Raise your hand if you’re tired of hearing Bossy talk about her blog’s recent redesign. Now put your hands down because Bossy is not talking about her redesign, she’s typing about it. You see, when Bossy changed her redesign, she also
Ten-Word Tuesday. The Pity Party Edition.
It may surprise you to learn that Bossy recently changed her blog’s design, where surprise equals Tah-dah, Bossy finally stopped talking about her redesign! And when Bossy changed her blog’s design, she
The Daily Poverty Post.
Who remembers Bossy’s old blog design? Bossy doesn’t either. But the point is, Bossy didn’t only switch designs, she also switched blog hosts. She used to be with TypePad, and now her blog is hosted by WordPress. Bossy doesn’t want to get into the reasons for her transfer, she simply wants to draw your attention…