This photo. The other day, Bossy’s daughter travelled with the rest of her sixth grade class to New York City. She was desperate to take a camera with her — but cold-hearted Bossy was too preoccupied to give it much thought, although she finally agreed to purchase the cheapest disposable camera known to man, the…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
According to the comments, there seems to be some confusion surrounding this photo Bossy posted on Friday. Above you’ll find Bossy sitting safely on the other side of the pub window to say she has never needed to sneak outside for a break, because a cigarette has never passed her lips, except for that once…
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
Raw cashews. Usually purchased by the 1-pound bag at Trader Joe’s. Christ on the cross, Bossy eats handfuls for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with some snacks thrown in for good measure. In fact, Bossy admits the only reason she jogs a few times a week is to try to balance the sheer volume of raw…