And suddenly Bossy looked up and November was gone. November, the month when Bossy posted every single day. Do you know what every single day is like? It’s like one day multiplied by seven days multiplied by four. And time went very quickly, so it didn’t really feel like a whole month! It felt more…
This Is How Bossy Spent The Past Eighteen Hundred Hours
30 Rock has entered its seventh season, having produced up to 23 thirty-minute episodes per year, earning 64 Emmy nominations and ten Emmy statues — which hasn’t stopped Bossy from avoiding the show: When it comes to Bossy avoiding 30 Rock, Bossy knows what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Bossy, what were you thinking?” And it’s…
Everything You Need To Know About This Year’s American Music Awards
The first thing you need to know about this year’s American Music Awards is Bossy didn’t see the show. The second thing you need to know about this year’s American Music Awards is Bossy can’t stop referring to it as the Video Music Awards. The next thing you need to know is: Bossy doesn’t know….