The other day Bossy’s husband announced a spending freeze, which Bossy finds interesting because she doesn’t remember the part where she was allowed a spending heat. Why, Bossy’s husband, why? It’s not as if Bossy was about to purchase a few clothing items to round out her fall wardrobe! Nope, Bossy wasn’t about to purchase a few items at all. She was about to purchase a few items times one bazillion.
Considering her economic crisis, Bossy’s only fashion defense was to clean out her closet in order to clearly see all of the fall trends she doesn’t possess.
Shall we begin?
The first fall 2009 trend Bossy wants to talk about is leggings:
Leggings are back, and Bossy is happy to report she still has her pair from over a decade ago because that’s just the kind of attention Bossy pays to updating her closet:
The next fall 2009 fashion trend is referred to as the boyfriend jacket since it’s not just a blazer — it’s unstructured and roomy enough to allow for layering:
And Bossy is pleased to report she also has one of these!
In order to carry forth with the next trend, Bossy would like to recall the photo from above:
This fall is all about big and bold around the neck area, either by mixing and matching various chains or with one necklace that makes a statement:
The next trend is all about sequins found on everyday garments, such as this skirt:
Bossy also has a sequined skirt! Minus the sequins!
Next Bossy would like to focus on the fall 2009 boot trend, which is all about flat and plain and as tall as your thighs will allow:
In terms of jeans this fall, denim is available in a range from flared to straight, but always seem to feature lots of activity around the hiney pocket region:
The next trend Bossy would like to discuss is the reemergence of flannel and plaid — except this isn’t your grandpa’s grunge, this time around it’s all about formfitting:
Next up we have the ruffle trend:
Which brings us to the last trend of the fall 2009 fashion season. Not because it actually is the last trend, but because if this post takes Bossy any longer these trends will have gone back out of style.
The last trend is all about the one-shoulder look. Sadly, Bossy has no equivalent in her wardrobe – unless you count all of the t-shirts Bossy still has, the t-shirts she cut the sleeves off of because that? That was so 1984.
I’m commenting now before even reading cause I’ve never been first commenter before. Virginal comment space — amazing. I’ll bet this is too good to be true.
I think Bossy should eat a damned cheeseburger, with a side of milkshakes. Oy.
Hold on, Girl!
Ten years from now all your stuff will be back IN!
*grumbling about SKINNY and all the SKINNY*
(so jealous)
You can have ALL my clothes and I’ll take all your skinny please.
Stop bitching.
The good: Bossy is soooooo pretty. For real. And Bossy has a rockin’ body.
And the bad: Bossy must say goodbye to those jeans…those are some kinda ugly.
You forgot about that fur jacket…would bossy perhaps have one of those? because bossy’s daughter sure doesn’t.
I am very grateful for the fall fashion overview since I don’t keep up with trends like I used to. Oh, except I did watch Project Runway last week, but that’s probably NEXT year’s style. Anyway, Bossy made me want to clean out my closet. Helpful!
Why do people think they have the right to make nasty comments about someones body. I think Scottsdale girl needs to say sorry. Bossy is great the way she is.
While I don’t really concern myself with fashion (too poor and too male) this post was just too much fun.
Bossy’s Daughter: LOL
Oh my! I’m so happy I *still* have my boyfriend jackets! I ditched the vests a few years ago after seeing a photo in which I channeled a valet named Jeeves, and looked like I was employed at one of Britain’s finest manors.
wait just a minute…that vest, is that the one that’s reversible with kindof a rose/burgundy color? That was Zids, then mine. Now we’re talkin’ vintage…
Give us a post on how you stay so skinny! You look great. Could it be all that red wine?
–>Thank you for the chuckle. I think Stella’s also in style and doesn’t mind sharing her “chains” with you.
You have a great figure and it’s no doubt to all the running do. Makes me appreciate the long run I *Didn’t* have this a.m. I hit snooze instead and ate candy for breakfast.
Boyfriend jackets and leggings?! That’s what I wore in lieu of maternity clothes when pregnant with my daughter. Who is now almost 16.
Huh. Those first two look suspiciously like early pregnancy clothes. Which means, if I ever get around to BUYING any pregnancy clothes, instead of just breaking all the zippers on my regular pants and wearing the same two shirts all the time, I will totally be in style! Yay!
BOSSY is bringing back the choke collar one twist tie at a time!
hot bods never go out of syle.
Damn! I just got rid of my leggings in the last move in 2007.
Any chance your freeze will be thawed for the hiney flare jeans?
Damn, I think Bossy would look awesome in a paper bag. Love the dog choker necklace—that could catch on, you know?
LOL @ Bossy’s Daughter.
And I agree with Rebekah. Those jeans MUST go. Oh, and all those other things she said too!
Wow! Bossy is some kind of confident to take a pic of her hiney to post on the internet!
You go, girl!
I’ve was wearing leggings before it was cool because it gets damn cold in Texas in the winter.
I wish my bod was as little as yours, but not enough to do all that much to get it back.
My biggest problem with the “boyfriend jacket” is that my “boyfriend” is a foot taller and thus any jacket that would fit him would really be more of a “boyfriend dress” on me. And a “boyfriend jacket” that isn’t actually worn by the “boyfriend” seems rather…inauthentic, no?
My biggest problem with leggings is that they are leggings.
Bossy IS hot fashion just the way she is.
I wish I could make a choke chain look so good. If I did that, someone would likely take me for a walk.
bossy is one hawt mama!
those of you that don’t agree can piss off! do YOU have the guts to post YOUR bod, scottsdale girl? didn’t think so!
as for me, my fat ass would never fit into a pair of leggings…but that’s ok. bossy can strut her stuff for me!
I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend. I wonder if Grandpa has any flannels that will fit me…
I dig the last, punk rock photo of the series! I think I had that same shirt
Bossy’s cute figure and long legs are always in style!
…With all this spending freeze going on, are you eating at all? Geez a lou girl, a stiff wind come along and we’ll all be like “bye, bye Bossy”… ;o)
…Can I say that I kinda like the choker collar thingy? Does that make me weird? Ack, who cares…*sigh*smile*
…Yeah, it’s a known fact, if you hang onto your clothes and accessories long enough, they’ll come back in style. Trust me on this one…lol
…Blessings… Now go eat something! :o)
Good GOD woman did you or did you not give birth to two children? You look fan-freaking-tastic. Workout regiment post, please?
…I hope that didn’t sound rude up there ’cause it wasn’t meant thataway… You’re cute and your body is perfect and it was all the more reason for me to give you a lil’ grief, okay? That’s all… But still, if it’s terribly windy outside, stay in! :o)
Bossy, I’m thinking you didn’t frame your blog the proper way today to garner the most sympathy possible from your faithful but somewhat envious Council. By that I mean, photos of out of date clothes sagging on HANGARS would have gotten far more Council-sobs.
BTW where’d you get all this Fashion Info?
Bossy’s always funky. And she looks good in her jeans too.
I will be out of fashion with you. There’s a similar freeze here too. Unless I happen to coma across those jeans or that purple top. Then there will be a thaw. And I’ll have to be topless (or bottomless) when I show them to my husband m=because I’m sue both cost a small fortune.
i think BOSSY should embrace the “wrap thyself in saran wrap” trend. because if she does i’m pretty sure BOSSY’s husband will forget all about the spending freeze.
OMG. YOU are SOOOOOO frickin’ skinny. please eat?
What if bossy were to enhance the hiney of her jeans with do-it-yourself sequinage? And don’t discount the value of the choke-collar-as-neck-ornament. When I bought a bike for my fashionable college sophomore niece, who attends school in Brooklyn and therefore is neighbors with Bossy’s son, her primary requirement for a bike security was that it consist of substantial chainage that would allow it to double as a fashion -statement belt.
Who needs Vogue? We got Bossy…
Now darlin’ I know you hate me sayin’ it (I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again) I AM COMING OVER THERE to cook you and Stella big fat juicy steak Dianes (with lots and lots of Diane) to put some meat on those sexy bones of yours… Stella can have hers tartare if she likes…
You made me laugh (as always) and, yes, wish I had had a few LESS steak diane’s in the past year. *sigh*.

PS You checked out Stella’s overseas boyfriend lately?
Baby Favorite can’t even focus on the clothes on Bossy’s Size 1 body.
Baby Favorite’s going to cry herself to sleep tonight, while wondering if puffy eyes combined with a Size 16 figure are some of Fall’s fashions trends.
First, eat some potatoes and bread. You are the kind of skinny *I* wish I was. Second…I always have to buy jeans with “something” on the butt, it makes me appear to actually have one…as all my “fluffyness” is in the front.
The choke collar is HOT!!
Lets not have #2 or #37 respond . To anything. People are the way they are. If you don’t like Bossy for the way she is, then don’t read her blog. She does not wright to have people judge her. I enjoy reading what she has to say. It its fun.
Bossy has a cute hiney. Any photos of Bossy’s husband’s hiney in old jeans?
Who gave Bossy permission to use that photo of me in the boyfriend jacket??? Or maybe she’s just my twin. Not. Oh yeah, I’m short, with no cheekbones or other redeeming features… And Bossy, you’re way too chic to want to wear that pink Tarzan dress. Really.
I swear to shoulder pads I have so many clothes in my closet that I don’t throw out because of some far off dinner party or special soiree I will attend and that will be what does me in, in the end.
#3 you sure are right. All the “young fashions” coming back now are what I wore 20 yrs ago. oy. And they don’t look any better!!
Bossy’s daughter…love her!!
And Bossy is definitely rocking Stella’s chain. even if it is Stella’s chain.
I will be at Petsmart tomorrow for my own chain – uh I mean Necklace! As for the twist tie.. there are some pastries out there (I’ve heard) that have metallic ties! Tada!
I think that’s a great look! No lie! I love the collar! As far as your wardrobe… Bossy you look good in anything. Don’t sweat it.
As for the fur jacket… fur bad. fur bad.
I’ll trade you my buying power (no husband to say no or child in college) for your size one hiney.
Remind me to go craft supply shopping at Home Depot to make jewelry!
Always a hoot our Bossy is.
Really funny one today: Laughed harder with every scroll down…. the mirror…twisty tie… the pockets.. the ruffle/wrinkles… You are hilarious !!!!!
OK…I’m glad I’m not the only dork out here! Too funny! I hate both ruffles and legging, guess I’m not venturing into the big town anytime soon. Here in hicksville Carhart is still the new Chanel! Kim
Hmmm, maybe Bossy can raid hubby’s closet for a boyfriend jacket and borrow Bossy’s daughter’s cute jeans from the lake vacation?
Bossy would then have two more Fall Fashion items!!!!
Looks like you are good to go for the fall and winter – you have the jacket and the leggings. Just don’t do or leggings what Li-Lo has done for leggings!
Me? Well, my boyfriend would have to be one of thos big rapper daddies for me to borrow their jackets! And the only leggings I buy are for my 7 year old.
I heart Bossy, her daughter and Stella for sharing her accessories!
Blackbird is wishing *she* had a mirror like Bossy’s (dirty or not) which, tilted slightly, would make bb look as tall as Bossy. And, also, bb is amused that she and Bossy are on the same wavelength re the Fall Fashion shopping – could it be the COLLEGE TUITION?
Cheer up, Bossy because no matter how you slice or dice it, your body seems to adapt to the new trends with grace and ease. On the other hand, no matter the trend….everything screams “form fitting” on grandma J.
My junior-year prom dress was an one-shoulder number with a ruffle! So I’m batting two-for-two right there in my closet.
And with all due respect, I think it’s sad that so many commenters–who, I assume, are women–cannot resist commenting on Bossy’s body. Everyone loves Bossy and the comments aren’t intended to be mean, but they are so revealing. You wonder why young girls have body issues? Because they watch their mothers and aunts and grandmas who have never gotten over their body issues but who try to tell them they are beautiful as they are. Council, please! Don’t look at Bossy and regret that you aren’t her size; accept and embrace yourself. Your daughters are watching.
Sorry; don’t mean to lecture. Love you all!
I love this post! And Bossy does not look old enough to have a son at Columbia:)
I love your vest!
Not to worry, Bossy, you make anything look cool.
I agree, lot of trends that look suspiciously like ‘hide the pregnancy’ clothes. By the way, (sadly) I’ve got several plaid flannels – you’re welcome to borrow them anytime.
I must say … I like you so much MORE because you do not have the ruffle look. I once ran away from home because my mother was trying to make me wear some ruffled number to church one Sunday. Yes, 25 years later, my disdain for the look remains.
Those jeans could use a bedazzler. Just sayin’.
Geez Louise – Woman – How big is your closet?
You have clothes from 20 years of fads?
Ladies – be careful with leggings. Too tight, and you show the world the dreaded “camel toe”
I’m sorry, but I am firmly of the opinion that since I wore my heather grey leggings and navy boyfriend blazer together for days on end in the late 1980s and early 90s, and often layered short skirts over the leggings in the mid-80s, and wore slouchy chunky jewelry with the boyfriend blazer then, too, that I am completely off the hook for having to repeat any of these hideous trends which only look good on high school/college girls. To be clear: they look “good” in the properly fitting way on people as slim as Bossy, but they look “good” in the fashion way on no one. It’s just that high school girls can wear whatever ridiculousness they want and still potentially look good with the goodness of youth (a la Flash Dance).
Do not lament your lack of one-shoulder items.
Also? That model in the tights is so skinny that her legs can’t even stretch the tights out smooth. They are all lumpy and bumpy because they are too big for her. That is just wrong.
Bossy is one skinny bitch. Who cares about ass pocket action when you actually have an ass????
I LOVE jeans with a lot of pocket action in the hiney region. (This has never gone out of style for me.) Because said pockets in the hiney region make one look like she actually HAS a hiney. When what she really has is only pockets.
It looks like you’ve got all the fashions covered — and then some! No need to shop!
Isn’t it Tuesday by now? Have 10 words, need somewhere to put them
OH Bossy, such thin legs- and that is a nice hiney, even without the pockets. Didn’t know you were ten years ahead in style ten years ago, did you?
Just wanted to weigh in on the “skinny debate”. While I have, after seeing Bossy at BlogHer, noted that “Bossy is as thin as a whippet”, I meant that in the nicest way.
And Bossy should just rock the wonderful bod she seems to have naturally. I have actually witnessed Bossy eating…from a full plate…with enthusiasm and gusto.
Getting back to that whippet comment. You can feed a whippet all the cheeseburgers you want. They don’t gain any weight. They are just naturally thin. Like Bossy.
And yes, it probably is the red wine.
Girlfriend has one sweet tuckus
Just wear the jeans backwards, LOL.
I think L needs to learn to read less literally. It was not a nasty comment…and if you kept reading you would see i said (so jealous). Getcher facts straight missy, I bet Bossy knew I was not being mean.
I would ignore husbands Shopping freeze. Hey girl’s gotta have shoes and stuff….Can’t cry about the legging as I took a boat load to the Goodwill and probably couldn’t put my flat & Large behind in them. Loved Stella’s fashion sense!
Why would anyone think “eat a cheeseburger” is an insult?? I would love it if someone told me that! Lighten up! Has anyone not heard of sarcasm as a joke? I sure did not take skinny comments as an insult.
geesh, defensive much, Council? yowza.
Thank you Bossy for the awesome fashion show. I’m secretly relieved I’m on (what’s starting to feel like) a permanent spending freeze and won’t participate in being a fashion icon this fall; every one of those trends looks rockin on your hot bod, but was not designed for this dilapidated ol’ bod. I’ll get ’em next time.
The joy of not being fashion conscious means I have the luxury of not having changed my “style” in over 15 years – translating into many of my day-to-day work wardrobe is, in fact, 15 years old or so.
If it fits, is comfortable, doesn’t make me look like a Lady of Horizontal Entertainment or a hobo, I don’t care if it’s fashionable. FREEDOM!!! *grin*
From the look of bossys frame, she needs to get ova to the coastal nest so I can make you a proper meal….
Eat somethin look like a MODEL!!!
Oy..shouda read comments before talking about Bossy in a skinny sorta way..Still love ya sister..
I love leggings! Unfortunately, they don’t love me any more
Hey, that’ll work for Ten-word Tuesday, too!
oh bossy. may I just say that I hate your cute body. hate. but love you. mwah … so jealous…
You could wear the jeans backwards, thus giving you hiney action AND you’re a trend-setter!
Lemonade stand, I say! Fight the power! You deserve a wee frock or two. Lookin’ great, Bossy! And Bossy’s Daughter can have my faux fur coat if it makes her feel better.
#56 dgm: I think you have given me a severe case of PTSD!!!! I had a PINK SATIN one-shoulder prom gown that I can only hope has since been made into a thousand pillows in fear that I might see it resurrected someday. Somebody hold me!
…it had the ruffle. *weep*
Bossy’s bod is just like my two daughters. Everything looks good on them. Just like when you look at clothes on the hanger at stores. The clothes retain their shape. A nice svelte shape.
Bossy has two mottos when it comes to her blog and the commenting council she adores, each and every:
1. Live and let comment
2. Drama-free zone
Love and kisses, Bossy
Bossy thinks she’s pretty.
You’re so skinny. I hate you.