The other day the phone rang and it was Duran Duran. And they were all, “Yo, Bossy, come to our concert.” Okay, Duran Duran didn’t call, but those representing Duran Duran’s social media outreach team called, where called equals someone emailed Bossy. The result is the same: Duran Duran is giving Bossy two tickets to…
Bossy’s Favorite Things
When Bossy’s dad and Bossy’s brother have the chance to play together.
Meanwhile Back At The Ranch, Where Ranch Equals Small Suburb.
The above is a bumper sticker, and when Bossy was in her teens this bumper sticker hung on her bedroom wall, only it wasn’t a wall, it was a Wall Unit, and it wasn’t just a bumper sticker—it was a way of life. But before Bossy elaborates about that time before she was married, before…