Meet the Smart Fortwo. Pronounced fort-woe four-twah for-two, this DaimlerChrysler micro-compact has been redesigned for a 2008 U.S. release. Only 106-inches long, three of these handbags can fit nose-to-curb in the parking space typically hogged by one standard car length.
And its zippered compartment consists of a solid steel Tridion frame which contains a 5-speed manual transmission, front and side air bags, 7.8 cubic feet of cargo space, and two people.
40 miles per gallon.
You Can Reserve One Of These Pocketbooks With A $99 Refundable Deposit.
Does that mean I never have to take the kids with me anywhere again? Sign me up!
I can just picture Bossy’s dane in the passenger seat with her head sticking out of the top!
You are tooo freaking funny… makes me want to come pick you up and take you to breakfast for some mimosas….
And then the semi who doesn’t see you because your the size of an ANT, SQUARSHES you flat.
Those things only work in completely overpopulated, technologically advanced countries. Like Germany.
It must be evironmently friendly with allthe wood it saves building smaller garages.
I’m planning on matching them to my shoes.
I need to know what’s in the side pocket before I go ahead and order.
Or will fit…. one person and one Big Gulp Cup.
I think I had one of these back in the 70s – it was pink and my Barbie drove it around town with Skipper at her side. Now I can’t help but wonder about how to accessorize. Instead of getting one of those car bras, you could just take your own bra off and slap it on. Hell, go deluxe and add a thong while you are at it.
Looks just like the Smart Car which I saw all over Europe when I was there years ago. Funny how America can be a leader in so many things, yet a pathetic follower in so many others (cars, cell phones, anything technology related!).
That car is such a bully magnet! I feel like kicking it to see if it’ll topple over…
I’ve been waiting YEARS for this car. Can’t wait till they are finally on our shores.
Does it come with a strap?
where is the rest of it? That may be the ugliest car I have ever seen.
I swear, X and I saw one of these in Madison last Tuesday. Or, at least its twin sister. Awesomeness. Not that I’ll be driving one, but I like oohing and ahhing over them.
We saw them all over Paris when we visited quite a few years ago. I put my money down when they started announcing here, and got to drive one when the tour came to Vegas. Mine’s picked out – yellow and black. Just hope it makes it up these steep parking garage ramps. What colors will you be getting?
There’s a guy around here who drives in one of the prototypes. It’s so goofily wonderful! I think I’ll have to whip out my evening handbag to fit in there.
teh cute! buy one for me
… in yellow.
Are they only for city driving? I’d like to see how one of those handles on a freeway. I’d be afraid a big truck would drive by and blow me off the road.
Other than that, sign me up!
I’d like one in black and red.
I want one! Screw shoes, I’m a handbag girl. Perhaps they’ll make roof compartments for the kiddles? Like a side car only on top. I wonder if one could get away with driving it through the grocery store? It’s not much different than those motorized carts, that would be the shiznit.
Only 40 MPG? Wow, you’d think it would be higher. Then nice thing about these cars is that if in an accident, they are crushed in such a way as to double as a coffin! So convenient!
Maybe in the city, but no way I’d take that thing on the freeway. You’d be safer on a motorcycle.
Does it have a MP3 player? I think it might be the MP3 player.
WANT! 40 mpg and easy parallel parking? SOLD!
I’m way too cool of a mom to go out like that.
I LOVE it! I am cracking up thinking about Dooce in that car-LOL! Would make a nice graduation gift for Man…………
We have had them here in Cape Town South Africa for some years now and they STILL turn heads when one is sighted!! Suprisingly spaceous inside and a joy to ride!
Go for it US!!!!
I’m confused.
Where do the car seats go? And the stroller? And the diaper bag? And the five pairs of shoes that my kids leave in the car (just in case they wanna wear them, just in case we actually go someplace)? And my husband’s box of car stuff? Oh! I get it! I get to drive ALL BY MYSELF! HAHAHAHAHA! But seriously, I would not feel safe in that thing on 95.
Looks like a matchbox car.
I want one! Seriously. It’s $11000 for a freaking mercedes. AG would never speak to me again. But 40 mpg? Must have.
…coming soon to the streets Los Angeles, Berkeley, Madison WI, and just about nowhere else in the country.
biddy fell in love with the smart car 6 years ago in italy. i wanted to take one home with me to put in the back of my truck. oh, and i put a deposit down on one like 6 months ago and i’m totally chomping at the bit for january to roll around so i can get it! woo hoo! does bossy also know that you can change the color anytime you wish? you can color coordinate your car with your purse and shoes!
I got the Honda Fit:
It has 4 seats, side airbags, a big cargo area, and gets 33 mph. So I am not sure I understand the attraction, except as a novelty.
Pfft. That’s what MOTORCYCLES are for.
Cars like that are ALL over Tokyo. I am holding out for the hybrid minivan myself.
I’ve often wondered why there are so many of these kinds of cars in Europe and not here! Plus, think if how much lipstick this baby an hold!
That would fit IN my handbag, fer chrissake. Right next to the diapers and the crackers.
Are they disposable? Like a Bick?
I’d get in one of those things, see an SUV and have a massive panic attack. No way in the world is that a car….a purse, I’ll believe. But not a car.
And the really handy thing about them is? If you get rear-ended?
You turn into an envelope.
Finally! I saw these all over Paris 2 years ago, and I love the convertible. I currently drive a Mini Cooper, so it’s not much smaller, but it’s cheaper and gets better milage. The drawbacks are that my entire commute is freeway (on the 495 and the Pike), and that it’s electronically limited to 90 mph — just doesn’t seem safge if you need the extra jolt of speed to avoid something (and are already flying at 80.
And it’s a good thing I have a Mini Aussie…
I usta “BUY” a Puegeot (no VAT tax, 100% no-deductable insurance) for a month’s drivin’ thru-out Yurp for sev’l years and got 55 mpg. VW Golf diesel got the same. B’leeve me, you can’t find a parking space in Paris, Amsterdam, anywhere. These li’l guys are godsends. Can park ’em at a bicycle stand. But a mere 40 mpg?
we’ve had them in England for a good few years. they’re cute, but you feel so small and vulnerable on the road, and there’s NO space inside for any shopping whatsoever, you can’t even grocery shop with this car, and if you take a friend out for a ride, you have to leave your handbag at home so there’s room.
Cute, but does it fit in a bread box?
Wouldn’t want to be caught between to 18-wheelers in one of those gadgets.
And the best thing? You can park it inside your own car!
OMG – totally made for urban road warriors. I can’t imagine what would happen if you hit a deer??? But it is cute.
I’ve been in love with Smart cars since 2002. Sadly they will serve no purpose whatsoever come January when it has snowed the height of the car. But wishful thinking.
I took my American kids to England this summer – those little cars were everywhere – they patted each one they saw because we were on foot in Europe.
OMG! It’s George Jetson’s car!
40 MPG?!
AG is there.
Looks smaller than our first VCR back in the 80s. Maybe it plays Betamax?
Oh it’s cute…What do you do with it?
huh…and you drive this????
beats the purpose of a handbag, doesn’t it?
OMG! i am SO going to get one! i wonder if they’ll come out with shoes to match!
I think I could attach a handle to that to facilitate carrying convenience.
Isn’t this just a GEO only smaller and more expensive? It gets worse gas mileage than a GEO too! I see one at the gym every day and just shake my head. It can’t be very safe. Thanks, but I’ll keep my 1968 convertable Mustang.
I don’t know how you manage to stop on top of these things… but you’re just too much fun
Thanks for sharing – maybe I’ll pick up a few for the kids’ goody bags at the party this weekend LOL
Yes but does it have a magnetic snap closure? And room for a tampon? I must know!!
I think I love this car! I’m so not a car person, but this may convert me
You know my husband once backed over a Honda he couldn’t see in his F-150. I’m really wondering what his truck would do to one of those things….
Some people are afraid of having an accident in one of those. My only fear is that my a$$ won’t fit inside it.
Yeah, just don’t try to get something out of the trunk after you park! You’ll be all over the grill of the car that ran you down.
But… where do I put my lipstick?
It’s cute but do you have anything smaller?
I think it is adorable… and, if I could put my three boys behind a sound barrier in the trunk – I’d sign up in a minute.
What? You can’t put your kids in the trunk?
Oh…. uh, yeah, just kidding.
These are cool. I saw a sexy lady coming out of one in Toronto last month wearing some kind of Vegan outfit. Were you in Toronto by chance??
Oh, god, it’s so cute it hurts! But I guess you’d have to choose between a passenger and bringing your purse with you. I’d pick my purse.
It reminds me of “Aunt Fanny” in the kids’ animated flick, ROBOTS.
Where do the tampons go?
I want one. 5 speed manual? That is the go-cart I have always dreamed of owning.
I would need to get one(s) in all different colors to accessorize and coordinate with each outfit properly.
What happens if you drink a few drinks, have sushie with extra soy sauce or eat your weight in chocolate ice cream and you wake up all bloated you can’t fit into your little pocketbook. Would make for an interesting excuse as to why you couldn’t make it into work some morning…
It reminds me of the Gremlin. Whatever happened to that car???
No straight man will ever drive this car unless he has a penis so big he has to keep the sunroof open so it sticks out for everyone to see.