Yo yoyoyoyo, what’s up Phamily? Bossy here, providing y’all with a phoot stompin, ham hocking post about her Love:
That’s G. Love, but you can call him Garrett Dutton III. He’s the dope front man of G. Love & Special Sauce, and Bossy has the following sick story about G. Love to share with all her dawgs:
That’s Bossy rockin’ her late teens. At the time she was kickin’ it with her brother’s musician friends because they were jammin’ in black threads.
Also at the time, Bossy’s parents owned a crib at the beach, where her family would chill for the summer—with the exception of her father who had to cruise back to the city for work every monday, and then cruise back to the beach after his killer week.
But Bossy’s dad wasn’t road trippin’ solo, because he shared his ride with another guy from the ‘hood who was also busy dedicatin’ his weekday skillz to pay the bills.
And that guy had a son named Garrett, but Bossy didn’t pay that son any mind because even though he grew up one block from Bossy, he was just a kid on the scene.
A dozen years down the line, Bossy found herself in a slammin’ crowd, diggin’ a cool unknown cat named G.
“The band was bangin’,” Bossy told her dad on the phone the next day, still buzzin’ from G. Love’s off the chain performance.
“Why, don’t you know? That’s young Garrett,” Bossy’s dad said.
Bossy’s mind started spinnin’ and she felt like she was trippin’.
Bossy was amped to catch G. Love’s next gig, where she found her groove backstage and approached G. The vibes were thick, and Bossy hit up G for some neighborhood memories and then Bossy strolled away holding G’s digits on a piece of paper.
Bossy was amped. Until she remembered she was already hitched.
But it’s still kind of dope that Bossy knows G, even if he does talk like a surfer. Which is why Bossy wants to give a shout-out to G. Love & Special Sauce and their latest record which dropped yesterday.
It’s called Superhero Brother. Word out. Peace in the Middle East.
I had something clever to say but got totally distracted by the sparkley pony that just appeared in the google ad.
I have google ads too and I NEVER get sparkley ponies, what’s up with that!
(And good luck to G. Love and Special Sauce)
I like Bossy. I like G. Love. AND I Like Cold Beverages. Word. From a mother.
It’s wicked cool of Bossy to bring G Love & The Sauce to the masses, where the masses = Bossy’s adoring readers.
And also, do you still think of him as little?
Does Bossy still think of him as little? Um, a resounding No.
Oh, man! I LOVED G. Love & Special Sauce in college. And now I need to get out my old tunes and chillax for a spell, brah.
Bossy is famous on so many levels. I’m impressed daily. She’s funny too.
Dayum! That story is off the hook, yo!
PS: You are hilarious!
You are fo shizzle the phreshest beeeyach from the block. Which makes me wonder, how phresh is G-Love’s special sauce?
He’s a cutie, and we’re big phans in my hizouse.
YOU KNOW G. LOVE?! I love g. love. Love!
The moral of the story is: Hug a Neighborhood Kid today. And make them promise their hand in marriage.
Dope! You are just cooler by the day!
Wow, I’m so totally one degree away from G. Love now! Score.
That was rad, Bossy.
for serious, stop making me fall in love with you! i’ve been listening to g. love since high school, and he makes me swoon. i’ve only been able to see him live a couple of times, but i looooove him. and you rawk by association, as well as on your own.
I am loving all these awesome stories from your past! You are one interesting gal. I’ll bet you are glad you have your blog to keep track of all the sweet memories.
You’ve got mad skillz, yo.
I can’t even describe how much my 1994 was improved by G. Love. Seriously.
Fo’ realios, Bossy-o…thanks for keepin it real.
Their keyboardist grew up across the street from us (his parents still live there). I’ve never heard them, but I’m going to have to listen now. I’m so old. Sigh.
This post is HIlarious!!
Ooooooh! I’m so jealous! I lerve me some G.Love and the Special Sauce. My hubs and I try to catch him whenever he some to First Ave in Minneapolis. Jealous! Jealous!
It’s so lucky to be bossy!
Bossy, I am only a few months older than you, but you’re obviously 23. How can this be? I have never heard of G. Love, and, while I have heard of Special Sauce in its various incarnations, I was not aware that it made noise, much less music.
Guess I’ll be taking the Jazzy Scooter down to the local record store today.
Umm He is so cute. And you were lookin’ hottttttt! I have to check him out now!
Love me some SAUCE … yeah, yeah, yeah. Fo sho you be the coolest chick on the block. Bossy so fly!
This is my first comment, but I’ve been reading your blog since you started your road trip, and as a mom that lives on the road in a freaking schoolbus with her family of five, I just have to ask..Track #11…you got the answer?
I’m buying the CD. I love it! Thanks! peace, Love and Happiness!
Yo man Garrett been hangin’ with dem at Gizoogle.com.
You know G.Love?! He’s really hott, and all of a sudden I feel 19 again. That’s not a good age to feel. I was stupid then. But G. Love is HOTT.
Oh My Sweet Lord I LOVE G LOVE. And the special sauce, yeah, ‘cuz he’s my baby. My baby my baby and of course I’d do anything for him…
There’s just so much to Bossy. Screw Kevin Bacon, we should all play Six Degrees of Separation of Bossy.
:: adds it to my i-tunes buying list ::
Love this entry … especially the hot photo of him with the basketball.
BOSSY that is whack, yo.
What a smooth and groovy sound, Bossy! Instant fan here. Thanks for the heads-up.
Dude,V stole my comment!
I always had a suspicion that I was unoriginal.
“Peace in The Middle East”
Thats some funny stuff!
And Bossy continues to amaze me with her life.
Bossy, why come yous is all up in mys boyfriends? I was willing to let Cusack slide like, but you think I’m is not afraid to mess up my hair? Don’t make me come up outta here and set yous straight.
just saying. peace out, bish.
AG would like to get in on those digits!!!!
By the looks of that 2nd photo I don’t think of him as “little” either! I touched his shoulder the last time he was in Detroit and thought I was really cool. Now I know I’m nothing compared to Bossy…. Oh, and can I have those dizigits?
Bossy’s got sauce, but your baby ain’t sweet like mine.
I’m lookin at the neighborhood boys around here–not seeing the same outcome, sadly.
I hope you let drop that you are BOSSY. Word.
Shoot, everyone’s used the song references I know! I dragged my sorry ass to see Dave Matthews (who I hate) JUST to see G Love and, wouldn’t it figure, we missed his opening act and I had to endure the headliner. Ain’t enough beer to make that ok.
Bossy is such a coogah!
Even my 2 year old can sing to G Love…I don’t even mind if, while singing “basketball” they scream at the top of their lungs (the 2 & 3 year old), “all the junkies on the sidelines smokin’ reefer keep sayin’…” because that song is our theme song around here. I’d have it as the theme song on my blog if 1) I knew how to put audio up there and 2) if I didn’t hate when music starts on a site. Oh, and in college when asked what band I would tour with as the sound engineer, I picked G. Love and the Special Sauce. Sigh. Lucky.
Give me some lovin’ early in the mornin’
I just woke up with this appetite
Come on, give me love
In the mornin’ light
LOVE that song! Wanna give G my digits? Oh crap, I’m married too.
So jealous that Bossy knows G. Love. He definitely rocks. I’m unhitched … maybe Bossy would like to set me up on a date with him?
yum. Yum. YUM.
Garrett’s success was inevitable…. as a child he could make bunny silhouettes while playing basketball with a (broken) leg.
NO Flippin way…
I’ve spent hours listening to him.
Bossy, you become more and more my hero every day. In fact, I’m adding that to my myspace page now.
Now Bossy, you’ve got to tell the 1/2 degree of seperation with Kevin Bacon.
G. Love is a white boy from the ‘burbs? Next you’ll be tellimg me that Bossy is a housewife. WHAT?
You made me lols like mad yo! (Does that make any sense as a sentence?)
Um, Tasha is NOT married, but could be, if Bossy would just hook her up with G. Love’s number…
He is cute and would look cute with a nice girl like me.
dayum, I should never read the comments cause I just spent the last couple of minutes looking for the sparkly freaking pony…
So what was I gunna say? Yeah, I dunno. So you know Ali G? That was his name right? Kenny G. Some G dude that will never come to Australia even if he makes it HUGE worldwide cause we just don’t count.
Bitter much? Hey Madonna! Bite me! And all my gay boys are refusing to cut hair and shit now you ain’t coming…
…Totally. ;o)
The fact that Bossy can admire someone who is also referred to as Special Sauce, and there is nary a reference to “boyfriend” is incredible.
Bossy the Pimp. Pimpin’ for G. Cool.
Hook a flygirl up, yo.
you’re damn funny! i have to say that in college my FAVORITE jam was “my baby’s got sauce”. i never realized that they were as big as they are until recently i was in a coworkers car looking through their ipod and i saw g love in their ipod!
ahhhhh… long life g love and special sauce! and how flippin cool that you know him!!!
PLEASE start twittering Bossy, I want a piece of you all day long. That didn’t sound right . . .
OMG, that’s hysterical. He looks like he must have been in diapers back then. I can say this because I’m 39. And I’m pretty sure I changed his diapers. I hate it when that happens.
Oh shit, son! (I’m just following your lead here.) My bf loves him but I have no clue who he is, other than the dude you used to ignore during your beach house lounging days, which by the way, makes you one lucky biotch.
I looked all over the web but couldn’t find a translation engine for whatever language you were speaking in that post. I think it was about music. But I’m not sure.
I love me some G love. and Now I feel like having some “Cold Beverages” wih some “Astronauts” and some “Rodeo Clowns” and some “Bossy”. (Okay I threw the last one in because I think G should write a song about you.
Bossy has such snizzle.
Holla at yo Gyrl! Yo homie I gots ta spit at you right? It was hella off the micky flippin chain to read this post. Yezz Sir!
pause in surfer/rapper speak
Now that I have met you I hear your posts in your voice.. which totally makes this whole thing hilarious.
but please do me a favor – stay your awesome bossy self.. I can’t handle you venturing over into the world of almost hip talk/ebonically surfer-rific with me okay?
and now I am going to check out this young man of which you post as I have NEVER heard of a G love unless we are talking about other things..
I’ll Holla!!
I love that band! So does my brother-in-law. You are *SO* famous.
I didn’t think it was possible, but Bossy just got more cool points!
I love G. and his special sauce…yeah, I said it.
Yo!Yo!Yo!YO! Thats the bomb diggity! G Love & the Special sauce? Schizle me dizzle! I’m lustin’ for some special sauce!! Wizard! Bossy is too crispy for me! :>)
wow. thats awesome. bossy you are famous!
i love G sauce. any friend of Jacks is a friend of mine.
G Love is the bomb yo!
We have Special Sauce here in Utah, but we dip our french fries in it.