Entertainment Weekly recently published photos of celebrity tattoos — but it’s not a list of celebrities and their tattoos, but rather a collection of people who have tattoos of celebrities and that sentence took all of an hour to write because Bossy is so tired.
And about the tired, whose bright idea was it to install a skylight directly over Bossy’s bed? Have you ever heard rain pounding on a skylight directly over a bed? Have you ever heard that same rain at two in the morning and then at three in the morning and again ten minutes after you finally fall off to sleep? Do they have skylights in Guantanamo Bay? Because they should (not.)
Anyway. Some people choose a tattoo of a star who achieved their celebrity status through decades of hard work and philanthropic deeds:
While others choose a tattoo of a star who achieved their celebrity status through decades of hard work and philanthropic deeds:
Some people choose a tattoo of a celebrity who makes them laugh:
While others choose a tattoo of a celebrity who makes them laugh:
You can see the rest of the celebrity tattoos here, but frankly, Bossy doesn’t understand why anyone would ever want a photo of a celebrity injected into their skin. That’s why gah invented Photoshop.
I cant believe it!!! I thought I was the only person with a Tony Danza tatoo. I’ll Have to take a photo of the of the Rosie O’Donnel tatoo on my ass
I recommend Benedryl and a shot of tequilla to overcome that rain-induced sleeplessness. Cheap, fast and effective. However, it does result in one HECK of a hangover…
Sometimes I’m just too shocked to think of anything witty to say, although I think the title of this post should be: Thank Gah it’s Friday and that you’re not one of these pathetic losers, (Bossy’s artistic photoshop not included.)
If I were to get a tattoo, it would have to be a potato. Or 42.
I would need a full-body tattoo if I were to include my husbands and wife.
Did anyone get comments from the mental institutions where those people are most certainly patients?!
I’ll take one Kevin Bacon tatto, hold the pimples and stubble shin hair.
OH BOSSY it would look tres cool on you!
My wife met John Cusack at a party in the 80s. She didn’t know who he was and asked what movies he’d been in. Then she married me.
And here I was thinking you were gonna show the Obama O’Boyfreind tatoo!
GROSS pimple teeth!
I have Rush Limbaugh tattooed on my ass. Both cheeks.
Okay, that Britney pimple one got me…….I think I going to lose my breakfast! Yuck!!!!
I really regret my Milli Vanilli tattoo. Should have gone with Vanilla Ice instead. Why shouldn’t my skin be a time capsule of other people’s fame?
That rain was something, wasn’t it? And it had the nerve to compete with my husband’s snoring.
Love the last shot…
I have one of Nancy Pelosi.
I didn’t expect John to be on your arm.
It’s entirely too early this morning to be looking at stuff like that. Of course, it would be the wrong time of day, any time of day.
Speaking of wrong, tats of celebrity faces on one’s bod are just WRONG.
disturbing….very disturbing
I have one of those skylights and I live in a rainforest.
But at least I don’t have a celeb tattoo…though if I did, it would be Betty Butterfield.
So, I have a friend that has Hulk Hogan on one ass cheek and Andre the Giant on the other. Seriously. She says when she wears tight pants, they wrestle each other.
But look! A sign that all is yet right with the Universe! The link you offered so we can go check out MORE of these monstrosities points to”www.ew.com.” EW!!!
If ever I got a tattoo it would have to be in relief. That is, tattoo my whole body except for the picture part.
This worked so much better in my head.
Long ago, I slept in a loft bed under a 3×6 foot skylight. It was in San Francisco at the top of a hill. We could watch the fog float by overhead, and sometimes we even saw the stars. It was lovely. And we got used to the rain and the light. It was a small price to pay for the magic!
And the tattoos? Don’t want to even THINK what they’ll look like in 30 years. Ew.
No. Just . . . NO.
I hope you are taking a nap right now! We had a big storm the other night and I was vexed the wind in the trees woke me. I was wondering if it was a tornado and got up to look at the radar on tv. Not that bad, just high winds. Now isn’t it a wonderful thing to have 24/7 radar and weather forecasts.
I can’t even go there on the tatts. Ugh
Thanks for linking to more tattoos.There’s 15 minutes of my life I’ll never get back. People are effed.
Rain on a tin roof will completely cover the sound of rain on a skylight. Yes, I totally know this from long experience!
YYYEEEEEWWWWW…I have nothing else to say on this matter….
Hi Bossy! VERY funny…the Oprah and Brittney made me snort out loud. Loved it!
I have 2, count them 2 sky lights in my bathroom, which is right next to my bed, thankyouverymuch.
How does Bossy clean her skylights, hmmmmm cuz I don’t.
So, you’re saying you don’t appreciate my Hervé Villechaize tattoo? (Please tell me you get that.)
All I can say is Bossy’s tattoo artist is a true ARTISTE!! That tat of Bossy’s Boyfriend looks so lifelike – amazing!
You just said/typed leg pimples, didn’t you! You did!
That takes fanatacism/stalking to a whole new level. Trying to think what an Aussie would get tattooed (we tend not to idolise quite so much over here). Hmmmm.
Hugh Jackman (won’t matter if the canvas is a bit hairy)
Toni Collette (has been known to add unflattering pimples to achieve ‘character’)
Kevin Rudd (illustrious leader who could do with a little extra stubble to give impression of being a grown up!)
Hey… we may be onto something.

I thought about getting Matthew McConoughy on my left, er, chestside, but with duct tape over his mouth – because the boy looks great, but is dumb as a hammer.
Is Bossy getting Barack on the other arm?
I would like a tat of W splashed across my lower back, with my ass cheeks being his cheeks. That is all.
Mr too I’m going to place a red rose on my boob the one that had a lumpectomy wonder what that will look like..
Dorothy from grammology
gah-damned funny.
There is no one I would want to look at on one of my body parts for the rest of my life…………..
Just ask my ex-husbands…………
I believe that is blood oozing out of Britney’s teeth.
Oh…UGH. To all of the above. Exceptin’ Miss Bossy.
Wow. Tony Danza? Really? Would that have ever NOT been wrong, even during the Taxi years? At least go for Louie De Palma or Reverend Jim.
And that Brittney one is hysterical.
If you like John Cusack, make sure to check out the 2012 facebook page