On Sunday, Bossy flipped another year, which Bossy loves as much as she loves change, where change equals any year other than thirty — so Bossy’s husband and daughter’s only defense was to, surprise, fill the house with friends.
Happy Birthday!
I flip a year this week as well. Hoping I fall into a coma until next week. Or maybe this weekend I will just put myself into a Chardonnay coma….yeah, that’s the ticket.
Wake me when it’s over.
your celebration looks divine! i love the long skinny table. and the little table pushed up on the end! those are always the best kinds of parties. when there are too many people for one table and you have to use a second one pushed up on the end.
That was a dirty trick for Bossy not to have her birthday show up on her friends’ faccebook alert status so they would pass the weekend unawares of your natal day and not be able to properly send you birthday greetings.
Love the candles on the shelves and the twinkle lights around the windows (still.) Lots of warmth from the environs and the friendships. Hope you enjoyed your day.
Happy Birthday!
I flip a year this week as well. Hoping I fall into a coma until next week. Or maybe this weekend I will just put myself into a Chardonnay coma….yeah, that’s the ticket.
Wake me when it’s over.
Happy birthday, Bossy!
I hope that warm, inviting table setting helped keep your mind off the flipping calendar.
Happy birthday Bossy!
Happy Day to you! If you leave off “birth”, it doesn’t sting as much.
Happy Birthday !! Yesterday was my anniversary!!!
your celebration looks divine! i love the long skinny table. and the little table pushed up on the end! those are always the best kinds of parties. when there are too many people for one table and you have to use a second one pushed up on the end.
Happy Birthday Bossy!
Happy birthday! Long may you prosper . . .
Happy flippin’ year, Bossy!
Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best this year!
Happy Birthday!
Happy flippin’ birthday! Don’t be blue: being around another year is certainly better than the alternative. Celebrate it, baby!
–>Happy Birthday!
Having a birthday is a lot better than Not having one.
Bossy’s birthday is the same day as my sister’s.
Happy Birthday, Bossy!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
There is so much LOVE in that room!
Happy Birthday Bossy!
*~*~* Happy BIrthday!! *~*~*
As my dad tells me every year, it’s better than the alternative!
~*~* Happy Birthday Bossy!! ~*~*~*
Happy Birthday Bossy!! Your best present is that table full of wonderful folks
Oh, Happy Birthday Sister! All your peeps love you.
Best wishes to you, Bossy! Mine’s next Tuesday and I’m not looking forward to it. Wish I lived near family…
Congrats on flipping another year. I love when that happens. If I were there I’d sing an awful, off-key version of Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Bossy
Happy Irthday to you!
That was a dirty trick for Bossy not to have her birthday show up on her friends’ faccebook alert status so they would pass the weekend unawares of your natal day and not be able to properly send you birthday greetings.
Bad Bossy!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday Bossy! Just said that to Mrs. G too!
I’m glad it was a happy one. Many more.
Happy Birthday Bossy from a fellow aquarian!
Happy Day That Was Yesterday. I hope there was cake.
Happy birthday! You don’t look a day over 29.
Happy belated birthday!
Happy Birthday, Dear Bossssyyyyyyyyyy… Happy Birthday to YOU! Thanks for every moment of pleasure you bring to my day with your blog!
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes, Bossy!
Happy Birthday Bossy.
If you have to have a birthday the Birthday Potluck is definitely the way to go.
Happy Birthday Bossy!
Love the candles on the shelves and the twinkle lights around the windows (still.) Lots of warmth from the environs and the friendships. Hope you enjoyed your day.
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday, dear Bossy! Here’s wishing you many many more happy birthdays to come!
Happy Birthday, BOSSY! Mine’s today. As my much-missed late Grandma would say, “Aquariums Unite!”
I’m with you and Allison, mine was Friday the 6th. Aquarians rock! Happy Birthday Bossy!
Happy Birthday Bossy!!
I knew I loved you – we share the same birthday!
Fer chrissake! Happy Birthday, baby!
Happiest of happy birthdays, Bossy!!
happy happy birthday, bossy!
I had fun picking out all the people in the photo…
Happy Birthday, Bossy!
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Bossy!
What a fun looking party.
You’re on the right side of the ground, and there’s much to be said for that.
Happy Flippin’ Birthday
Hating the Mid-40’s and Wondering Why I Ever Thought 30 Was Old
Happy Birthday Bossy! What a wonderful photo, that room is filled with love. I enjoy your blog, it brightens my day :0)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, fellow Aquarian! Mine’s today.
Happy Birthday!!!