Bossy has felt very guilty about not updating her Poverty Party, but the simple truth is, she’s been working long days: painting again for clients.
In the seven months since Bossy first wrote about this expenditure and as a result committed to financial awareness, she has seen her credit card balances drop and her newly established retirement fund draw.
Bossy and her husband accomplished this by finding money, even if that notion is sort of a joke when there’s nothing to find. But watching every penny and being held accountable for everything purchased definitely revealed a few financial problem areas, where problem areas equal wine but hell frozen over if Bossy is going to give that up.
Really, in the end, there is no better way to find money than to earn extra money, and for Bossy that means having to don these and get back out there with the rest of the teamsters.
Bossy is mostly an interior painter, and her current job entails a whole house including some of the cabinetry as pictured above.
Bossy spends a lot of time slithering around the floor and balancing on the third rung, but it’s also an enjoyable way to kill time with her brother. And it sure beats some other jobs Bossy can think of, because painting is really just short for Is it lunch time yet because Bossy could sure use some coffee and a bowl of chili.
I can think of another positive. You get to spend time with your brother and you get to see the fruits of your labor at the end of the day.
Q: Do you listen to music as you paint? Do you both enjoy the same music?
Basically, I think working is a great way to get out of poverty. Beats being a pirate and risking having your head blown off.
Yeh, this whole staying-at-home-unemployed,-looking-for-money thing is not working out too well for me.
Wait a minute… you mean I have to WORK to get money?
If I could have a job where I could hang out with my big brother all day, I would take it in a heartbeat. Sadly, though, he is a LAWYER – and I’m just not willing to take the bar for him. A bullet? Yes. A painfully difficult test after three years of painfully expensive schooling? No.
Also, ever notice how Suze never says that “found money” is the money you have to make in a second/part time job? Sneaky Suze!
That’s a pleasant blue…hard, dirty labor rules!
Can I hire you to paint for me up here in Maine? Where painting equals walking the beach looking for sea glass with Ruby Relaxers in our hands and having lobster and other sundry seafood for supper over a fire pit and then passing gloriously glutted out until the next day when we hit flea markets. But I can’t actually PAY you for that painting job.
I don’t know why it took this long for the penny to drop (HELLO MASSIVE SLEEP DEPRIVATION), but my mother’s kitchen cabinets are in desperate need of repainting. She got some outlandish quotes several months ago and then dropped the ball out of sticker shock. Worth mentioning you to her? She’s local, so it’s an easy commute. ; )
Bossy’s next Big Adventure could be doing a cross-country trip painting for blogfriends who will pay her in filthier lucre than lobster. With an occasional stop for a Ruby Relaxer blogfriend here and there. Paint your way across America!
(I once did a Breakfast Potatoes Across America trip. mmm.)
I don’t know about that cabinet, but I’m really liking the pendant lights in that picture.
Bossy is lucky to have skills that can actually bring in money. To date, no one has been willing to pay me for growing hair or witty banter. Maybe I should practice more.
Can I come paint with Bossy and her brother sometime?
Have paintbrush, will travel!
Work . . . feh . . .
my gah… coffee AAAAND a bowl of chili? that would make my lower back gurgle. a lot. loudly.
The only time the words “problem” and “wine” should be used together in the same sentence is as folllows:
“No wine. This is a problem. A major problem.”
Bossy, I will work a painting job for you if it keeps you supplied with wine, and by you I really mean “me” but it can also mean “you.” I think.
I think it’s cool that you paint.
Happy painting, Bossy! Have fun w/your brother and keep going until it’s wine o’clock…then you can break for happy hour and relax!
I love to paint! If someone else cleans up! And if there’s wine. But stay off of the ladder after the 2nd glass
I spilled an entire paint pan of “Buckskin” paint on my sister’s nearly white carpet years ago. My life passed before me as it spiraled through the air in slllloooooow mmmootiiiiiiiiioooonnnn. Ker splat! Everywhere. I couldn’t blink my eyes for days …
just don’t get confused and dip your brush in the chili bowl. because yech.
I think painting is fun too! I guess I’m a glutton for punishment too.
mmmmm… I want chili too.