Oh, how about just for kicks Bossy talk about something that is definitely not a Favorite Thing: mushrooms growing in her yard.
For the three of you who cannot hear Bossy’s daily broadcast of curses emanating from her back porch, Bossy’s yard tends to be a little wet, where a little wet equals hi have you met Ricki Lake?
So obviously a mushroom field isn’t going to do much to instill confidence that the yard drainage problem is any closer to becoming resolved.
When Bossy asked her husband to please remove the mushrooms because yuck gag, Bossy’s husband said no thank you because the mushrooms are actually helping to do stuff such as decompose the old tree stump the Bossy family couldn’t afford to have ground-up when the tree was removed.
Which is the approximate time Bossy responded with something along the lines of Honey don’t you know by the time these mushrooms decompose that tree stump, Bossy will be only a distant memory in this place, but she can certainly arrange for it way sooner if the mushrooms don’t go.
I sort of like the ones growing up the tree trunk. But the ones in the yard? If I can’t use them in my stroganoff, then no…..
they are all over my yard too…from the ricki lakes that form when it rains…to the dead tree roots (we had the tree removed last year and the stump ground).
must be a philly thing…oh yeah, and the deer and groundhogs in our yard like to eat them!
We had more and more mushrooms popping up in the yard over the last few years and we don’t have a drainage problem. After looking into how to get rid of them, we discovered that it is most likely the soil causing the problem. We fertilized the lawn more frequently this year and had way fewer mushrooms. Who knew?
That first picture is so beautiful. Adorable, as in the mushrooms have Disney long eyelashes
–>Too bad they’re the wrong type of ‘shrooms. I mean Mushrooms…. hahaha….
I think that stump is kind of attractive. Is it soft enough you could dig into it and plant stuff in in? That would be cool and would help it decompose faster. I don’t know about yours, but the mushrooms around here disappear in about 24 hours, with no trace left. (Well, except for that one kind that really makes a mess, but I don’t have those.)
The mushrooms may be ugly, but as “problems” go, the weed with the little purple flowers is WAY worse. In any case that is one beautiful photo!
That stump is pretty, and the hollow inside the rotted center grows some killer hot peppers and tomatoes.
Now if the mushrooms could help the widespread roots of the old dead tree decompose more quickly, and kill the lawn weeds at the same time… …hmmmm
I think they look very cool- they give the yard an “enchanted” forest vibe-
Speaking of Jerry Garcia…
Whoa. I’ve never seen so many mushrooms in one yard. And yea, a mushroom post and a Jerry Garcia post in one day?! Crazy!
Spread some lime on your lawn to get the shroom’s under control. Will meet Poverty Party Seal of Approval for a cheap solution!
I thought you were actually going to say that mushrooms were one of your favorite things and I was going to have to stop reading your blog because of it. I’m very glad that you share my opinion that mushroom are uck! and should all be destroyed. I want to crawl into the last picture and stomp those mushrooms down myself! Blech!
would it help if you thought of your yard as your own private truffle patch? no?
Aww, they’re cute!
They look cool, in a creepy, foresty kind of way. Make sure Stella doesn’t eat them though, as they could be poisonous. I worry about that with my dogs, but then they eat anything…
I had lots of them too – once. The garden shop guy said they are most likely to pop up where your dog pees (uh, Stella???). He told me to wear a glove (?) to remove them and then to spray the spot with fungicide (Safer makes an ok one that won’t hurt Stella).
I’m with you – yuck, yucky yuck!! Definitely not a fungus fan – I don’t like them in my food, and I _certainly_ don’t like them underfoot in the yard.
Photos # 1 and # 3: Very pretty! Cute widdle shroomies…
Photo # 2: Aaaiiiiyeeeeee!!!
oh, but they are cute. are they edible? just don’t look down when you go outside, and you’ll be fine. mushrooms are people too, sort of.
Chill Bossy! They look like cartoon characters or places for the elves to gather. Your yard also looks like typical Oregon (it rains here)
Sallie (still here in tie-dyed Veneta)
Don’t rag on your husband Bossy–I hope it takes him as long to remove the tree stump as it does for you to change the family photo—have you run out of pictures? I know Dondi has GOT to be tired of standing in the hot, sweltering sun not to mention a raging thirst due to the wind and dust storm! Let the child rest before your accused of child abuse. I’m just saying is all.
I think they are beautiful! I would take those mushrooms off your hands, stump and all, if I could. I would also find out if they are edible. Would be a great contribution to the Poverty Pantry.
But if you get rid of the mushrooms, where will the fairies dance?
Fungi! I’d have an expert from your local university check them out and see if they are edible. Think of the possibilities. Omelettes, quiche, stroganoff, pizza – yum!
Mushrooms by tree stumps may be more of a case of them liking the decomposing the roots than a drainage problem. We have a soggy lawn I’m fixing. Been using this online guide to landscape drainage to plan the attack. You could check to see what they say about mushroom patchs.