The first thing you need to know about this year’s American Music Awards is Bossy didn’t see the show. The second thing you need to know about this year’s American Music Awards is Bossy can’t stop referring to it as the Video Music Awards.
The next thing you need to know is: Bossy doesn’t know. She doesn’t know the American Music Awards’ artists, and she doesn’t know the songs, and she doesn’t know the records because there are no more records!
The thing that’s strange is, Bossy prides herself in keeping up with music. And Bossy for the most part has embraced the new technology that delivers this music:
But at some point Bossy stopped learning names. That and faces. Here are a few examples:
OMG this is HILARIOUS!!! I was just wondering today if my hair looked too “Pat Benatar”? I don’t know any of those people either (except 50 cent).
Oh you said it, Bossy! Last one looked more like Gwen Stefani hair and Cameron Diaz face to me.
I’m right with you: Where everybody knows no one’s names, and we’re always glad we didn’t go.
oooh, ooh, #1 is the Call Me Maybe chick,
#2 is the guy on Dancing With The Stars??
#3 is Karmin (I think).
HI CYNDI (we use to sorta be neighbors but she doesn’t know me)
and the next guy is Fiddy Cent (so says my son).
Do I win a prize?
I’m so happy I have someone to grow old with.
I didn’t watch the AMAs either, because I couldn’t care less if Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift win another half dozen trophies. I know the guys from Wham! are both Greek, so maybe they had been home on vacation before that photo was taken and got really tan?
oh, and I knew the first one was Carly Rae Jepsen, and I knew Cyndi Lauper and Fifty Cent/Fiddy Cent/ however it’s spelled, but that’s it. That blonde with the Gwen Stefani hair looks so much like Cameron Diaz to me!
OK, I got one. Mark Ballas from DWTS in the quilted leather jacket. And, who doesn’t know Cyndi?! And, and, what is that squiggly thing on the Gwen/Gwyneth/Cameron chick’s ear? (i’m feeling very old right now)
Wonderful, Bossy. Gleefully oblivious myself.
And there are records. New ones. Apparently vinyl has a following in the twenty-first century.
I only know the ones from Canada. So, um, why are they at an American Awards show anyway? Sigh.
Who are these people? What century is this? (Hi Cyndi.. I remember you!)
Olivia can identify #4 (Carly Rae Jepson) and #8 (Lady Antebellum) altho if Olivia actually heard their music she would draw a blank. She thinks that is Carrie Underwood in #5 . . . ditto her music.
What did Olivia win?
Oh right, Olivia lives in Canada so she didn’t win anything.
Mystery #8 is Ke$ha!
Maybe the five guys are Wanted. Yes, their name is Wanted and they are.
My 6YO likes listening to dance music during the long ride home from school. So while I can’t identify a single contemporary star by face, I do know most of their AMA nominated songs.
The biggest problem IMHO is that stars like Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Justin Bieber are grown at pop star farms, and are not free range pop stars like Pink.
And bands like Lady Antibody just bore me numb. Gonna go listen to some old Stones now. Cheers.