Bossy is back on the ladder.
Which is kind of like being on the pole because the ass crack is visible, except there are a lot less tips.
Bossy can’t explain all the reasons she’s so sad to be painting this week. So she will try anyway: first because it’s the anniversary of Bossy’s Excellent Road Trip, and clearly nothing that inspired is happening this year.
Second, Bossy has a ton of stuff to do this week surrounding her blog and doesn’t have the time or the energy to attempt it after crawling all over a client’s house all day.
Third, Bossy was hoping she had finally graduated into A Life as a Full-Time Writer, and painting is most definitely a retreat from that goal.
Fourth, Bossy is having one of those weeks. One of those weeks when Bossy would like to take to her bed, like Jean Harlow. And it’s only Tuesday.
So there you have it, Bossy is painting this week and possibly next, all to pay some of these bills. Screw you, poverty!
I feel you, sister. There should be government bailout for bloggers … and it wouldn’t even need to be in the billions; I can be bought for five or six figures.
But, your pants? They are so cool, and I bet you only wear them while painting, right?
OH well, I tried. Your post makes me realize I need to focus NOW on work instead of blogs while my laptop is open on my kitchen table. Sigh, sigh, and sigh.
Congratulations Bossy…you’re making mooola! And it’s legal~ no poles, tricks or fishnets involved…
I agree though that the ‘grind’ gets in the way of life!
I always wonder if we would appreciate the good things in life as much, if we didn’t have the crappy things to compare them to.
My husband has been out of work for over a month…he is driving me insane. In the name of poverty I would be willing to sell him…
One of my greatest regrets was NOT meetng you on your road trip.
It’s lucky you have such a rockin’ college transcript, (see ten Word Tuesday) or you’d never have such a great job! My superb transcript sill has me unemployed.
I snuck a look at my last pay stub. So far this year I’ve made $1,182.
At least the economy has forced many people to drive their cars into the ground and they are all shopping for used cars. That means Mr Sunshine State is very busy at work making $$.
Lets hope it’s just a dream deferred. This economy sucks.
On this, the anniversary of Bossy’s Excellent Road Trip, Grandma J is sad too. Sad because there isn’t a Second Annual event. Because every time Grandma J recalls how Bossy “skirted” the state of Texas, then spent almost a week in CA she wants to cry. Especiall since GJ’s own daughter can’t stop talking about her visit with Bossy.
Maybe if I offered to help Bossy paint. By paint I mean in a virtual cyper sort of way.
Hang in there, Bossy. At least you’re brightening up the the world for your clients and for your readers. We love you for it!
I am also sad. I had a dream last night that someone gave me $10,000. Reality bites.
Poverty can suck it!
I’m so tired right now I could cry.
1. Sorry you’re sad.
2. You’ve got tons of blog stuff to do and restrained yourself from describing it all in detail?!
3. When you paint, are you doing decorative stuff like trompe l’oeil or the lovely curliques like on your own walls, or is it more one-color-on-one wall painting? I suspect the former; if so, would you post some examples sometime? Would love to see it.
4. I bet my work is more boring than yours.
5. Pesky old work and pesky old money.
6. Love the pants-leg photo. All those dabs of color are intriguing.
Just remember it isn’t what you do, but how you do it.
Your occupation doesn’t define you.
Paint with laughter and grace because eventhough your not loving what your doing your still accomplishing big things. You are teaching your kids a very valuable lesson. Sure,you could just sit and sulk and go back to wearing thin the plastic of your credit cards but instead your doing the responsible thing and that is one of the best life lessons ever. One that sooooooo many kids are not getting today.
You’ll always be a full time writer to me, Sister.
And this is how I feel when I take graphic design work. Sigh. I hear you.
I would love to have some paying work right now! In the meantime, I’m remodeling the studio over at Camp Cactus on the c.h.e.a.p…because? (no paying work!)
I’m having exactly the same (crappy) week as you, Bossy. Thought that the arrival of Spring would banish the blues but alas it has not. Your recent Dr. Seuss post did cheer me up immensely, though. (And after checking out the winning blogs me thinks you should have won. Or at least been nominated. Next time let us know how to go about it.)
Well, crap. Just… crap!
While you paint, plan your book in your head. I’ll buy it.
Ugh. I feel like everyone I know is having one of those weeks, wishing we could just pull the covers over our heads and wait for it to pass. I got home last night and Ellison was sitting in the living room in the dark, “hiding from the whole world”. And yes, that’s my partner, not my child.
Hang in there everyone!
I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since your trip. I began reading your blog just as you were leaving. Time really flies.
My antidote for feeling sad is making my daughter sit on my lap, if I twist her arm she’ll tell me that we’re ‘best friends’.
Poverty freaking sucks. At least it hasn’t hit Dooce, who seems to be more successful than ever. Doesn’t that make Bossy feel better? No? Oh, me either. : ( Me and Bossy, sad about our poverty, together.
You’re well-rounded — a writer who paints. NOT the other way ’round.
Well… bummer. It really is.
I’m also bummed that I only started reading your blog just after your excellent road trip!
But, think, for every payment, you’ll feel that much more accomplished and satisfied that you’re chipping away at that debt. My goal is to be a full time writer too, and instead of weaning myself off of one job, I’m considering taking a second (read: goodbye, writing!)… bartending, no less. That’s something I swore I would never, EVER do again.
So… yeah, screw you poverty!
I am sorry you can’t be a full-time writer (with a cross country trip this spring)! You entertain me SO MUCH == I started reading last year with a reference from SayLaVee/Blackbird. Really enjoy your writing. And, WHY, pray tell, AM I so intimidated to paint the interior of my house?! I did it years ago, in my 20s, but now, early 50s, I for some reason seize up and figure I’ll screw up my living room walls. Which really COULD NOT get more screwed up than they are right now with the chipping paint! Anyway, thanks for the picker uppers on a daily basis–get through this week and I hope that SOME SMART sponsor/company (Saturn, HELLO? HELLO?) will realize what a gem you are and what a smart move it would be to send you and your FAMILY somewhere fun this year!! That doesn’t involve TOO MUCH driving
I hope all goes well and that’s cool that you’re doing it as a side business. I sure would love to read your first novel!
Bossy could auction off her Jackson Pollock pants, no?
I’d hire you Bossy!!! The realtor is forcing me to take my mark off our old home so that it will “sell to the masses”. Bye-bye bright funky colors. Hello to an eye-scorching off-white-cream paste single color.
Can you give me some tips on loading the brush and cutting out the corners? My paintbrush seems to have a mind of its own.
I need to paint in my own house, but since no one will pay me to do it, I think I’ll just keep blogging for no money. A much more fun unpaid occupation.
The recession ate my boyfriend’s job yesterday. Bad weeks are going around I think. This sucks.
Bossy, Bossy, BOSSY.
You are thinking about this all wrong.
You are a Full Time Writer and painting is a hobby that consumes a lot of your time and for which you receive tips.
You LOVE to paint, in fact, and wish you could devote more time to this hobby about which you are so passionate and hey! more tips! But really, your writing career will suffer if you don’t exercise careful control over your painting habit.
Try that.
Or just call me and we can go out and get drunk.
I am typing this comment from the desk of the office I have to work in for now to pay the bills that keep the electricity on so I can type up transcripts of interviews and send e-mails to editors in the hopes they will pay me to keep the electricity on and so on and so on. Are there hats at this pity party? No? A free bar, at least?
If it makes Bossy feel any better, I have uttered her words above almost verbatim today except substituted “boring, excruciatingly boring to the point of tears office work” for painting.
Bossy’s day will come.
If I had two dimes to rub together I’d hire you and fly you out to paint 2700 square feet of dingy-ness I’ve been living in for SEVEN MONTHS without painting a thing. How’d you like THAT hanging over your head? ; )
Also, it would be creepy to hire someone I look up to.
The writing will be there when you’re done painting. You ARE a full-time write – just one who paints on the side. Like a side project rock stars are always doing. Like how Leann Rimes’ side project from country music is acting in low-rent MFTV movies and cheating on her hubbie.
Your side project is MUCH MORE meaningful and appropriate. Don’t you feel better already?
being responsible and grown up totally blows. i don’t know why i was in such a hurry to get here as a child!
i’m glad to know i’m not the only one who paints barefoot…thought i don’t look near as snazzy as bossy in my paint clothes
I’m sort of insanely behind on anything having to do with blogs or, say, people I know and love that don’t have immediate access to my toilet, which is my new best friend… so this is a truly random post to comment on out of the blue, but I hear you. And I love you more than ever.
Your “Third” point really kills me. I have a studio sitting empty that I’m paying for but can’t use because it doesn’t have easy morning sickness access to a toilet and I’m getting nowhere fast. Nevermind. I want to cry now.
Now then. Back to me. I’m knocked up. Come say hi to me. Maybe I’ll tell you a story about how I’m knocked up, broke, and creditors keep calling me while I’m puking.
But I do love you.