Welcome to Notes from a Far-Flung Correspondent, which features the weekly interests and musings of Bossy’s Son, who is currently enjoying his sophomore year at Columbia University in the City of New York. This week: Men in the (Columbia University) Kitchen Bossy’s Son loves to cook –- this should surprise exactly no one, considering how…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
Well lookee here, a heart. After Bossy photographed this raspberry on every surface known to man, she popped it in her mouth. The end.
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
This spatula. Bossy’s mom bought this spatula for Bossy at a yard sale an armful of years ago. It’s old as dirt. In fact, the dirt that has collected on the steel tip and is known as rust. (Don’t worry, Bossy’s husband is due to take care of that, where due equals what’s an armful…