Yo yoyoyoyo, what’s up Phamily? Bossy here, providing y’all with a phoot stompin, ham hocking post about her Love: That’s G. Love, but you can call him Garrett Dutton III. He’s the dope front man of G. Love & Special Sauce, and Bossy has the following sick story about G. Love to share with all…
Come Live Bossy’s Best Life. So She Doesn’t Have To.
Bossy has this little morning routine she likes to call Jogging. She likes to call it jogging, even though it’s only jogging in the figurative sense. In the technical sense it’s Sputtering. While limping and cursing under-breath. Luckily Bossy knows this is not uncommon for beginners. And by beginner, Bossy means she’s been jogging for…