According to a recent article in People magazine, Angelina Jolie says she feels even sexier now that she’s given birth to three children.
And about her own self, Bossy couldn’t have said it better! Minus the part about the three kids, and the sexy.
According to a recent article in People magazine, Angelina Jolie says she feels even sexier now that she’s given birth to three children.
And about her own self, Bossy couldn’t have said it better! Minus the part about the three kids, and the sexy.
[…] Read the original here: Things That Make You Want To Drink Gin Straight From The Cat Bowl. […]
[…] That Deleting Your Blog Will Result In A Deleted Blog? In fact it was so scary that after Bossy drank all the gin from the cat bowl, she captured the following screen shot to document the exact time her old blog was […]
[…] so Bossy is all, No wonder the coffee shop burnt down if it had no top. In other news, look who just bumped Oprah from her number one position as Forbes’ most powerful […]
Well SURE! When you can afford nannies for every waking minute and surgery for every possible body flaw and personal chefs and personal trainers and your husband is Brad Pitt, what’s not to feel sexy about!
Sy Nichol
Seriously. Totally agree with Billy Payes.
Her sexy does not count.
This layout looks so much better than your old one that I’m going insane with how much better it looks. INSANE!!!
Well done, homegirl.
Your re-do is sex-ay, and it probably felt like 3 births to create this much change, so therefore I Am Bossy = Angelina Jolie.
I agree with Deb’s logic!!
Angelina may be all oozing sexiness and what not but Bossy has WAY more boyfriends and husbands.
Therefore, Bossy is better than Angelina.
The End.
Oh Bossy, if Angelina’s self-confidence makes you drink gin from the cat bowl, then there are larger issues at play here than celebrity hubris.
Take a loving and honest look in the mirror and let the cat drink her own gin.
I am puzzled at how she can look like she does while nursing twins. There must be some illusion going on here. As I recall nursing one infant took a bit of a toll…..
What a coincidence, now that I’ve given birth to three kids I feel like Angelina Jolie!
All the world’s a stage…and we are merely players….performers and portrayers.
She’s not real! And Bossy is WAY real and looks fantastic herself. My vet says gin is good for cats.
Team Aniston.
Well, I feel sexy because I didn’t shave my legs this morning and just ate a lunch that consisted of mostly Fritos and sour cream dip.
So if I gave birth to FOUR kids, that makes me… what?? Sexier than Angelina Jolie? Hmmm. No, I think it’s probably “nutso”.
But nutso = sexy in some contexts, right? Here’s hopin’!
Second the Team Aniston vote.
Oh good. Is three kids all it takes to become as beautiful as her? I’ll get right on that.
She did used to wear her lover’s blood in a vial around her neck, and that equalled sexy. So if childbirth 3x makes her feel sexier, maybe that’s a step more towards “normal”. Still not really someone most humanoids can relate to. She seems like she’s from a different planet than mine.
I have given birth to NO children. I must be completely UNSEXY! Revolting, maybe! And I totally agree with Chesapeake Bay Woman in Comment #7. Bossy wins!
Angelina Jolie is officially an alien species. No true human makes comments like that without fearing a Karmic b*tch slap from the universe.
Damn. Stopped at two kids. Damn.
Cankles forever. Damn.
I detest Angelina Jolie. Actually, I’m pretty convinced she’s not real, like Easter Bunny or Santa Claus.
OH my gah, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus aren’t real.
Three kids makes you look like Angelina? Nothing has made me want to have sex and get knocked up more than that premise. Oh wait… my second kid is crying. Nevermind.
Apropos of nothing to do with this post, the redesign looks great. BUT…you should let someone know that my google reader no longer picks up the feed that says you have a new post up. I came over to the iambossy site to make sure you were ok. And here you are looking fabulous! And I’m glad. But your spiffy new blog really should connect with the nice people at Google, don’t you think?
Good luck & it looks great!
Man, I hope I still feel sexy when my vagina has been stretched beyond repair!
Michelle, Angelina would never give birth through her vagina. C-sections only.
She can’t be real. There is no way…
The only thing sexy about Angelina is Brad Pitt; my husband thinks she looks like a catfish (although secretly I know he is saying that because the sexy monster hasn’t visited THIS mother of three…)
And now for something completely different, they should have named the twins Arm and Peach.
Well, I am sure I don’t LOOK sexier, but my outlook is, um, sexier than it was before the 3 babies. I know, call me crazy. But I think Missus Pitt is lying, because I KNOW I never felt LESS sexy than when I was nursing and trying to lose all that baby weight and short on sleep and COULD NOT DRINK GIN FROM THE CAT BOWL.
Yes, nothing like hemorrhoids to make a girl feel like sex on a stick. And don’t tell me she didn’t get them because people who wear high heals while pregnant with twins get them. It’s a rule. Ask your Higher Power.
Yeah, she can talk!
I hated her before she came out with the post preggo bod by Brad.
That woman is a machine.
How can you have six kids and still have hair!??
i totally knew that was angelina jolie before i read the post. yay bossy.
Nice drawing, like your style…
I never felt like deflated elephant until I gave birth. Sexy was at the way opposite end of the spectrum! I still haven’t successfully (as far as I’m concerned) brought sexy back.
Liar, liar, pants on fire. La Jolie has an image to uphold as a goddess. Therefore she’s not going to tell you about her skin tags and stretch marks. I’ll be happy to tell you about mine.
Oh sure, I’d totally feel sexy having two kids attached to my boobs (hey, I’ve been there, FOR REAL….my twins who are now 18 were breastfed for all of the 6 weeks I could tough it out!) with Brad Pitt standing there snapping pictures.
And then of course, after all the stretch marks and other unsightly unmentionables are PhotoShopped out…well hell, who wouldn’t feel sexy!
Oh and I’d feel even sexier with the little French nannies running all over the place tending to the kids while I brushed my hair.
That’s probably where I lost my sexy…back before the 1000lbs of potatoes hit my ass…I forgot to get myself a French nanny!
I really think the whole being sexy after 3 kids thing has a lot to do with being that sexy before the three kids. I lose.
Ah, an Anne Lamott fan!
This is crazy funny : ). Thank you for always making me smile!
Oh, I thought I lost you. My google reader did not update you from last Tuesday! What a stinker! Your new design is awesome. Sexy is as sexy does?
Also, your beautiful little “b” bossy favicon doesn’t show up on my blogroll anymore either. I really really really miss it, cuz it’s SO darn CUTE!
At least be sure to run the cat bowl through the dish washer before you pour the gin in. You don’t want the gin contaminated with cat hairs and poo particles and bugs. It might ruin the flavr.
I have this great recipe that uses gin that I’ve been dying to try but am too chicken. Will Bossy – or her cat – try it for me and let me know how it turns out? I think it would be a perfect debate beverage for tomorrow night:
“Chloroform Cocktails” – boil six cups of coffee down to one, add a fifth of gin and a quart of vanilla ice cream
I actually like Angelina. I think she tries to do the right thing and send out the right message. For a celebrity, she’s not all bad.
And, she had c-sections, so her vagina isn’t stretched or sliced.
GAH!! Bossy’s feed broke.
At least, it’s not feeding my reader any more. I’ve been sick and not paying much attention, but I suddenly realized I haven’t seen much Bossy lately, and I came here to check it out — and lo, the place looks different (and awesome!), but now I’ve gotta go fix the feed.
If you have a whole new feed address, you might want to put up a last post into the old feed to tell people to resubscribe here…
I was just in the dentist’s office, waiting to spend an hour having my gums tortured and anticipating the salt tang of blood in my mouth, so I decided to prolong the fun and read US magazine to find out how Angelina took off all that baby weight after having the twins.
Carefully studying the photos accompanying the article, I can only assume that she simply had a baby bump mechanically attached to her stomach, and then detached at the birth (adhesive? straps? some kind of put-the-notched-pin-in-the-hole-and-give-it-a-quarter-turn device?) because all the rest of her body looked exactly the same – slim arms, no double-chin, no puffy face,
And now you write this!
Bossy’s new website is sexy.
Bossy’s boyfriends and husbands are sexy.
Bossy’s ability to draw people? Really cool, but I’m sure also pretty sexy.
Ergo: Bossy=sexy.
I’m for Team Aniston! Why not seduce another married man??…………… that’ll make ya’ feel even sexier!!
I’m sure if I had a cat, or any gin on hand, I’d be drinking it out of the cat bowl right now.
All I’ve got is some Jack and a watering can. Will that do?