This photo of Bossy’s dad.
Bossy has taken much better photos of her father, and yet everything here represents the way Bossy most often thinks about her dad: happy at work behind an avalanche of papers, a stethoscope within reach, taking a few minutes to eat his apple lunch while explaining something with big, capable hands.
Followed the next minute by giggles. Happy birthday, Bossy’s dad!
So wait. If a doctor eats an apple a day, who does he keep away?
Happy birthday to your dad.
Happy Birthday from Kansas, Bossy’s dad! NIce photo!
Great question, Kristin!
happy happy birthday, bossy’s daddy!
you raised a wonderful daughter!
Awww, your Dad is a Cutie Pie! I always wanted a REAL dad…He looks REAL.
Happy BIrthday, REAL, Cutie Pie Dad!
Through the sunshine and the rain, God has brought you ’round again. Happy birthday!
What kind of MD?
One of my favorite things is that Bossy’s Dad is one of her favorite things.
Happy Birthday Dr Bossy’s Dad!
Happy Birthday to Bossy’s Dad, and many happy returns!
75… cool is that? I’m Bossy’s dad’s oldest friend…..figuratively and probably literally!!! Beautiful Camden, N.J. circa 1940!!!!! In addition to wishing him HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I’m walking around sing, “You Gotta Have Heart” Love you, Rut!!!!
He’s adorable! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Bossy’s Dad! I love my teacher dad, but it sure would be nice if he were a cardiologist. Then he could check me out every six months and I’d never have to think I was always on the brink of a heart attack.
Happy Birthday Bossy’s Dad!
I still love this picture of him! Y’know, you should run a “Best of Bossy” top ten photos contest. This one would be way up there, for sure — along with the one of your family skipping stones together…and the two goofs on the subway, and…oh, too many for just ten on top!
Many happy returns, Bossy’s Dad, and here’s to many more! With a friend like Shelly, and a family like Bossy’s, surely life is very good
happy birthday, bossy’s dad! i also love these photos.
Happy birthday Bossy’s Dad!
That’s an avalanche of papers alright. And a somewhat beleaguered jade plant in the window…
Love the hand motion while the face is in focus.
Giggles seem to bubble around the Bossy-Family cosmos.
Happy bday, BD.
Aww, I love photos of Bossy’s dad. Happy Birthday, Dad!
Happy Birthday–Hau`oli La Hanau–from Caroline in Hawai`i to Bossy’s Dad, with gratitude for raising such great kids… Bossy is my favorite blogger of them all. The one I save for last, like the mashed potatoes.
My own dad, who has lived with me since his stroke in 1995, had a biopsy yesterday; his doc suspects esophageal cancer, possibly stage III. I am kind of reeling. So please hug your dad, Bossy, for me–and send good thoughts in MY dad’s direction, okay?
Happy Birthday Bossy’s Dad. I sure wish you were my doctor. I think I’d feel immediately better about EVERYTHING!
Can I just say that Bossy’s dad looks like the loveliest man in the world!
Your Dad is hot! I love a man with a beard!