Once again, i am bossy has been nominated for Best Humor Blog, and Bossy can honestly say, she hasn’t been this excited since she lost last year. Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about the Weblog Awards: They hold an open nomination on their website, and this year they received over 5,000 nominations across…
list of best blogs
Blog Kindergarten: A Bossy Tutorial. Eye Yoga.
It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. And if that’s the case then Bossy’s are covered with bacon fingerprints and dog drool: As we age the muscles of the eye lose their elasticity which reduces our ability to focus at different distances: But according to sources, eye exercises can tone…
This Just In: Al Gore Wins For Biggest Face.
As anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations increase, and Earth’s near-surface air and ocean temperatures elevate, and the sea levels swell, and extreme weather events multiply, and the glaciers retreat, and the disease vectors shift, and agricultural yields change—Al Gore’s face expands. Read About This Little Known Global Warming Effect And How It Garnered The Deserving Al…