This is Bossy’s grandmother Bert in Atlantic City. She’s been married to Walt for over two years and—you know what’s unusual? No baby. Bert doesn’t want to have kids right away, unlike all of her girlfriends. Her experience a few years back living with her sister Jenny and taking care of Jenny’s baby solidified what…
atlantic city
The Family Album Straight Up With A Twist.
That’s Bossy’s grandmother Bert lying on the beach blanket, and her sister Jenny is sitting next to her facing the camera. They are both in their teens now, and that’s Atlantic City behind them. In a couple of hours—after Jenny is the color of a boiled lobster—they will climb back on the airless bus or…
Play A Parlor Game With Bossy!
What Do The Following People Have In Common? They all desperately need new swimming trunks. They are not so patiently awaiting the Second Coming so they can bestow upon Jesus meaningful gifts like binoculars and flip-flops. They are doing the Macarena. They are watching the Blue Angels practice for today’s Atlantic City Air Show. Read…