And suddenly Bossy looked up and November was gone. November, the month when Bossy posted every single day. Do you know what every single day is like? It’s like one day multiplied by seven days multiplied by four.
And time went very quickly, so it didn’t really feel like a whole month! It felt more like a month minus the extra day found in October, January, and May.
And in that month Bossy wrote about the crying mechanism using Dr. Seuss verse, and Bossy drew scientifically accurate pictures of Hurricane Sandy with her middle finger and Bossy judged the usefulness of a ziplock bag the size of a church wafer, and Bossy reviewed the latest fashion trends in the voice of her Jewish grandmother, and Bossy quizzed you on your memory loss while Bossy taught sex ed using two piano tuners and a pipe organ.
Bossy hopes you enjoyed reading her month of posts as much as she enjoyed writing them, which is to say Bossy hopes you didn’t need as much wine as she did.
And that leads Bossy to her final thought. When Bossy was a girl back when protozoa roamed the earth, there was a television commercial in which the girl tells the camera that Faberge Organics’ wheat germ oil shampoo was so good it made her want to tell a friend!
Then the girl continues, “And they told two friends..”
“… And so on…”
“…And so on…”
“…And so on…”
Which is to say, if you enjoyed Bossy these last weeks as much as wheat germ oil in your hair, why not tell two friends?
And even though December is railing toward us like a bug to the windshield that is Merry Christmas, Bossy wants you to know she will keep up her posting routine. It may not be every single day, but it may be single day every!
In fact, Bossy is making all kinds of changes to ensure that regular posting is back! And this, most esteemed council, is a promise.
Love, Bossy
I remember that commercial when Joe Namath did it. Dear God, how old ARE we?
Why thank you Bossy, I really enjoy your postings, and the explanations with visual indicators.
Well, hallelujah for a comeback.
I only remember 2 “and so on’s”
Of course, those brain cells may have since expired.
It has been a fabulous month of Bossy every day. Thank you, Bossy. Will share with my FB friends.
Regular Bossy. Woo- Hoo!
Great job posting daily, Bossy. I’ve enjoyed reading the posts. I’ll spread the word.
I don’t remember much about the commercial. I do, however, remember my brother and I washing our dog with our mom’s newish bottle of Faberge shampoo and getting our butts paddled because of it! The dog smelled darn good, though!
We love you, Bossy, and your happy return to regular posting. Happy holidays, indeed!
Bossy is making changes when everyone else is resisting them.
Boogie on, bloggy sister!
Love me some Bossy..shall tell 2 friends, except none of my friends seem to know what a blog is…Oh Hell, I’ll tell em anyway, maybe then they’ll read mine!
I have come toward a “I will blog more regularly” epiphany myself, without undue Bossy influence or wine! However, as I search around for bloggery goodness, there is an oversight I must address during the month of December, and it does involve being thankful and Bossy SPECIFICALLY, so I shall tell my 2 friends about Bossy and the Bossy goodness (I accidentally typed “godess” there, so shall leave that in the blog post that will occur during the month of December that will shower Bossy accolades), I pinky promise.
And I have never seen the ad of which you speak, so shall have to take your word for it!
Olivia never comes to any epiphanies without wine . . . although she concedes they are probably only epiphanies to her . . . and gibberish to anyone else.
Olivia also got confused with all the MATH in this post but hey, who cares? Olivia is at an age when most everything confuses her.
And Olivia hearkens back to the “Breck Shampoo Girl” so that shows how old she is!
Thank you Bossy – you make my day!
I am so happy you are back! And God help me, I remember that commercial. Another reason I love you!
I am always glad to have Bossy on any schedule.
Hoorah!!!! I once told one of my friends about I Am Bossy and she said “Yes, you ARE!!!” lol I adore being one of your esteemed council. And have loved the month of November…
–>It’s a Christmas miracle!
YAY, Bossy!
Welcome back! Or more back. Back-er. WhatEVER.
That was a probably the first Ponzi scheme for shampoo.