with caramelized onions and garlic mojo.
Very cool – I like Isabel a lot. She’s pretty awesome.
Uh Oh, the Delightful One better watch her back.
Isabel is sporting a nice rock there!
You didn’t have cheeseburgers?!
Is that an ironed shirt that Bossy’s Son is wearing?
I am very impressed.
I also thought this was someone the Delightful One should be concerned about when I clicked on the picture.
I trust you very much enjoyed your visit!!
There’s a lotta’ good looking in that picture.
Avitable, I think you’re awesome too!
Sheesh peoples, I am a happily married woman and consider myself an internet aunt to Bossy’s son. You guys have been watching too much Cougar Town or whatever.