The flair for design. Bossy has written about her daughter’s unprompted creativity before– but picture if you will: it’s the day after elections, and Bossy and her mother are plugged into MSNBC with their morning coffee, when all of the sudden they hear the sound of heavy furniture scraping across the floorboards upstairs. Bossy knows…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
Yesterday, Bossy’s little house wren babies left the nest. Bossy thinks maybe they’re off to become Political Science majors and live in Morningside Heights.
A Dove Story.
Meet Tony & Tina. Tony first caught Tina’s eye a few miles west of Dayton where she was perched in a suburban Oak tree. He kept flying up from the ground and beating his wings and then gliding back to the ground in a down-turned spiral. Tina admired the large blackish spots on his inner…