You are looking at Bossy’s Dansko clogs, which Bossy purchased a decade ago and then proceeded to throw on her feet in some fashion every day since. This is because these clogs live directly inside Bossy’s front door, although considering the size of Bossy’s house approximately everything is located directly inside Bossy’s front door — but in the case of these Dansko clogs, they reside in a little corner at the bottom of the stairs.
Situating these clogs adjacent to the front door facilitates Bossy’s unfettered escapes from the house.
One time Bossy stood outside talking to a neighbor and Bossy was, as always, wearing her clogs. But Bossy never saw herself as a clog person, so when her neighbor admired Bossy’s clogs and told her she should explore other Dansko shoes because they are so comfortable, Bossy was all, “I don’t really wear these,” to which her neighbor lifted an eyebrow and responded, “That’s why they’re so well-worn.”
Bossy doesn’t know exactly why she never considered herself a clog person while actually wearing clogs. It probably has something to do with the image stuck in her head of hospital scrubs dropping down into clogs, or maybe it’s due to the annoying way the multitude of hospital personnel wearing that particular combination are all, Dansko clogs are the most comfortable shoe that ever lived.
Bossy’s thing was always, how could they possibly be more comfortable than a pair of jogging shoes? But you know what? Those nurses and doctors wearing Dansko clogs have it right, even if some of those nurses and doctors are men, and perhaps Bossy doesn’t need to tell you she has a complicated relationship with men in clogs, where complicated equals she tries not to have a relationship with men in clogs.
There’s something about the inner sole of a Dansko that grips the foot, or maybe it’s the way the foot grips the Dansko, but in whichever case, it promotes circulation. Or maybe Bossy just made that up. But one bazillion nurses and doctors can’t be wrong. Because they’re, like, really really smart.
For all of the reasons above, Bossy was thrilled when contacted Bossy about their current Dansko promotion.
Along with a page of stunning new Dansko arrivals, Onlineshoes created a testimonial for Dansko on their video website, which serves up a variety of human-interest stories and endorsements of various brands sold by their company.
Anyway. So offered to send Bossy a pair of Dansko shoes to test drive, and after perusing the New Arrivals section for something close to a century, Bossy finally selected her new shoes, and here she is wearing them!
OK, fine, for those of you unable to concentrate on the cuteness of the sandals when stuffed with plastic morgue forms, here they are in all of their strappy warm summer hopefulness:
Which is when Bossy realized she’d made a mistake. As cute as these sandals are and sister mercy Bossy tried them on and lord are they comfortable although Dear, when wearing these sandals Bossy did not leave her carpeted areas — Bossy realized if she were lucky enough to be given one pair of Dansko shoes, she really should get another pair of clogs since now we know Bossy is quite the clog person. And also Bossy fell in love with this little number with the closed back:
So Bossy contacted, and it may warm your heart to know not only do they offer free shipping, but free exchanges, and a 90-day unconditional return policy.
We love already, but then they decided to love Bossy back by offering to give away one pair of Dansko shoes to one lucky Bossy reader.
Just leave a comment below, one per person please. Bossy will select a winner using her friend the Random Number Generator on March 16, 2009.
U.S. residents only, please.
Good luck!
ouch. my. feet. hurt.
need. new. shoes.
I love my dansko clogs – purchased 10 years ago on ebay. I wear them almost every day, except the summer. Sometimes I think ,my family and husband are sick of them. But they will probably last another 10 years and beyond. One of my best investments – if shoes could be considered an investment!
I love clogs, and Dansko’s are so comfortable!
I have a couple of pairs of clogs that I wear to work ALL the time, but they aren’t very comfortable. Would love a comfy new pair to wear! Love your blog!
momma needs a new pair of shoes!
I love that last pair!
I buy shoes all the time and wear them once b/c they leave my feet broken & shattered. Are you telling me these won’t?!
I love my Dansko clogs, and am sad because somehow I have misplaced my black ones. I have lost two pairs of black ones now. The first pair was chewed by my dog who owes me close to $4000 for all the stuff he has chewed in his short 5 years of life, but the second pair is just missing. I think there is a gnome in my home wearing black instead of red clogs right now.
My feet are KILLING ME!!!! I was looking to buy some Dansko clogs…but winning them would be even better!
I lurve clogs. Pick me, please, Bossy!!
My feet would looove these! So cute!
I wear my plain black closed-back Dansko clogs almost every day. Even today, barefoot with leggings under a dress, which my husband says makes me look like a five year-old. But I would love to broaden my horizons into another color!
I have never tried them, but for free? Why not.
My Dansko clogs have recently broken. I have considered having them repaired, but haven’t found anyone to do it yet. They are the BEST! I wear them too much.
I don’t consider myself a clog person either, but would love to win a free pair of shoes!
I would love to wear these , my girl pals have been
wearing these for years , I wear Naots and they have been trying to get me to change for years , so Bossy give me a change , on shoes that is ….
Dansko clogs are wonderful! I haven’t had a pair since my now four year old Plott/Walker hound ate mine when he was a puppy. If I win these I promise to keep them away from the new puppy!
I LOVE clogs and I love Dansko – however, I all my years of knowing you dear Bossy – I have NEVER seen you in THOSE shoes. If they were a certain pair of orange slippers or Converse sneakers, well then I would believe, but clogs, no.
I’d love to win a pair of Danskos.
I work in a school AND I watiress, so Danskos are my feet’s BFF.
I’ve been wearing a pair of Bass clogs to death for the last few years, but I’m willing to switch teams for a good cause. Totally.
I would LOVE to win a pair of shoes!
Please pick me.
There is a pair of beat up Dansko clogs (with a few dog chew marks thrown in as good measure) by my door at all times. It would be great to have a new pair — as my dog is past the chewing stage.
The moment I saw those black sandals I knew Bossy had chosen style over reality!
Bossy loved her clogs because she could have an unfettered escape from the house when necessary; those black sandals have ‘sit to adjust these straps’ written all other them!
Whew~ Bossy saw the light in time!
I too would love me some clogs for unfettered escape..
Five-foot-two, size 10 shoe. Pitiful, I know.
I’ve been a Birkenstock girl, but for free shoes I will prostitiute myself, oh yes I will.
I”ve not had a pair of clogs since childhood, but shoes are shoes!
Ooooh! Clogs!
Love the Barbie Theater soundstage, by the way.
I love, love, love Dansko. They are awesome!
YAY Cute clogs! Who knew clogs could be cute, but those olive green ones are awesome. My husband calls my taste in shoes “bedroom slipper chic,” so clogs are right up my alley! Pick me, random number generator!
Long time reader and, ashamed to say, first time commenter just to score free awesome shoes I could never afford to purchase myself. Even if I don’t win, let me use this opportunity to say I love your blog and it warms my heart each time I read it.
oh yes, I neeeeed some clogs. Please pick me Bossy’s Random Number Generator!
Definitely love the last pair.
Oooh, closed-back clogs! Love them, and would LOVE some Dansko’s!
I hate wearing shoes, so scoring a pair that are actually comfortable would be awesome!
I’m bashful, ok? That’s why it’s taken me so long to delurk – has nothing to do w/the fact… well, we just won’t go into that. I have always loved clogs and also keep a pair of ‘shoes’ (right now it’s a pair of crocs – not exactly the best get-a-away shoe in the winter time) by the door for fast exits – y’know to chase mongrels and such. Am going to check out those clogs right now……….
March 16th! VUBOQ’s Birthday Eve! What a great day for a contest. My cousin loves her clogs. I’m more of a birkenstocks kinda guy though.
Bossy’s the best – thank you!
Love, love, love Danskos
Pick me! Love your blog.
That first pair IS cute.
I’m always on the lookout for shoes that are comfortable AND cute AND won’t require me to buy shoes again for a very long time.
I hate the shoe shopping.
I love shoes.
I’ve admired Danskos from afar…. would love to admire them looking down at my own feet!
I just may have to become a “clog person” as well – those are comfortably-cute!
Shoes! Shoes! Free Shoes! Comfortable Free Shoes!! WooHoo!!
commenting. trying to get da shoes.
Abused my feet for years with cheap shoes – regretting that now. These look nice and supportive. I am officially old.
Hoping this could be the turn around with the bad luck lately……….been wearing clogs for 30 years……pick me oh magic random number generator!!
Bossy made a wise selection. I have that same closed back style in casual brown and dressy black. Only two pairs of shoes I ever wear.
What I wouldn’t do for a new pair of FREE shoes! Do they come in size 11?
Haven’t been able to wear clogs since high school because of bunions–had surgery last summer-Bunions Be Gone! Pick me please!!
LOVE clogs! LOVE Dansko! Love that you are giving a pair away to ME! Oh, did I spoil it for everyone else?
Wow, I had no idea Dansko made cute sandals! The closed back ones are lovely, too. I never thought I’d be a Dansko girl, but I have two pair — one plain black and the other black with hand painted multi-colored swirls that my best friend in Alaska convinced me that I MUST have when I visited her several years ago. After she passed away, I started wearing them pretty much every day to remember her. They’re getting scuffed, but that’s OK … it would make her smile to know that most of the moms at PunditGirl’s school think they’re crazy!
I’d love to win!
I love Dansko’s! They are so amazingly comfortable right from the get go!! I’ll take them =)
I teach kindergarten..
When my feet hurt, I get grouchy.
For the sake of the children, pick me.
Yea for new shoes!!
Dear Bossy,
I have a friend who also loves clogs. I have always wanted to try them but am afraid to take the leap because of their expense. Please pick me so I can try them risk-free. I promise to purchase another pair with my own money if they are, in fact, the most comfortable shes ever!
I am a 36 year old woman who has never owned a pair of truly comfortable shoes – I doubt they exist. Dansko and Bossy? Here’s your chance to prove to me that they exist. Please, RNG, pick me. Pick me!
I’d like to remind everyone that my feet are UNEMPLOYED!
My SAS clogs are fading fast. Pick me! Pick me!
All the bloggers are writing about these closed back Dansko clogs! My sister has been wearing them for years, but may become disenchanted if they suddenly gain popularity.
Oooooh…. pick me, pick me!
Oh pick me, I even come with circulation issues at my ripe old age of 39….just not fair…so tell random number generator I really neeeed these..
Wooo hoooo! New shoes!
I’m willing to step away from my flip flops for a pair of new Dansko clogs.
Have never worn a pair of Danskos and would love to win some!!!!
Love Clogs. Need new shoes!
I am not a sandals person, clogs seem more comfortable. Sure, the fact that my second toe is so much longer than the first, does have some impact over my disliking of open toe shoes
Closeback clogs = Love.
freely admitting i’m a dansko clog person; freely admitting i could always use another pair. thank you, bossy.
I have a pair of Dansko clogs! I have worn them every day to work for the past 4 years. That’s approximately 1040 wears. They’re OSHA compliant too, which is essential in a lab!
Ooooo .. I need some Dansko sandals. I lovey, lovey, lovey my clogs which sit under my desk and I wear when I go into chemistry labs. I need sandals for when I don’t go in labs. Magic number generator – please!
I have always wanted a pair of those, but never forked over the cash for them. Would love to give them a whirl.
I lost mine in a move. would love more.
Comfortable and cute? Lets hope so!
My dogs are barking
I have been wearing clogs since 1972..the only other shoes I like are flip-flops. Yea clog lovers!
I Love those shoes………. I wear Dansko’s everyday to work and love love love them
I haven’t been a clog person since the high-wooden-heeled variety went out of style with gauchos back in about 7th grade, but these make believers outta me! I love the “strappy summer hopefulness” line and am clinging to that like a lifeline right about now with all this snow and seasonal affective disorder-inducing weak sunlight…
I’ve never had a pair of Danskos. They sound wonderful!
I am willing to become a clog person. Come on Random Number Generator! Momma needs a new pair of shoes!
I’m not a clog person either. No way.
Except the cheap-ass lame ones I bought from Target just wore out, and it’s time for a new pair that I won’t wear ever, just like I have to do every year buy new cheap ass clogs from Target, since I won’t invest in good ones because I am not a clog person.
Lord am I lame….
I have 8 pairs of Dansko clogs, they are the ONLY shoes I wear. I have sandal versions, boot versions, and closed back versions. Since they are my only shoes, I have them in many colors, but always have room for another pair, such as the lovely sandals you pictured or the army green ones, neither of which I own yet…so I’m hoping to win!
For all of Bossy’s wannabe clog wearers, Danskos are the very, very best. Accept no substitutes!
–>I would love a new pair of shoes. I just toss 15 pairs out a few weeks ago because the level of dust on them was making my family sneeze. (Ah choo. Bless you.)
I’m not a clog person at all, but I like comfortable shoes. I would love to win.
I love my Dansko clogs, purchased 14 years ago at a garage sale for $1. When I’m wearing them I channel my hippie dippy 1970’s college years. Pass the granola!
I could become a clog person for those…
I’ve never tried Dansko clogs – do you think my Birkenstocks will get jealous if I do?
I think I could be a clog person!
I always covet clogs…since I was a child
Oh very nice! My feet need all kinds of circulation.
As a family nurse practitioner, all I can say is “amen” when it comes to testifying how comfortable Dansko clogs are. So… AMEN!
Bossy bossy bossy.
How random is random? Is random ACTUALLY random? Or is random more like, $20 = #93?
I never considered myself a clog person either, but those are so cute, I couldn’t help myself from entering this contest!
I am not a clog person, either, although I do wear clogs every day. Who has time to tie shoelaces or buckle buckles before walking out of the house?
#95. Apparently I type slowly.
I have had my pair of dansko clogs for 8 years. They are totally boss. And while our relationship has lasted nearly as long as my marriage, I would not hesitate to step out on them in favor of a new, shiny pair. (Just don’t tell my husband
I completely wore out my last pair – and am too lazy to leave the house and purchase new ones.
Love them – need them.
Never thought I’d say it, but I’m a converted clog-lover as well, thanks to Dansko and their heavenly comfort. I don’t have a pair right now, since I wore the previous pair out completely. My feet would be so, so happy to win a new pair.
Thanks for the chance to enter!
I’ve always wanted a pair of Dansko clogs.
Last fall, I bought a pair of faux Danskos, similar to the green closed-back ones pictured above. Only in brown. They are surprisingly comfy, considering they are faux and cost less than $40.
Still though … dreaming of the real thing one day!
Ooh I love Danskos too! I have the closed back pair that I bought ten years ago but then my pregnant feet grew out of them
I need a new pair!
Ohh! I Likey!
My Dansko’s save my back for most of my pregnancy. I love them!
OH, I need some comfy shoes… AND if they are open-toed, I would be forced to get a pedicure, and since there are only 15 days until spring… I think it’s a plan. Pick ME!!!
Why have I never owned a pair of these!!!!!!!! I and my feet would thank you if I won a pair!
Love your blog. Love your clog. Ha! Not enough coffee yet this morning.
Love the poverty party and I am trying to follow you lead on that. Thanks for doing that for me.
Those are the cutest sandals EVAH! Would love to win a pair (of anything Dansko).
I’ve been considering these for a while, but due to my own poverty party, I’m stuck in imitation crocs.
Ooh, sign me up, please. I’m sure I should just buckle & buy a pair by now regardless; enough people in the fellow “on your feet all day” industry have been vouching for these.
And thanks for the budget minding column!
I usually wear Clarks, so I’m betting I’ll love Dansko… hope I win!
I just purchased my 6th pair of Dansko clogs with some Christmas money this year. This pair is the closed back in shiny red patent leather and I love them! All of my other pairs have been basic black or brown. I’ve worn them for over a decade…I started when I was teaching preschool. They are more comfortable than running shoes! Please pick me…I want some Dansko sandals this summer…I’ve never owned any of the sandals.
Have been wearing Crocs for 3 years now. Is it time to for an upgrade? I could be persuaded by Dansko! They look very comfortable.
Delurking for shoes. Good reason, yes? By the way, I love your blog. So jealous of the concerts you’ve been seeing recently.
Attending high school in the 70’s I was part of the granola crowd and loved clogs. Imagine my happiness as an adult that there are Dansko’s- clogs that are socially accceptable work footwear.. My bro-in-law used to tease me about clogs and birkenstocks, now 20 years later, Dr. bro-in-law wears both!
please let me win!
I’ve been wanting to get a pair of these.
I’ve always wanted a pair of Danskos. Maybe this is my opportunity?
Love the black strappy shoes!
My Crocs live by my back door, just like Bossy’s Danskos live by her front door. Are Danskos better than Crocs? I don’t know, but I am certainly willing to find out.
I’ve heard these are wonderful – thanks for the chance!
I love – have bought many pairs of shoes from them and would love to have some Dansko’s
I’m one of those nurses who swear by them. I seriously need a black or red pair though!!
I’m not a clog person, but I would consider becoming one for a FREE PAIR OF CLOGS. Bossy is the best.
I’ve never owed a pair of Dansko’s … this could be my chance.
A generous Bossy is a very good Bossy indeed. Please pick me. I AM a clog person and would LOVE new clogs.
I’d love to try Danskos, and I’m not ashamed to say I am a clog person. My clogs come in the form of 10 year old birkenstocks.
Girrrl, you should see my feet. Apparently, you’re not SUPPOSED to dance on your tippy-toes, in boxed out plywood slippers, for the better part of a decade. Whoops.
What a coincidence! My feet have recently started carrying around a sign that says “Will play footsies for new Danskos.”
Do they make Danskos for teeny feet? If so, pleeeeease pick me!!
Last fall I was house/dog sitting for a family friend over two weeks. I discovered her dansko collection in the mud room and thought I’d slip on a pair to see how they felt.
Lordy Mercy – but she had the same size feet as mine, and I fell in LOVE with one cute pair that I wore for most of the fortnight I was there.
I would love to have a pair of my own in my new home!
Would love me some Dansko’s! Thanks Bossy!
Woo-hoo! Pick me!
My sister is a nurse and she SWEARS by her Dansko shoes!
My J. Crew clogs suck… also, not a clog person.
So I’m not the only one with a winter pedicure problem?
I love the clogs, much better then the strappy sandals.
rumor has it johnny depp wears clogs. i’m just sayin’…
Clog my way Bossy!!! Thanks!!!!
I had a pair of well worn and loved Dansko’s in college… They were dark blue with the closed back and my grandfather bought them for me at a dansko sale that was happening in a hospital lobby (because doctors love danskos) years before. Those shoes got me through 4 years of college, but when I was moving back to Pennsylvania after graduation i lost one. That was 4 years ago and I still tear my house apart at least twice a year looking for that damn shoe.
running around like a lunatic as a single mom with 3 very active kids is acceptable. doing so in bad shoes is not. clogs have the potential to improve my quality of life so i do very much want to to win.
I’ve never worn clogs, but would like to try some out – preferably without having to pay for them! Thanks!
Love your site Bossy! Would love to get a pair of your favorite shoes too
Love clogs and love the site! Thanks!
OH! I would love a new pair of clogs!
Mama needs a new pair of shoes – with free shipping and no questions asked returns ’cause I can’t seem to make decisions these days….please pick me Random Number Generator…..
I would be willing to do whatever dance you are supposed to do while wearing clogs if I win these shoes….but me and the random number generator have never been friends!
I had a pair of Danskos loooonnng ago. Someone stole them from me when they stole me car! I would love to have another pair.
Put my name in the hat!
I’m just getting to my “new shoe” list for summer. Trying to decide between a functional tenny and a on the go slip on type! One for the garden or one for town? Choices…choices…choices!
Usually I don’t comment on the giveaways because if my name was picked, the contest would look rigged…but I can’t help it, I love Dansko that much I am willing to risk Bossy’s good reputation.
Pregnancy forever altered my feet. I’d love some comfy new shoes that actually fit to replace the pre-baby deathtraps.
I love the black strappy shoes. I know I have too many shoes, but none are Dansko and none are so cute and comfy and strappy. Or I could use a pair of clogs. I have 6 pairs of boots, but no clogs. Oh Bossy, please make my day – and oh please random generator pick me.
ONLY Danskos touch my feet! They are the post-high-heel-aged woman’s best friend.
Mama needs a new pair of shoes!
I LOVE Dansko and I love clogs!
I would love to test drive a pair!
I need new shoes. Number 153 feels lucky.
I would so love to win a pair of shoes.
Rancher-woman REALLY needs a new pair of easy-to-put-on-cause-something’s-happening-outside-that-I-need-to-investigate-right-now shoes. Please, O Random Number Generator, pick me.
I’m all about winning comfortable shoes! Heck, I’ll all about comfy shoes!
Fricken fracken US companies who won’t fricken fracken give love to Canadians… We’re RIGHT UP HERE…there’s no reason not to let us join your reindeer games.
I LOVE Dansko!
Oh great number generator, please pick me. I am very random.
A pair of Dansko sandals – just in time for spring!
Love me some plastic insert pedicures…where do I get one of those?
Dear Bossy’s Friend Random Number Generator,
Please pick me.
I am cute.
And very pregnant.
And my feet hurt.
Well, I don’t normally consider myself a Dansko girl, but those “new arrivals” sure looked cute! I’m in!
Momma needs some new shoes…..
OOOOH. I would love me some clogs.
i’m in need of a dansko upgrade. mine are hardly ever worn, too. ahem.
meMeME! I want the fancy new ones that come in faux snakeskin!
It seems like dogs are the Dansko Clog’s natural enemy. Luckily I do not have a dog, so I will provide a nice, loving home to a free pair of shoes!
Unless my cat decides to barf on them…
i am not a clog person (where ‘not a clog person’ means ‘wears her patent leather ones so much the patent has worn off’).
ps: lest you wonder, imitation really IS the sincerest form of flattery!
The clogs with the closed back are the cutest! If I don’t win them, I may have to go buy them. Just doing my part to stimulate the economy.
whoo hoo! lucky number 174! (unless another comment sneaks in before I post) in that case, never mind.
I bought my Danskos while I was preggers because even when swollen my feet fit into them, and now I wear them all the freaking time because HOLY MOSES THE COMFORT!
My dansko’s squeekkkk sometimes, but I still wear them all the time……
Does it show how totally clueless I am about shoes (and haven’t bought anything that doesn’t have ‘Nike’ on the box in the last 3 years) that I’ve never even hear of these Dansko thingys? *sigh.
I love easy, comfy slip on shoes. These clogs look great. I will have to check out Thanks Bossy
My husband says some crazy things sometimes, but one thing he always says that it totally true: it’s important to take care of your feet. Therefore I always buy good shoes. I may have fewer pairs of shoes than some other women, but I know that all my shoes are contributing to my general well being. Go Obama! I mean, Go Dansko!
It must be contest day…I’m having one too, but you actually have to work a little to get the prize, so if you like puzzles:
Name Those Masons! March contest
I’m a nurse – and we heart Danskos.
Oh, my fingers are crossed. I hope I win…
I would truly love to have a pair of Danskos.
I have ALWAYS been a clog person. Love them!
I thought you were going to give YOUR clogs away, and was highly disturbed at the number of comments I saw. You know, internet people can be freaky. I mean, not US…all those OTHER people.
Dansko’s… the only shoes I’ve worn for 10 years!
I have a pair of Dansko clogs that have seen better days, but I couldn’t live without ’em.
I have a pair of Cape Clogs and love them, but those Dansko’s look tempting….
Yay! Count me in & sign me up.
Those strappy blacks are darling! Would love to win!
I need me some Dansko…
I have Dansko sandals, but no clogs. I love the way I bounce when I walk in them!
Love them.
I became a clog person last winter.
But I would really love a pair of strappy warm summer hopefullness. please pick me!
yay for dansko give away!
I love clogs!
I was just informed that my current, supposedly fab Naturalizers have led to severely bruised tendons in my right foot. Oh, Random Number Generator, please choose me and save me from having to wear tennis shoes with my business suits!
Plus, the drawing is the day before my birthday!
I LOVE Dansko!
I do need to try a pair of their clogs, the only Danskos I’ve ever owned have been one of the few non-clog, lace-up, varieties.
I’ve never tried them, but you’ve convinced me!
I love clogs!! I am wearing a pair right now!
Clogs. Haven’t owned a pair since I was a wee girl. I NEED them.
I love me some clogs!!!
I love those black strappy ones Bossy picked. cool contest.
I love clogs – but have never tried Dansko’s! Man, would I ever like to win a pair of those!
I too am a Dansko woman! I bought them as my sensible shoe for my 3 years at Starf*cks but they found their way into my everyday wear when I was standing on cold hard museum floors. I have the standard black closed back dealie, but have always looked with love (and a healthy dose of lust) at the Mary Janes. The red Mary Janes. Orthopedic rawr.
I love Danskos and live in one of two pairs I own. I’m contemplating buying a third pair for summer, but I’ll hold off until I find out whether I’ve won.
Ooh, ooh, I want some! Put my ballot in!
And, I’m one of those medical types who does the scrubs/clog thing, and here’s one thing maybe you didn’t consider in addition to the comfort thing: it is a lot easier to clean blood off clogs than tennis shoes. I rest my case.
My dansko clogs are so old and well-worn that my dog tried to roll in them. While they were on my feet. In front of company. Please, oh Mighty Random Number Generator, take pity on a smelly-footed supplicant…
Sadly, they only have one style available in my size 5.
I love my Danskos! I want more!
me me me!!!!
hmmm shoes and free……. my two most favorite things!!
I am cheap! Free shoes, please!
I love my Danksos too. But, you made a good choice switching out from the sandals. The only really, truly great Danksos are the clogs. I am a clog person and have been one since college (30 years ago), and they’re way more comfortable now that the sole isn’t actually wooden.
I even used to have a “dress up” pair and my mom told me that she wouldn’t be caught dead in them. Oh well.
I’m a committed Birkenstock girl but I’ll try anything once … especially if it’s free!
I would love a pair.
I love my crocs! I challenge dansko to be so light weight and comfy! (send me free pair and I’ll let you know!) Plus 80 degrees today – much more suitable for me than where there is snow!!!
I love, love, love Dansko clogs! I have 3 pairs – black, brown and purple! I have been eyeing a pair of Black professional closed back clogs forever! They last forever and are so comfortable. You wouldn’t think that walking on wood would be comfortable. Or that high off the ground. I hate heeled shoes. These I wear everyday unless there is a foot of snow!
Please number generator thingy pick me!!!
i have a pair of pink danskos that my dog chewed up. i still wear them. because comfortable even with tooth marks.
I see the mysterious “keep reading post” is back! Boo to extra clicking!
Like you, I will keep a pair of comfortable shoes until they are worn beyond repair and use. (Or until the dog destroys them, whichever comes first. Which is usually the dog.)
I would love to add a pair of these to that collection. And I swear I won’t let them become chew toys.
I am coveting the patent leather danskos. But my matte leather ones, already 3 years old, are still in great shape.
Love new shoes. Super cute sandals! I have never had a pair of Danskos before.
Whoa, looky at 226 (now 227) Bossy *and* Dansko fans! I simply must have the cute black strappy ones for work! Muuuuust!
Thanks, Bossy!
me please
Ooooooh! I’m one of the bazillion doctors and nurses out there, and I don’t yet wear Danskos. I’d love to try them!
I am in Dansko limbo right now, where I haven’t been able to discard the 12-yr.-old pair (gardening, doncha know); am winter-sick of the 5-yr.-old pair; and have yet to find the just-right springtime pair.
Am heading over to their homepage now, even though I’m at work!
LOVE the black strappy sandals even though I would have to “do” my toes and feet before I could wear them!! Thanks Bossy!
Oh! I am very, very happy about that page of new arrivals!
I am a nurse and I wear birkis, but I am definitely in the minority. The Dansko clogs are super cute, though, and I’d love to give them a chance!
You got me, Bossy. First comment after a year of reading because I am not afraid to admit I love Dansko clogs.
Ooh pick me! I love me some Dansko clogs.
Dear Bossy,
Chocolatechic would love to have a new pair of shoes.
Chocolatechic has not purchased a new pair of shoes in about 5 years because there is thing called 2 teenagers at the same time.
I am a nurse, too, and Dansko’s are the BEST!! I had to retire my pair last year and due to the general sucky-ness of the economy, decided to try Crocs instead. NOOOO!! I need my Dansko’s back, but alas, am trying to be frugal. So I would completely love to win a pair for free!!!
I desperately need something comfy to put on my cranky ouchy feet!
Thank you Bossy!
I love Danskos! As a teacher, I have awful feet, including plantar fasciitis, and Danskos are one brand I can wear all day and still be comfortable.
YAY new shoes! i’m skeptical of clogs, but i’m trying to expand my horizons.
I’m not so much of a clog person either, except that I wear them every single day in the winter. So nope, I’m not a clog person either.
I live in my Dansko’s. They make my feet so happy!
Please pick me….the piece of old tire I used to patch the soles of my shoes up with is falling off….yet again…..
I have one pair of dress shoes and a newish job. Need more dress shoes. I’ve never tried Dansko but I intend to now!
My clogs have developed a strange and somewhat embarassing squeak. I would love a new pair so that I can again walk with confidence and stealth.
I have a pair of clogs that are older than my 24yo son. I keep them by the backdoor for those times when I’m making a quick trip to the recycle bin or the garbage.
Ooooh, I’ve long wanted a pair of Danskos! Pick me!
We need to come up with a better name for clogs.
YAY! I love shoe contests!
I LOVED my Dansko clogs… they were sort of wine-colored and had a strap. But they got too scuffed up and I couldn’t find a polish to match the right wine color. So they went to good will. I’d love another pair!
I could Dansko much better if I had those clogs…
I am on my feet night and day and love my Dansko’s. Here’s hoping.
the last pair of shoes i bought myself we crocs. i need some new shoes. thanks, BOSSY and!
I’m afraid I totally *puffy heart* Dansko. I’m also afraid my one pair (which look much worse than yours) will be lasting at least another season unless Mr. Random Number likes me. That whole poverty party thing… *sigh* Gotta sacrifice something and mucho expensive shoes tops the list. They may look pretty beat up, but they’re still protecting the footsies from the elements.
Eeek, omigosh! I’ve wanted a good pair of clogs for forever!!
I have never owned Dansko clogs, but love those green non-clog clogs.
Danskos rock!
Very cool! I love the sandals and would have kept them! Yep horrible no pedicure and all. Maybe I’d wear them with socks (just kidding).
My cheap clogs gave me bunions. Would love to try a good brand like Dansko.
ME! ME! ME! I love clogs. I just can’t live without them…
Love Danskos, but love Bossy more.
Next to Bierkenstocks, Danskos are the best, even though I have only had second daughter’s hand-me-downs.
The only pair of clogs I’ve ever owned are Ariats, and while they are cute to the nth degree, they are not so high on the comfort scale. I’ve never owned Dansko anything. Unless? Is that the brand that makes the slightly itchy ballet tights and leotards my sister and I wore through all those classes umpteen years ago? Pink?
If they’re the same, I’ll try not to hold it against them.
Me! I am on my feet as a teacher and I can’t afford them!
I’m not a clog gal either but I wear clogs almost every day. Guess I’m a clog girl!
Random Generator HATES me.
But I shall check out the online shoe thingy. I still want those earth shoes you were on about a couple months ago…..
I have been wearing clogs since high school! They ARE comfortable…the closed back Danskos that I have now are the best….and are ready to be replaced!
I would love a pair!
I find it curious that Bossy’s friend Amy has never seen her in those well-loved shoes. What’s the deal?
Also? I neither dance nor clog, but I think some Dansko clogs (or non-clogs, whichever) would be juuuuust right.
And I’m quite random, as well.
Oh! Pick me! Pick me! (((picture me raising my hand really really high)))
I already have a perfect corner by the front door for them to live. It’s right next to the heater vent so they’ll be toasty warm for my feet to slip into!
I love my danskos! One can never have too many pairs of shoes, or danskos for that matter!
Dear Bossy,
Please stop pushing the Danskos, unless of course, I win them. I love them all, but alas do not have $10,000 to buy all that I like. When you say go look, I do, and then I cry. Waaahhh. Now pick me, please.
I am a comfy shoe whore. I wear my Clarks out until they stink so badly that people complain. I wear my Crocs everywhere, every season because I am not afraid to be “unfashionable”. A pair of Danskos would be welcomed in to my shoe family with open arms and prepared to be worn to death.
I would love to have a pair of Dansko clogs since I am currently and I might add unsuccessfully trying to wean myself form Birkenstock clogs. The Dansko’s are better looking!
I have been afraid to try so I hope I win!
Oh! That last pair is adorable! I have been coveting a pair of Dansko clogs forever! Please add me to the list of those who would love to have those beauties cradling their feet!
I would love some clogs!
There is nothing more comfortable than free shoes. :0)
Thank you!
This of all that I have been through with my toe. I do not just want Dansko sandals, I need them. Size 7.5. Thank you.
I so need a new pair of shoes. Due to my son’s car accident, and my dog’s pending surgery, there are no new shoes in my future. ‘cmon Random Number Generator! Hopefully I’ll do better than the random number generator used by the MegaMillions lottery. Couldn’t even get a small piece of 212 MILLION.
LOVE Danskos. LOVE. I want them to be on my feet now please.
I’d love to win some Dansko clogs
Dear Bossy,
I hope random number generator picks me for the new Danskin shoes. I will take very good care of them.
I’m not a clog person either despite the several pairs I own.
Always wanted a pair, but alas, I have children instead. Thanks for the possibility.
Dear Bossy,
I am a pregnant lady in hope of some free dansko clogs for these aching puppies.
good gravy woman—danskos are the key to this little ladys heart. I live in mine. LIVE IN THEM. But, I guess so does the majority of women who live in the Upper Valley area. I have a winter pair (the sport clogs) and the regular ol’ Professionals that I wear when it’s not snowy, muddy, icey or snowy…..which around here is about 2 months out of the year.
Delurking for this–two new stepkids and full time job on feet=need comfy/free shoes.
I never win anything, but does that stop me from entering? Hells to the no!
Come on Lucky Number!! Baby needs new shoes! I’ve worn dansko sandles and they are great!
I need shoes I can PUT ON.
Oooh. I like the green ones. Maybe I need them…
I too am Not a Clog Person, who wears clogs. My first pair had wooden soles that were unlined, and I LOVED how the wood supported my feet. My second pair is starting to get holes in the soles, but I can’t bear to part with them because they are soooooo comfortable.
I love clogs. Have had several pair that I lurve – the very fact that you can throw them on with anything is wonderful. Would love to win a new pair, as my old ones are falling to shreds (I am hard on shoes and tend to keep them *forever*)
I’ve got a part-time job tending bar and man, my feet and knees have been killing me lately. I know it’s time for some serious shoes and these would help out immensely. Fingers crossed!
Oh, Dansko! Where have you been all my life?
I love clogs too and I’d love to have a free pair.
I love Dansko clogs!
Ooh Clogs! What fun!
Pretty green clogs! I could totally rock those out! I hope the random number thingy picks moi!
Thanks Bossmeister!
I thought for a brief moment that you were going to give away your old clogs, and I was looking askance at the Bossy blog. I once had a pair of hand-me-down Danskos, and they do not transfer owners well, let me tell ya. Something about forming to the foot. Lots or chafe. That said, they are a lovely shoe. Gimme some.
Cute and comfortable! Sign me up please!
Bossy is soooo right. Dansko’s rock. I probably have at least five pair, but no clogs. You’ll love the closed back ones (we call those “Professional” in the Dansko world!).
Love danskos……enuf said
PIck me! Pick me. I have never worn a clog… or Danskos…. so really I am a clog/Dansko virgin. And I’m 30. 30 year old virgin… that’s me!
I can so relate to not being a clog person! And having a pair, which is now not a pair cuz I lost one. hmph. Don’t know, but yeah!, I’d love a new pair. Thanks!
True story. I only have 5 pairs of shoes – minus my winter boots. 1 black heel for when I go fancy. 2 tennis shoes (1 for mowing the yard/ 1 for working out. 1 Croc for the pool and summer. 1 Black clog like wonderthing that I wear i the winter when my boots are too gross to wear.
I’d like to grow my love of shoes. Help me do that.
Love clogs! Never tried Danskos, though. I’m up for it!
Does the fact that I’m wearing clogs right this second somehow disqualify me? I hope not…
I have also heard Dansko clogs are fantastic but have never had any. I wouldn’t mind changing that!
Oh, please pick me. I would love to try those.
I have ALWAYS wanted a pair of these bad boys!
I think Im going to win this one! I feel it! ;0)
My Michael Kors clogs are on their last leg(s)…I never meant to wear them this much. I never meant for them to become my house and my out-of-house shoes. My husband really never wanted the now rubber worn wooden heels to clip clop through the house 24/7. But…they have become all that and then some. No other type shoe will do. I need me a new clog. xxxooo!
Oooh! Shoes!!!
Me me me! I need another pair of shoes (my husband begs to differ.)
clogs are fun!
Hooray for a new pair of shoes!
I love Dansko’s and would like another pair. Pick me! Pick me!
Those are indeed classy clogs!
OMG – I get to be comment 320 (if I’m fast enough on the Submit button, else I’ll be somebody else. Yes, I’ll try them, especially if Bossy says they are good.
Sweetness. I’m a big Dansko fan, mostly because (they are SO comfortable, and) it takes years to wear them out. The heartier the shoe, the better.
I’ve never recovered after losing my beloved clogs at my BFFs house in 1978. Perhaps Dansko will give me hope again.
I am a clog wearer, and I love the strappy black sandals, too! I love shoes!
Look how many of us de-lurk for yummy shoes! Love the black strappies…
Oh Please, Please, Pleeeeease choose me! I haZ no danskos, but I know I would love them and give them a suitable home by my door too! I have big wide Croation-style hurty feet and always wanted a pair. Oh Please. And thanks for the chance to win!
Ooh! I have been on a quest for funky yet comfy showes. I will have to check out the Danskos…
Perhaps these lovely pair of clogs will follow me home?
Used to wear wood-soled clomp clompers. Would enjoy upping my scale with Danskos.
(Did ‘well read hostess’ cheat by being # 95 AND # 98? Nah, she just wants to set the number issue straight about exactly who’s offering you the $20 no strings attached “gift”… )
Bossy rocks and so do Danscos.
C’mon baby, pick # whatever-my-post-is!!
Apparently, there are a lot of people who would like a pair of Danskos — count me in, too!
…i’m afraid these blog contests are proving to be addictive!
I am addicted to a certain brand and lately they have been harder and harder to find. I would love to give Dansko a chance – that way my husband can tell me to stop wearing MAN SHOES all the time. Gotta love a comfortable shoe.
Pick me! I am always running at work, which is a law firm and after work I’m walking/running with my three rescue doggies so I would love a pair of Dansko.
I love new shoes!
Me. New shoes! Woo hoo!
Pick me please!!
The best thing about clogs… You can march up and down the hardwood stairs, past the angry teens bedroom for a saturday afternoon wake up call.
Clogs are good. I am a nurse, so I should know.
I’ve never tried any Danskos, but now you’ve talked me into wanting a pair.
I only needed to see the title of this post. I’ve been pining for a new pair of Dansko’s – love ’em. What a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity!
I’ve never had a pair, but I’d love to!
I love too! Would love a free pair even more haha.
Holy 343 comments, Batbossy! That’s a lot. I feel lucky. I like the sage green closed back ones, btw.
Is there an upper age limit to become a clog girl? I am willing to sacrifice my feet to Dansko.
pick me! pick me!
I’ve been sitting here wondering why my back hurts. I think its because I’m not wearing Dansko’s I’m wearing the cutest little italian red patent leather flats. maybe I should consider Dansko’s; for a girl who’s on her feet for ten hours a day.
I love shoes. Especially comfortable ones.
oh please, oh please! My Danskos just bit the dust.
I wear shoes!
I’ll never say no to new shoes!
I want new clogs, too. People make fun of my crocs, plus they have holes in them which make them cold to wear in March at 6AM when my new puppy needs to go outside to pee.
I hope I don’t win those shoes.
(trying reverse psychology)
Seriously? I bought my first pair of shoes with a back this year. Before that, since about 2001, I’d worn nothing but clogs. So yeah. I’m a clog girl. And my sister, the physical therapist, is allll about telling me how fabulous danskos are and how I need to get some.
*blowing kisses to the random number generator*
You gave the black ones back? Say it isn’t so! They are so cute! Pick me random number generator…need new shoes!
If Bossy says their good, they must be GREAT! throw me in the random number thingy, please!
Thanks for the tip! I am always on the lookout for new comfortable shoes.
Me! Pick me!
I love clogs. Have never tried Dansko, but I’d love the chance. In fact, I’d take those green ones right there on your post.
I am a nurse practitioner so I am sort of in the middle of the bazillion nurses/doctors and I do wear clogs all the time at work. NOT Crocs! Danskos are REAL clogs!
Clog me over the head!
No. Wait. Clog on my feet, why don’t you?
I desperately need SOMETHING comfortable.. My Teva’s have all bit the dust.
I love Dansko. I am a also a fan of my Haflinger clogs but I could definitely use a new pair of Dansko shoes for spring…
I have always wanted to try Dansko shoes! I always heard clogs are comfortable, but I wasn’t sure they would be. My feet always hurt. I would love to give these a try!
I am wearing Danskos RIGHT NOW!
OK, so they are kicked off under my desk, but were I to get up I would slip them back on. Corporate America doesn’t dig on bare feet.
pick me!!!!!!!
I had a bad experience in Penn Station with my backless shoe. It was rush hour and a gentleman accidentally kicked the back of my shoe just at the wrong time and it went flying. It proceeded to be kicked around by the hundreds of rush hour workers hurrying to get to work. As I was hopping around on one foot trying the keep up with my shoe, the gentleman did realize what happened and chased after it. He stood over my shoe until I could hop on over and gave me his arm to lean on while I quickly got it back on my foot. Since then, I have never been much of a backless shoe person. But these clogs give me hope and look so comfortable. Please pick me.
Oooooo. Pretty.
Pick me! I’m going to have a baby soon, and I need something comfortable for pacing the floor at three in the morning. Ok, so slippers would be better for that. But I’ll need something comfortable because I’ve been pacing the floor at three in the morning.
Love clogs and can’t wait to share these with my kids (who also LOVE my shoes!).
Oh GAWD, I love Danskos! Seriously, I have about twenty pairs cause seriously, they do last FOREVER. They are more comfortable than any shoe that I’ve ever worn, they are more comfortable than going barefoot. Heck, sometimes I even wear them to bed! I luvs dem shoes, yes I do.
Dear Dansko, I challenge you to come up with footwear more comfortable than any my many pairs of Rainbow and OceanMinded flip flops. It’s ON.
Free shoes? Heck yeah.
I need them!! I do! My clogs look alot like yours in the wear department.
Pick me! I love clogs and when they wear out, I’m sad…
I love my Danskos! And those black sandals are sexy! I give you a pedicure, Bossy, so you are just as sexy!!!!
My feet were so excited at the prospect of a new pair of Dansko’s they wanted to type this message! I said no way are those toes coming in contact with this keyboard.
dayum, bossy! gimme gimme gimme!
women, THESE are the best shoes for your feet, NOT high heels!
This is so sexist.
Oh my. These dogs are barkin’ and I could use some new shoes.
Yay! Danskos are the BEST teacher shoes ever. Throw them my way!
Man, do I need a new pair of clogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I own a grand total of five pairs of shoes: winter boots, sneakers, old holey sneakers, and then Birkenstocks and black sneakers, which double as summer and winter formal-wear (respectively). But I’m willing to own a sixth pair.
My Mom owns those closed back ones and swears they are the most comfy shoes. I wanted a pair until she told me the price…ugh!
I love, love love clogs! That is one 70’s fashion that I am very happy to have come back. I always wanted some when they were in style but never had them. I got some at a thrift store several years ago but they wore out so now (sniff) I don’t have any again. I would love to have some again.
I have never heard of Dansko. But I have heard of clogs, although around here, they call them mules.
I have a pair of clogs which are Ariat. OMG awesomeness. So I dunno if I could cross over to the Dansko side…….maybe, maybe not.
Besides being a faux painter and functional artist…Sara is also a student of Radiology. She spends many hours a week doing her clinical rotations at the hospital. By clinical rotations she means ‘all of the work and none of the pay’. Artist + Student = Sara can’t afford Dansko.
Clogs are the bomb! You,re feet will love you forever.
Oh, baby I AM a clog person! All through high school & college I wore more Mothers old 1970’s clogs (wooden sole and all) until they pretty much fell apart. I’ve wanted a new pair since!
i aspire to become a clog person; you can help.
I puffy heart my Danskos. I have the closed heel and want a pair of clogs now thanks to Bossy. I can’t say I am very fond of the Dansko strappy-sandal.
I’m sure my wife will love them.
I love the Danskos!
I’m with Hey Joe… here’s a sweeeet little “Just because I love you” present for the missus… Hopefully she’ll like these more than the Oreck…
Oh holy jumpin jeebus I need new shoes. I have exactly 3 pairs – my work sneakers, a pair of semi-dress sneakers, and a pair of black wedges I use as my “fancy” shoes. And they’re not.
So please, random number generator, pick a high number this time…. *passes brownies as a bribe*
free shoes? yes please. free shoes courtesy of bossy? even better.
I’ve liked those closed-back clogs for so long that I was really happy to see them here, and because you have so many comments, I figured I wouldn’t win, so I made a note to myself to check out the clogs, only the note I typed on my computer said “dnsko clots,” which sounds way less adorable.
I always wanted to be a clog person. And my mother looked at me and said, are you kidding? you’ll break your ankle in those! and so I never was.
So a closed clog sounds awesome. Free sounds even better, so I can save the money for medical bills, in case my mother was right and I break my ankle.
Way better than Crocs. That’s what all the medical peeps wear around my area.
I love Dansko’s!
Clogs make me happy:)
My shoes are held together with duct tape, and my cruel, evil, monster of a husband has deemed shoes as “luxury items”. Please help.
i wanted to be number 400…. and tell me those shoes don’t belong on this teacher’s toes!
I love clogs, Due to my budget that says if i don’t need it I can’t buy it, I am craving new shoes. I would love bossy forever!
because I am trying to climb out of debt with bossy, the chaos budget doesn’t include shoes that you can’t get on clearance at Target or Walmart…and I have a good 5 years before my daughter and I will share a shoe size. I have admired those Dansko’s from afar for years….maybe just maybe….
I pink puffy heart bossy and dansko clogs!
I could really use a shoe without laces or straps.
I’d love to have a new pair of shoes. Where do I roll the dice?
please, new shoes for me!
Pick me!
I hate shoe shopping so I am always in need of new shoes. Help!
I wear a size 37. In Mary Jane style Danskos. Mine have been to the shoe repairman twice in the past 8 years.
Thank you.
Pick me! As a teacher who is on her feet most of the day,I adore the one pair of Dansko’s that I own.
ooh.. i hope i win. i love danskos and totally need a new pair.
If I win, I’ll give my clogs to a deserving charity’s fundraiser (after Bossy augtographs them). Im not really a clog wearer Im a guy and I do landscape work), but winning cool and useful stuff is the best!
Bossy has a good heart to share the 2nd pair of Danskos with a reader. I’ve never tried them. Maybe I’ll get the chance.
Bossy’s own bailout! Whoo Hoo!
I’m in! Clogs are terrific! Thanks Bossy.
I love clogs and bought a pair this year from another online shoe vendor and I don’t like them (the new clogs) so I need a new pair of Danskos!
I love my old Danskos. They’ve taken me up mountains (ooops – left my hiking boots home) and though airports, worked in the yard, shopping at Target and Nordstom, even once to court when I forgot it was my day for court duty. They’re not glamourous, but they are the most comfortable shoes I own!
ok…I’m one of the bazillion nurse Dansko wearers. Mine are BEAT DOWN! They have all nature of body fluids on them, I have been in the market for a new pair and have been eying the patent leopard….Come on random generator. PICK ME!
I’m not a clog person, either, but I. WANT. THOSE!
I *heart* my Danskos. I’ve had this pair for a year and a half and I wear them daily. I have a closet-full of shoes that I never wear. I’m on my feet all day long and I have yet to suffer from back/knee/hip pain while wearing them. Dansko sandals are just the bomb – those need to be next on my shoe shopping list!
I have no grand excuses, I just want a pair of shoes.
I’m a nurse; I’m smart; I need new Danskos. Please pick me
My sister has some and I feel left out. Help me out, Bossy.
i’d love to try a pair of Dansko Clogs! But only if I can get these Clark’s off of my feet! If I win i will be soooooo happy! Thanks Bossy!
I would love a pair.
I was shopping for shoes as you wrote this post, Bossy. Did not bring any home w/ me. Must have been karma telling me to wait and win a pair.
I love dansko’s. Love that pretty sandaly pair!
I’d love a new pair of shoes! Pick me, please!
Dear Bossy – *I* would like those sandals! Thank you.
I’ve never heard of Dansko shoes, but as a busy mom, I believe you that they’re comfy. I miss comfy shoes.
the only thing my dansko clogs aren’t good for is travel, when travel = carry a bag with shoes in it. i love mine.
Oh, these people know how to market their stuff! I hadn’t heard of before but now want to check them out. And of course I would love to try a pair of Danskos for free – they do look comfortable and surprisingly good looking.
I would love to win a pair of Dansko clogs or sandals. I have read about them but never owned a pair.
Bossy, so sad – I used my limited budget to buy a pair of Clarks a few years ago, intending for them to become old faithfuls like Bossy’s Danskos. Everyone said they were SO comfortable. Well, I still wear them because I bought them, they look like hobo shoes now, and they have rubbed blisters on my feet every spring and summer since 2004!
Oooh! I’ve been wanting to try Dansko clogs. Right now I wear my Keen shoes almost every day.
I just think it is really funny that Bossy can go from the really expensive shoes a few weeks ago to clogs!
I’m loving that little number with the closed back, too.
Fingers crossed!
Oh! This is the third time I’ve seen Danskos referenced on the internets in three days, which means it’s fate! And I need a pair!
Those look great–they’d probably help my foot problems!
i have just discovered Danskos. Where have they been all my life?
Holy cow, but there are a lot of people trying to win free shoes!
In all seriousness though, I love clogs, and mine have bit the dust. I would love a new pair. ‘Specially of a super comfy, last forever persuasion.
Bossy, we are on the same wavelength this week. Just blogged about giving up my sexy strappy shoes and living in my Danskos. Beside the closed back in black, I have a pair of Mary Janes that make me feel like I’m in a German porn movie. Love them and they came from the Zappo’s outlet (15 miles from home) for $40. But I would still love another pair!
I wasn’t going to leave a comment because truthfully, I don’t want Bossy’s 10-year-old shoes (not that they’re not tres lovely but I have my own scuzzy 4-year-old Danskos)…but THEN I read the full post and realized these are new Danskos – and I’m all about that!
I.Love.Those.Green.Danskos. Would love to win them!
Come on…….Mamma needs a new pair of shoes!! ;0)
Hmmmm, clogs…. they look comfy. Please add me in to the list of hopeful contestants.
I AM a clog person! Count me in.
Flippin’ sweet. I’ve been wanting to try Danskos!
I am not a clog person either, and I have 2 pair. They came from Wal-Mart, though, so please, random number generator, pick me so I can see what real shoes feel like.
Free shoes? Where do I sign?
I love clogs, and really like the looks of those sandals! Big fan of Clarks here, but willing to “step out” for a free pair of Danskos!
I love dansko’s AND Bossy!
I love and dansko’s. Hope the random thingy picks me.
I always pick out the most uncomfortable shoes, so I’d love to have a pair that are actually comfortable.
Do you read all of these comments? Or do you have someone else read them for you? That would be a cool job. Can I enter a contest to win those plastic morgue inserts??? Why do you have those??
Go for the green!
Beautiful clogs! I had actually just heard about Dansko’s the other day and was going to look into some local stores that claimed to have some of the styles.
I like to walk at work, and I’m trying to find good comfy shoes that apply to our dress code.
*crosses fingers that I win*
i love my Dansko’s! i have about 5 pair, all old, all cozy, and all still in good condition. The great thing is that you CAN order them on line since the size and make are constant, you know they will fit.
Seattle, WA
I’ll give them a try…can you walk long distances in them, or stand in them all day? I’d kill myself in clogs, (total klutz) but the closed back ones look safe!
I love danskos.
And I never win give-aways.
Never ever.
Wow. Makes me want to go buy some Danskos. Unless I win a pair instead…
those sandal ones are really cute. love your blog!
I love the green one’s! Strappy? Not so much. How sweet they offered you and a “friend” a pair of new and wonderful Dansko’s. Being a nurse, I feel especially lucky…
I’ve never tried them, but I want to! I NEVER get to buy myself new shoes! I’m too worried about getting everyone else shoes! I need a shoe makeover!
Fingers crossed for some new shoes! Thanks!
I never win these things
but here goes anyway. =]
In the event that I get a teaching job in this incredibly sucky economy, I will definitely need comfortable shoes.
I would be willing to give up my Crocs for a free pair of Danskos!
Dear Bossy’s random number generator,
I am having a crappy week. Please pick me.
In the words of that OTHER Bossy American…

(Dejected and rejected for her country of origin!)
I love all my Dansko shoes. Especially my sweet baby-janes. Oh and the little boots. Yes definitely the favorite. Love them.
I doig dansko clogs! They are both comfortable and clunky, not unlike myself, and also chunky and rounded, and, yes, there’s me again.
I have two pairs of Dansko’s and I barely wear anything else. They’re so incredibly comfortable!
I love the brand. I have a pair that looks as old & worn as yours so I would love to win a pair!
Ooooh! Danskos are AWESOME kitchen shoes. Want!
My tootsies need some comfort! pick me!
Oh, please, let it be me! My feets will thank you!
I wear Dansko clogs all winter then sandles all summer. The only other shoes I wear in summer are reef flip flops. I bought my clogs over a decade ago as well and they are still perfect. In fact they are even better.
Me! Pick me!
Awesome! Dansko’s are fabulous!
I Love Dansko’s, they make me 2 inches taller!
Your old Dansko’s look a lot like my old Sanita’s!
I must have a pair of the green ones like you have! For my post-bunionectomied feet!
Oh. I have the perfect spot by MY door for just such a pair of Dansko clogs!
Shoes, OOOhhhh I love shoes!
Excellent shoes…styling.
Tries not to have a relationship with men who wear clogs–AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HAH AAHAHAHAH!!!
Also: me too/neither.
Also: entering.
i am intrigued. i am going to check out that website.
I’m not usually one to jump on the bandwagon for the “comment for free stuff!” giveaways. But where “stuff” = “shoes” I will whore myself shamelessly. Especially comfortable shoes that will equate to more comfy chasing of 3 small, insane, short people who insist on calling me “Mom” and keep demanding snacks for some reason.
I covet Danskos…just can’t pony up the $100+ for a new pair. *sigh*
i’m giving it a shot even though there are nearly 500 comments already. i’ve always wanted to try dansko’s, having heard wonderful things about them, but never seem to have the extra $120 bucks.
i’m hopeful, i’m hopeful!!!!!!!!
Because I am without a doubt a clog person, these shoes belong inside my front door! They are so, so olive greeny cute!
When your feet hurt you hurt all over. Love those clogs.
Very sensible good feet shoes.
Those are rather cute cloggy shoes you purchased. My problem with clogs has always been letting my fugly heels show to the world – those would solve that!
If I don’t have to tie them – I love them!
new shoes? count me in!
I know the odds are against me, but damn those clogs are cute!
My sister has a few pair of Danskos. And yes, she’s an ultrasound tech!
ohh, this is just what I need! My current clogs have absolutely no tread left which is not the best thing in the winter.
I can has clogs?
WuHuuu!!!! Put me in the contest!!! These are MUCH nicer than the plastic style clogs I usually sport!!
PS. Thanks for sharing Bossy!
me me me! I wants dansko!
I have never heard of these shoes, but comfortable is comfortable. i like the Ava style!
Order up a pair of 7.5 for me. Thanks!
Comfy shoes would be GREAT for teaching!
count me in
Awesome giveaway Bossy. We love that loves you so much. And Coco’s feet do love comfy shoes. Even though I have tons of heels that are oh so sexy…they gather dust somewhere deep in the back of the closet. Instead comfort wins out these days…explains the sweats and tees.
I’m one of those nurse types, and would LOVE a fresh new pair of Dansko’s…
I’ve been coveting these for years. But I’m a TEACHER, and everyone knows that TEACHERS don’t have money for shoes. So pick me me me me.
OOOH – I love clogs and I am not really a clog person either. Please pick me!
oooh pick me! I am proud to admit I AM A CLOG PERSON.
OOoo I love clogs. Wore the old wooden sole kind for ever till they came out with the rubberish ones.. They tend to crack though.. perhaps Dansko ones don’t? Would love to try a pair.
My tired, old, calloused, heel splinted, plantar fascitis suffering, ugly feet would really appreciate it if they could win a new pair of shoes. You should see my toes right now! They’re tapping wildly in anticipation. Thank you
OMG, I so need a new pair, this would be great!
Hmm… Am I a clogs person?
I love clogs.
Love em like a friend.
Me lovey the Danskos!
pick me pick me.
I actually live close to you so you would be able to enjoy my new shoes too!
win win
I have FOUR (count 4!!!) weddings to attend this summer, 3 which I am officiating. The Dansko sandals would be perfect as everyone of them is outdoors. Random Generator Goddess please pick me!
I only have a pair of wooly mammoth crocs to shlep around in. I’m tired of looking tacky at Walmart.
WOW! Bossy has more than 500 comments? Must be a giveaway of some sort…….
count me in, ive got 2 feet, one left one right and both wonderful size 10!
Glad to be back,
I love,love,love clogs. My winter shoes–barely wear anything else.
Oh! I can always use a good pair of shoes!
And, wow Bossy! You’re more popular than the Jonas Brothers!
Dansko’s = fabulous! Thanks.
I need more shoes
my husband would be SO happy!
I too often think of myself as a “not clog person” even though I have two pairs I live in but I’ve never tried Dansko’s.
My husband, however is a hospital person who REFUSES to wear clogs.
I am wearing my worn in closed back black ones as I type this. Where’s the long disclaimer where I can’t win because etc.? You rock- I hope all’s well and I REALLY WANT THOSE SHOES!
I would love love a pair of Dansko’s. I’ve wanted some for years!
I love shoes..just as much as purses..and they need to be non-heel comfortable shoes.. please pick me.. oh random generator god…
I am sad that you limited it to US residents. ‘Cause yo my sad Paris feet miss my Clogs!!!
Never had a pair of these, although I swear by Birkenstocks.
I’m all about the Danskos…MMMM
534 comments? Can I get counted twice?
I love my Dansko closed back clogs, and I’m dying for a pair of Mary Janes, too.
I could be lured away from my current Converse fixation by a FREE pair of something else comfortable.
I’ve always wanted to try a pair!
I’ve never even heard of Dansko before. So now… I must win them!
Wow. 542 comments already. Imagine how many you’ll have by the 16th? Oh the competition for those shoes is fierce!
Am I disqualified b/c I keep posting…You can delete extra comments…it’s OK. I know I’m going to win.
wink wink
Can you disqualify entries with misplaced apostrophes?
Am I a grammar bitch?
Uh – oh.
My feet are too big for clogs…but I’d love to be in the running anyway for my Norwegian friend who has a pair of Dansko’s that look like something the dog used for a chewbone!
Dearest Bossy,
Not only do I want to win a new pair of Dansko clogs, I NEED a new pair, because my old ones wore out so completely that I put them in the compost heap.
I love me Dansko Clogs. I want the confetti ones, because everyone loves Confetti! Except for the folks that clean it up…
Clogs have been a staple in my shoe collection since the eighties. In fact, I believe I still have a pair of clogs from the eighties…
I too never thought of myself as a “clog person” until Husband pointed out I had worn my clogs approximately 99.9% of the time I was be-shoed since having my child.
Who has time for laces or buckles or other such nonsense? I have a TODDLER. I’m lucky if I get to pee.
Those green clogs are cuuute!!
I’ve been trolling Ebay for a new pair of Danskins for, oh, a year now… I can’t justify the expense… but I would LOVE a freebie pair!
Bossy you are the greatest!!!! Hugs from Kansas!!!
Oh, excellent! The Dansko line, that is. Being the FIVE HUNDRED and FIFTY-FIRST commenter, my chances here are probably somewhat less than excellent.
I wear clogs like it’s my job. I heart clogs.
I am a clog person.
Luvs shoes ….
I would love to have some. Dansko doesn’t really make my size (11-1/2 or 12, yeah, I know) – but, I may be able to find some that work for me.
Love me some Danskos!
one word. love
Hey I need new summer shoes!
I luuurve the Danskos. Need more!
Dansko, I haven’t heard that name for a very, very long time. Don’t they also make dance shoes too?
My dog ate my last pair of Dansko sandals! And now I am trying to scrimp change for a new summer pair!
A size 7 please.
Me, please!
My husband hates my crocs. These clogs would be so much nicer, since they are not plastic, right?
Danskos are the best!!
I’m a teacher and comfy shoes are all I ever wear to work. Those closed-back Danskos look awesome!
I’m one of those nurses you were talking about…but I don’t have a pair…sure would like to though!
Clog me, baby!
That sounds soooooooo gross.
My danskos are falling apart! I don’t think of myself as a clog person at all. Go figure.
Have I mentioned in the last 4 minutes how my winter doth suck? New Danskos would set me up forever…
perfect fancy shoes for a suit…I could retire my running shoes.
ohhhh, i so very need comfortable shoes……
take care of a sick baby and come back to 500 comments at Bossy’s house. love the hopeful sandals
I HEART danskos. Like, a lot!
I heart shoes!!!
Ooooooh, I’ve wanted a pair of these forever but haven’t wanted to fork over the cash! Yay!
I acutally did a post about one of my favorite things is my Dansko clogs! I feel your love…I’ll check out online shoes too!
free shoes I am in
Once, my husband got this movie called something like, “The Tree of the Wooden Clogs.” It was a surprisingly good movie, except there’s a scene showing a pig slaughter. And there was no mistaking the fact that they actually SHOWED the pig slaughter, no faking. It was a wee bit disturbing. But I would still recommend the movie! If you can, you know, face watching a pig get butchered.
i usually wear easy spirits for the same darn cushy-foot, happy-soul reason, but!…would love to try danskos!
I’ve got black patent leather danskos that I love and NO MONEY TO BUY MORE. It’s a CRISIS.
Ooh, I always wanted a pair of Danskos! Count me in:)
man, those clogs are the cat’s meow. Here’s hoping!
What come’s after one trillion?
Baby needs new shoes….
I have always coveted Dansko shoes…..
Can I dansko in these ?
Yes please
I need new comfy shoes because I work at a clinic with cement slab floors, and when I get home my feet have been known to spontaneously combust. I usually wear Croc knock-offs but Danskos would be waaaaaaaaaay better!
Count me in!!
who doesn’t love dansko’s? i hope i win!
Oh baby. Please pick me!
Size 8 and a half. And green is sooooooooo my color.
Well, if Bossy can come out of the closet and finally admit she is a clog person, I guess I can, too.
I love clogs.
There. I said it. I feel better.
I Love Dansko’s!!!!!!!!!!
Pick me! Pick me! I love clogs!
My feet are bigger than they can even imagine.
Those green clogs match my new green hat. And my current Danskos have seen much better days.
I could certainly use a new pair of shoes!
I have a great Dansko shoe story: I wore my clogs to Christmas dinner at my sister’s house last year. My Mom gave me new boots for Christmas, which I decided to wear home. As we left to go home and were backing out of the driveway, I felt a thump as we drove over something. I told my husband to stop the car and I got out to find a single Dansko clog that had been run over. And was completely unscathed! Love my Dansko clogs and would love a pair of Dansko sandals. Pick me!
Closeted clog fan reporting for duty!
Love ’em. Pick me Pick me!!!
Someday I might be one of those medical personell (if I survive the process getting there that is…). Tis’ my dream to be berrated by an attending wearing said clogs because at least my feet will be happy! Also, my happy little stegman’s have many many holes after 10 years of use!
My feet, my legs, would love a pair of Dansko shoes!
Love my old Danskos! Would love some sandals too—gosh, Bossy, if you leave this contest open till the 16th you’ll have as many entries as Ree!!!! Please!–pick me!!!!
Admittedly, I’m not a shoe/fashion person, but I don’t know Dansko. Will have to seek them out.
I LOVE Danskos–just found them this year. I have the patent animal print ones and the black wool ones with randomly colorful yarns running through the wool. The high school students I teach refer to them as “sassy.” That comment warms my little 56 year old heart big time!
This is the first time I’ve been to your site and I’m hooked. And also I heart clogs.
I love Dansko’s but I can’t afford a pair. I long for a pair of Red ones.
I have a pair of Danskos that I’ve had for 7 years and I love them as much as i did when i bought them.
So many entries already, so little hope for my poor little feet. I’ve still got my fingers crossed for a pair of Danskos
I researched FOREVER when I needed sturdy COMFORTABLE shoes for work. In came Dansko, out went just about every other shoe I owned. The only other thing to even come into the same comfort arena are FitFlops.
Mama (desperately) needs a new pair of shoes …
I lurve Danskos!
I just wore might out to walk my little dog.
Now I want a shiny pair.
oooh please! my payless clogs need some time out!
Ahhh, Comfort = Dansko. Count me in!
I didn’t realize this particular Dansko was enclosed! Saawweeet! Please disregard my first comment, and use this one for your contest.
I also just realized your contest ends on the same day as mine, which is my actually blog-a-versay birthday. A real pay-dirt day for bloggers, don’t ya think?
My Yorkie puppy chewed up my favorite clogs yesterday. I was despondent. I know how easy it is to get attached to a good pair of comfy, cute clogs.
I suppose delurking just to enter a contest is tacky and wrong and will generate much bad karma and then I won’t win. But mama needs some new shoes really badly, and I love me some Dansko, Randomize me!
Bad ShakenFruit left her clogs on the back porch all winter. Things are growing in them. Need new pair.
I am SERIOUSLY in love with those sandals! I will definitely have to check out that website – I just found out that I am pregnant (yay!) and will definitely not be able to wear all my cute shoes from years past – I’m pretty sure that changes to your center of gravity and heels don’t get along very well. Hmm – maybe I should get a pair of clogs…
my feet are very envious right now
I’m sure my other 2 pair of Dansko’s need a friend.
I wear Danskos every single day to work, I am on my feet for 13 hours at a time, and I have NEVER come home with sore feet.
I would love these. Pick ME random thingee!
Ok, so they aren’t the prettiest shoes out there but I have to agree they are some of the most comfortable. I gave away my favorite pair last year and regretted it almost immediately. So whether I win a pair or not I will always love them. Thanks for the give-away! How fun.
I’m curious about you clog people. Maybe I should join the ranks.
i just tried those green ones on… i typically try on a few danskos, then leave, terrified of parting with the money. however, like you, i have a blue pair of the professionals that sit by my door, and i wear them daily. i should invest in new ones as well…. hard to justify when my closet is crammed with unworn shoes……..alas!
Bring it! Mama needs a new pair o’ shoes!
I love clogs too. Even though past boyfriends have not…. I chucked those boys, and never the clogs! xo
6 months pregnant….ER nurse…..would LOVE to own a pair of Dansko clogs….have heard such wonderful things… drooling
I love clogs…if I win it will be my first pair of danskos!!
I’ve always wanted a pair of clogs, but my mother warned that I would break my ankle, so I never had a pair. That was 30 years ago. I think it’s time for clogs!
My daughter is a new nurse and everyone she works with is recommending these … if I win she wins!!
Bossy has perfect timing, as always. I just cleared 846 pairs of shoes from my closet that averaged about 213 years old, so I’m ready for new shoes!
I’m a Zappo’s regular, but happy to explore a new source for mah shoes! Bring on the clogs!
Need shoes. Need to work. Need to have feet not hurt at work.
I love my Dansko clogs, but I live in Wilmington, North Carolina where I can’t wear clogs year round– they’re too hot, so I need a pair of summer ones. Shoes that don’t hurt my feet, hooray!
I’d love to have a free pair of clogs–I’m a nurse and my feet would sing your praises forever–or at least while I’m working!
Free Shoes!
I would love to have some clogs. Being from SoCal, I try to wear flip flops as much as I can get away with, but now I am in AZ and we actually have winter here, so I may need something warmer and bossy makes these look very appealing.
I too am a reluctant clog person. I own many pair of lovely shoes; but my one pair of clogs is slowly falling apart and I am starting to panic.
I live in a hippie town and Danskos are everywhere. Except on my feet.
If I win, I’ll change that.
There are a ton of people that want shoes…
Soon, I hope, I will be one of those doctors wearing scrubs and clogs. So… It would really, really help to have a pair of clogs to wear, so I’m not barefoot in scrubs. Because that just wouldn’t be the same. At all.
I love my Dansko’s but they are getting mighty old & I could use some new ones!!
Never had a pair but they are super cute!
I have two pair of Dansko clogs and I wear them EVERY DAY, in and out of the house. I got the black patent leather clogs this past fall and I’ve never had more people notice my shoes before.
LOVE them and would love more!!!
I want comfortable feet!! Please!
I’ve been lusting after some Danskos for YEARS!
Cute shoes, even more cute blog. Please enter me to with a clog.
I love my black patent Dansko clogs, I’d love another pair! Thanks for the opportunity.
Are you kidding me here? I’m a teacher. My old dogs would bay at the altar of Danko if they heard I was going to be thrown a free pair. I’d prance in the classroom for my students!
Hi, Bossy! I am not a clog person either, so that is why I would like to randomly add myself to your contest.
LOVE Dansko clogs and earthmother’s are looking just as worn as Bossy’s (old ones).
Please let me win!
I need to win becuz (1) I’ve always wanted to try a pair; (2) they have sizes to fit my big feet; (3) my feet always hurt; and (4) I’ve never, ever had a pair of shoes last for 10 years. Wow! They must be hearty!
i broke up with Birkenstock and have been looking for a new shoe dejour.
I would love these! I need something comfy to keep my fat feet from crying as we walk around Disney.
While my 16-yr-old daughter does not approve of clogs or Dansko’s in general, I refuse to be bound by shoe fascists!
Yes to clogs, yes to Dansko’s!
My mom is a clog fan too and I’ve been stealing her shoes when I run outside. Since my feet are 3 sizes bigger than hers, I’d love to win!
Me! Me! I wanna pair, pick me! Did I mention I was close to 50 and needing more supportive footwear????
i have feet that need shoes!
March 16th! I can’t wait that long!
My feet are aching SO bad right now after a long LONG day yesterday and those shoes look like absolute HEAVEN! I’ve always wondered what it would be like to walk on clouds…maybe Bossy and can show me!
I’ve never owned clogs. I think I should. Thanks, Bossy!
This makes me 667…Evil plus one…in clogs
I am one of theose scrub/Dansko wearing types. I need a new pair! Love them!
Never tried Dansko but I love my Merrell clogs & these look just as comfy!
mom of two under 1.5 needs danskos to walk around Israel. we have no car except our feet!
I wear shoes! Daily!
I’d love some new clogs! Count me in.
Really?! A pair of Dansko’s has been on my ‘to buy when when the lottery or turn 30’ list for years! I turned 30 this week, so will be buying a pair regardless. But free means I could get another thing on the list! Like a new kitchen chair that is not mere cosmetics and a will hold more than a small cat in weight. Just so you know…
Oh, RNG and Bossy, I love my Dansko closed-back clogs… but I would really love some Danskos that I can wear this summer as well. Pretty please, RNG, pick me!
Oh good grief. I tried shoe shopping today. Tried. Look at you. You’ve gone and done it for me. Love those.
I wore clogs in highschool even though it was totally uncool. Yea clogs!!!
Let me be your ‘sole’ sister!!!
I wear Danskos every day. My flat feet would love to own another pair!
Dearest Bossy who is so Boss…..
I am a bartender, have been in and out of the Bidness of Bartending for many years, and the ONLY shoes I will wear on my poor tired, beer and margarita soaked feet are Danskos. Period. I deal with enough d-bags and a-holes that making sure my feet are taken care of is a priority I will not negotiate. But I have never bought a pretty pair (read: not black) because they are a pricey shoe and my hard earned dollars should pay bills and stuff. How I would love another…. I dream of such pretty shoes… the way i dream of a beach in the tropics and endless sunny days with someone waiting on me. For once. Ahhh….
I am a clog person. I love Dansko shoes in general– so comfy, so indestructible…
Ooooh, I’ve never worn clogs before but would love a new pair of shoes! They look so comfy!
I am also a no-clog person, but you’ve persuaded me to cross over to the dark side.
i would LOVE new clogs!!
oooo shoes…. include me too, please!
I would like the opportunity to become a clog person!
Would LOVE a pair!!
I was so thrilled when I dug out my camp photo from 1976 to see that I was wearing my clogs back then. I’ve been a clog person for over three decades now. Can’t imagine wearing anything else.
I’ve always heard Dansko clogs were super comfy! I would love to find out.
Thanks Bossy!
These would be great to collect dust in
my corner as soon as the snow melts here
in the mn.
I hate shoes in the summer!
GREAT giveaway!
OH MY! My Dansko clogs died of old age and I have not found a replacement!!! I hope I have the lucky random number!
BTW – It’s ok to give yourself a pedicure in March! Just for fun!!
Dansko makes great shoes, and they are really a great company! In a previous work life, I was lucky enough to work with them and I was always totally impressed with how professional and caring everyone was.
Now I guess I will have to frequent OnlineShoes to get a good fix!
I always wanted to know what sand in my clogs would feel like. *sigh*
I’d like a pair of Danskos please.
Great givaway! I hope I win!
Bossy, please clog me — but not in the biblical sense!
yes, love the dansko shoes! the longer you wear them the more comfy they get. pick me!
I have always loved Dansko’s and never considered myself a clogger either……I have one black pair and one brown pair….wear them to work every day (in colder months) and I’m not even in the medical profession. I’d love a new pair!
I love me some Danskos! I really want the new silver and black patent leopard print closed backs. (Saw them on a pharmacist at the hospital the other day.)
Are they up for grabs?
my feet need some dansko lovin’!
I am up to five pairs of these now, and I try to find a way to wear one pair every day! I adore them, and have about a million more that I wish I could buy!
Count me in!
I’ve always wanted to try Danskos…they look so comfortable!
I am definitely a clog person because I can’t stand buckling or tying or strapping or any of that stuff.
Square Peg needs new Danskos. Bossy’s friend, Random Number Generator, please pick Square Peg. Thank you.
Ohhhhhh man could I use these. Tomorrow. Wednesday. OK, all week this week. And next week. And the week after. Then it will start over that I have the same bazillion hours on my feet as this week, so I could just use these. So PLEASE mr random number gernerator PICK ME!!!
I would love a new pair of Danksos!
love BOSSY. love DANSKO. did I win?
P.S. There is a DANSKO factory outlet just up the road from BOSSY (and me) in West Grove, PA. 1/2 price DANSKO is nothing to sneeze at!
Dansko shoes actually help me use my car less and public transportation more. It works like this: Public transportation=walking to the bus stop=must have comfortable shoes.
Only one comment today? Dang – I waited so I’d be in the middle of the comments. I like being in the middle.
Oh Dansko’s. I have been pining for a pair for days it seems. I found a pair at the salvation army for 2.49 and they were my size! Who would have given them away i wondered? That was many moons ago and now i dream of a day i break them in myself. Thanks bossy!
I need a new look!
Me me me! Pick me! Those strappy sandals are just what I need after my little dog chewed up my standby sandals.
I was just thinking how I needed new clogs this weekend – because my old clogs don’t support the ankle I twisted the crap out of this winter
Oh my sweet Dansko clogs, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways….I’m wearing my blueberry oiled professionals right now and T.O.T.A.L.L.Y. love them. Like totally. There, I mixed Shakespeare and Valley Girl, all in one comment. That alone should inspire you to pick ME!!!
Pick me! Pick me! I’d wear clogs …. if I had a pair.
I love Dansko’s and I sure could use a pair. As the mom of a college student, I am sure you can empathize with my lack of funds for indulging in new shoes. These look much more comfy than my old Eskil’s
I would love a pair of Dansko clogs—-so would my feet.
Mary G.
I live within 3 miles of the Dansko outlet. I’m a lucky girl
This nurse is probably the only nurse on the planet that doesn’t have a pair of those shoes. Please change that for me!
I’m totally a clog person and I’m not even a doctor nor do I play one on TV!
I need new shoes!
Shoes are to me what air is to regular people.
I am a caterer….can’t live without Danskos….no sliding…helps your back and feet! Definitely time for some that aren’t the typical “catering black” professional style…and color…love that green!
Dear, dear bossy- clog lover from way back- never had Dansko’s though. I would love to try them. MIghty random # generator please pick me.
Hiya, Random Number Generator and Miz Bossy!
Real Nurse with sore feet here….pickmepickmepickme!
I need new shoes so badly. I’ve worn through the soles of my Converse tennis shoes — worn though the bottom. I’m walking around with holes in my shoes. Help me!
I have been wearing clogs so long, that I don’t even remember how to tie shoes.
Pick me, pick me! I’m about to get a summer pair…how cool would it be if they were free?
Ahh hope I win. They’re a bit fug but you’ve got to have some ugly in your life from time to time.
Oh PLEASE (says my bunnion) I need the sweet blessed relief of closed heel (cause, ooo — winter ugly heels) Dankso! Thanks Bossy!
Oh wow, I hope I am one lucky winner on March 16
Oh please oh please ohplease pick ME!
Dansko’s do indeed rock. Free Dansko’s must be even a million times more awesome. I hope I get to find out.
Even though I broke three bones in my foot because of those dang clogs(not at ALL because of my spazziness), I cannot resist the Dansko clog. I would rather wear them than be barefoot(not at ALL because of my ugly feet).
Shoes. I love shoooooeeeeesssssss.
Please, Random Number Generator ~ pick me!
I’ve never had the pleasure of wearing Dansko clogs, so this is your chance to convert me!
The dansko clog is God (or ess). Recently I tried the dansko “shoe” with a clunky sole and triple cross strap mary jane. no good. sold it and pulled my good old black closed back clogs from the closet. happy again.
Addicted to Dansko clogs since 1973 or so. No, I was not old enough to vote then, but I was old enough to judge shoes.
Well, you never know. I’d love clogs.
Me want to go to there.
Me want to go to there.
I am a clog lover . . .
I would love some new danskos. Love. them.
Used to wear clogs but stopped. I wonder why?
I lurves my danskos. Wear them every. single. day. Those sandals need to find a home in my closet. Cute!
Everyone needs to wear Dansko shoes. Everyone.
Free shoes =
I’d love to do some clogging, and Danskos are pretty neat.
Yay! How happy would I be to win this?! Danksos cost just a WEE BIT more than my $2.50 summer shoe budget (earmarked for Old Navy flipflops).
Would love to try out some expensive supposedly-comfy shoes!
Pregnant lady needs new shoes, stat! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Student nurse who dreams of shoes that don’t pinch toes. = awesome selection & service
Danskos = most comfortable shoe evah!
i think my blog name says it all. love me some shoes.
Dansko all the way. Flat-footed-fallen-arches UNITE.
Me, Pick me – sweet jesus I could use a new pair of shoes!
You’ve sold me on the merits on Dansko clogs. Now please draw my name!
pick me! pick me!
Would really love me a pair of Dansko clogs
I would love a pair of those shoes.
I am a new convert to the Dansko cult. I shall begin jumping up and down and whining “pick me! pick me!”.
Love the clogs!
I’ve been wearing them since the 70’s, and still love them! (not the same pair!)
My Birkenstocks bit the dust. I need comfy shoes for summer when I”m running around like a madwoman doin’ the volunteer thing at BlogHer this summer.
I have (gulp) 4 pairs of Danskos. Once they started making cute shoes I was over the moon. I’ve got a jones for a pair of Dansko sandals but haven’t yet had the gumption to justify the investment.
sounds like a sweet deal! glad you are enjoying your shoes : )
Dansko foot attaire are for women on the go; whether a romp in the yard or a run to the courtroom they get you there fast, a quick slide and you are on your way
Cool! I am a dansko freak. I haven’t seen those olive green ones yet. I’m so getting a pair.
Thanks for the give away.
Oh random number generator… take pity on my poor feet and allow me to win a pair of the most comfy shoes ever.
Ooooohhhh….. Shoes!!!!!
What girl wouldn’t take a free pair of shoes?
Whoohoo!!! Got my rundown, faded, worn out pair on right now!! C’mon, Bossy.. put a new pair on my feet!
Love Danskos. Love clogs.
I’m a clog wearing fool!
Free shoes? REally?@! Me, ME, mine, PLEASE
my 3+ year old shoes beg you for retirement
oh please, please, please… my dog ate my danskos!
I too am a fan of the dansko and am commenting for the first time just for a chance to win these wicked comfy feetwears.
I too am a fan of the dansko and am commenting for the first time just for a chance to win these wicked comfy feet wears.
I have Plantar fasciitis and would love these!
mmmm, danskos. my coworker who solely wears pointy heels has danskos & she loves them. i would love to love them as well.
Dansko clogs are absolutely my favorites. In the fall, winter, and spring, I live in a pair of black clogs like the ones with the closed backs that you just pictured. In the summer, I wear Dansko sandals. My feet have never been happier!
ohh…i love the green! oh, or red!
I’m late to the contest but I am a clog person.
love me some Danskos! used to wear them when I had to stand on the trade show floor all day. they make for happy piggies all the way home!
I had some Danskos that I found at my favorite consignment shosps, good as new I thought and the only way I’d buy a pair. They fit much better than the almost identical pair of Eccos I had. Then, wearing them on my most special trip, the soles fell apart. Just disintegrated. I went into a store and bought some Merrels om sale. I’d love to give Dansko another chance.
As if I had a shot in hell but what the heck!
I’m tired of Uggs – would love, love, love a new pair of fancies!
Dansko does make awesome shoes!
pick me! pick me! I would love to have a good pair of slip ons!
I love love LOVE my Dansko clogs! I’m a flight attendant and I’d have to quit if not for those shoes. They are amazing.
760 people so far want free shoes…
No really found your site a few days ago… read tons of it today… love it!
New. shoes. pretty. please
OOOOO….. I’d love a new pair of clogs! My dog ate my last ones. honest. bad doggy.
I have a pair of Dansko clogs almost identical-in every way. Believe me!!!
I heart Dansko’s. Clogs rock.
ooohhhhh March 17 is my birthday!!!!!!
I love Danskos. I would love a pair!!
I’ve heard all good things about Dansko’s – would love to try a pair!
I have lusted after Danskos for years but never scratched the itch.
I am not worthy.
Oh please! I have very flat feet and have to wear orthotics. I need shoes with good support that are nicer looking than athletic shoes(which I wear most of the time). Size 6 1/2. Thank you ever so much.
could use some new clogs for sure. My Land’s End ones are 16 years and still hanging on – barely.
Please sign me up!
I’ve been wearing mine almost daily for 5 years and love them! Even in Minnesota winters. Even when it’s 10 below on March 11. Would love a new pair!
I love Dansko’s! Doctors, nurses, and teachers are all in on the Dansko secret!
i love danskos!!!
my fingers are crossed!!
The green ones are very cute, split pea soup? Yes, I really need a pair it has to be a step up from my cheapy old navy flip flops.
I am a dansko freak! My daughter has been wearing them since she was a size 25 and I never get rid of them because they are so flippin cute! My daughters next size is a 31………….
I love clogs, but those sandals are way cuter than I would have expected.
I like Dansko’s. They are good for what ails you.
I like Dansko’s. They are good for what ails you.
Ooooooh! I love clogs. Yes. Pleeeeeeze.
Just took a look and 289 available Dansko shoes. It will take a lifetime to decide which to get. But I’m willing to make that sacrifice for a new pair of shoes. My feet haven’t seen a new pair of shoes in years.
I’ve been on the quest for comfortable black shoes for years to wear during choir performances and I think Danskos are the answer.
I have been stalking them on ebay for months. The new ones generally aren’t cheap enough for my budget, and eww! Used shoes!
I have never tried Dansko shoes but how cute are those black strappy ones? I do love a pair of COMFORTABLE shoes though, so I have my fingers crossed!
Oooh, those are nice. I found a lost earring last night, so maybe I’m on a winning streak.
Love clogs! Been wearing them since the l970’s. Danskos are the best!
Those are too awesome. I’d love me a pair.
Dansko rules.
I’ve been wanting to try Danskos for some time. But, like most moms, I feel guilty for spending the money on myself.
want clogs
Goodness knows I could use a new pair of shoes. I have four pairs in total and as a teacher welcome comfy new ones.
I love clogs! I wear them for work as a chef, and the pair I have now are wonderful! I’d love to have a pair to wear for after work. ::crosses fingers:::
Me me me!!
Love the Danskos!
love my dansko’s…feeling’ lucky just before St. Patrick’s Day…
Did someone say SHOES? God Lord, sign me up.
I would love a pair of Dansko clogs! (How’s that for an original comment?)
me! me! me! pick me!
Crazy! I see these clogs everywhere. Hope my entry is “randomly generated”!
I got my first pair of clogs in France in 1974. My ankles love clogs and they make me look taller too!
i work like a dog and my huge feet need relief! xo
I have been looking for cute shoes that I can walk long distances in to go with the new skirts I bought for this summer! Yay Dansko’s
Deliver me from my Crocs, before someone recognizes me…
I love how those shoes look…with jeans, slacks, or whatever! I want a pair! yay!
If I win…I promise to get my order right the first time! ;P
I heart my clogs. They are on my feet 365 days a year.
Pick me, pick me. Please?
My Danskos have served me well but are now old and sad– I’d love a new color!
Momma needs a new pair of shoes!
I too, need a new pair of clogs. I have had mine for years and they look very much like Bossy’s, only my heel edges have worn down. Must be from my many years of ballet training, I walk like a duck! Quack…..
Love me some dansko’s and since mine look about the same as yours I’d LOVE a new pair!
I never win anything. Don’t know why I’m even trying. Oh wait — I know why — Everyone is Doin’ It. He he. (That’s the name of my blog. I’m so clever.)
I hate to admit it, but my feet love wearing Dansko clogs!
I’d love to try them!
Oh, I love those black strappy(ish) ones. They look so comfortable!
Oh man – clogs are all I wear! Enter me please!
My old pair looks worse than Bossy’s and I, too, still wear them every day. Would adore a new pair!
Some of those are pretty cute!
Love clogs but have never splurged on Danskos….this would be the ultimate! Pick me! Pick me!
Dansko could qualify for the most comfortable ugly shoes on the planet. Sorry to hear about sizing inconsistency.
Need them badly. please!
I have been “averse” to clogs my entire life and long to be enamored of them as equally as YOU and many of my friends. If I win these, I will be sure to sing their praises for everafter….
And, I DO need a new pair of comfy, reliable shoes (I also have the need for a comfy, reliable husband, but I don’t see that on any of these Bossy Giveaways!!)
ooooh they look comfy. or like my mum says “like sex on your feet”. i love u bossy.
Christ on the cross who wears clogs? oh, wait. I am commenting so i can win a pair therefore i must wear them. Whoops.
Have always wanted to try Dansko clogs!
Pick me!
I love wearing my open clogs to work — would love to try closed clogs. Too bad no green ones…
I want clogs! I love clogs!
My mom forbid us from wearing clogs until our feet stopped growing. Out of spite (or self-defense?), my feet grew and grew and grew some more. . . and by then I was so over clogs and had moved on to those Dr. Scholl sandals with the wooden bottoms!
Oh! Pick me! Pick me! (((picture me raising my hand even higher – this is my 2nd plea)))
I already have a perfect corner by the front door for them to live. It’s right next to the heater vent so they’ll be toasty warm for my feet to slip into!
love those clogs. pick me pick me!! : )
When my husband was in the hospital- this is all the lady nurses would wear and believe me, I want to be like them.
One more try – this may be my lucky entry!
I live in my Dansko’s and would love a new pair. I’ve resoled my current ones twice already. Thank you for this wonderful give-away!
I love clogs! anything I don’t have to tie is amazing.
crocs are NOT shoes.
yes, but what size should I order now that they are made in China?
It’s a little-known fact, but I actually grew up in a clog cabin.
I love shoes, clogs, AND live in the good ol’ USA!
Hey, Bossy. I’ve missed you and Barbie and Martha.
I would love a pair of Dansko’s for work!
have I told you lately how much I want those shoes?
Ohhhh! I am long time lurker…and have never, ever owned a pair of clogs. Perhaps if the random Number generator gods are good…well perhaps the clog population may just gain another member! Keep up the good work Bossy! Did I say good? Silly me..I meant GREAT, FABULOUS work….cuz c’mon…Flattery HAS to still count for something, right? NO? Then mehbay pitiful begging?? Pretty please?? oh pleaseOhplease,pleasepleeeease? No? Shoot…well then I’ll just keep my fingers crossed.
i would like some shoes, please!
you’re pretty.
i like danskos
tomorrow’s my anniversary!! and my dansko’s are too small now- 2 kids and 1 shoe size bigger….
I have a pair of Earth Shoes clogs that I love very much. I’d love to compare them to the Danskos–which sound equally as wonderful.
hi bossy! love danskos & you! enjoy our TX spring break week! Off to CO, Karen
I am AG and I approve of this clog.
For the love of all things, pick me! My blog needs the PR boost.
If I win the Danskos, will I look more like a doctor? People on their feet all day must be on to something!
Is this still going on? I just got laid off and would KILL for some new shoes!
I have cerebral palsy so now that I am 38 I find clogs are the only shoes I can wear…please consider me
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