You are looking at the fish Bossy’s husband and daughter caught yesterday. By the way, Bossy isn’t the least bit saddened by the idea of catching fish — which is a nice way of saying killing fish — and that’s easy for Bossy to say since she is typically many chapters of her book away from the actual hooking of the fish and the beheading of the fish and the rest which includes scales and stuff like eyeballs.
But even hardened Bossy thinks the above photo captures the saddest time: when the fish are lying there in two inches of water, eyeballing you.
There are certain foods Bossy equates with camping, and fresh fish is one. For last night’s supper, Bossy prepared a makeshift breadcrumb topping for her fish, which she accomplished by smashing a handful of crackers with her wine bottle and then adding some spices:
Next Bossy took a bunch of corn and peeled back the husk so she could remove the silk, and then Bossy returned the husk to its original position in order to soak the cobs in water so they don’t burn on the open fire and is this the longest sentence you’ve ever read regarding corn?
Oh, and the husks burnt anyway:
Once Bossy finished coating the fish with a light egg batter and dipping the fish in her makeshift breadcrumbs, they hit the open flame:
Blah blah more talk about camping recipes while Bossy’s family impatiently waits for Bossy to be finished this post blah, it was time to heat up the strawberry rhubarb pie Bossy had purchased earlier in the day from a local grocery store:
Blah blah no time to write about the chicken cacciatore Bossy prepared the night before blah.
Bossy can sum up her camping food experience this way: Bossy jogs all year to eat like this 10 days.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about the food you associate with vacation?
And be sure to check back here later today for the most foody associative comments on the web.
Spaghetti-O’s, cheese sandwiches, Krimpets, Country Time lemonade, Froot Loops, bacon.
Seafood, many shrimp, Crab, crawfish, rice pilaf, key lime pie
Campground crap. Hamburger, potatoes, carrots, corn and onions in foil.
big Irish fry ready at mom’s house, beats jet lag
Instant mixed pancakes cooked on the Coleman at the beach!
Baked potatoes cooked in the firepit. Booze, Booze, Booze, Booze:)
Sweet corn. Ten ears for a dollar. Country road. Vermont.
Nothing baked on an open fire. Margaret does NOT camp.
fish tacos smothered with cilantro lime tomatos and that sauce
Camping is slightly burnt hotdogs and hot chocolate with ash!
Back to sadly eyeing doomed fish: Husband mercy-clubs them. Quicker.
(sorry for the non-food discussion but those eyes got to me too.)
Vacation = dessert every night! Bonus if it’s chocolate lava cake.
Camping? Steak. Potatoes in foil in the coals. Lotsa alcohol.
(Camp breakfasts – bacon and eggs and more potatoes.)
Hotel Vacation? Creme Brule at every possible dessert.
(And the husks are supposed to blacken like that. If you hadn’t soaked them the whole thing would have burned to a crisp, ears and all. Not good eats.)
Creamed corn in bowl on counter till supper. Texan grandmother.
Destin, fried shrimp, crab legs, many desserts, too much booze
South of France: wines, Salade Nicoise, fruits de mer. Ooh-la-la.
Crumbcake for breakfast, subs for lunch, crab corn for dinner.
Summer time, Martha’s Vineyard, can’t get enough of lobster rolls.
Blue Heaven Shrimp Grits & a bloody mary for breakfast, Conch fritters & beer for the rest of the day…Oh how I miss you Key West…
Vacation in my head has lots of margaritas, no fish.
Cape cod feasts: grilled everything, pb&j on the beach, lobstah.
Shreee-ump: that’s how the shrimpin’ boat captain says it.
For me, vacation means consuming my weight in ice cream.
Vacation food is anything I don’t have to cook myself.
Shrimp, shrimp, hushpuppies, shrimp, shrimp, sweet tea, crab, beer, shrimp.
(Can you tell that I live in the midwest and only get access to really fresh shellfish on vacations south? A waitress actually asked me one time where I was from when the entire meal that I ordered consisted of shellfish)
1970s camping: drinking cherry jello with hot water. Now: mojitos.
When on vacation, makes effort to try something new everyday.
Tastiest local food we can find and a margarita please!
room service at the Hilton where there are no calories
frankly? steaming Tazo Zen tea with water heated up by a really thin saucepan over a cooking stove.
and Magic Hat #9
Diet Dr. Pepper and Vanilla Rum. Did you mean food?
Fresh sweet corn bought from a farmer. I miss Iowa!
–>It’s a fact that calories don’t count on vacation. <>
Deep fried, cream sauce, battered, chocolate covered, alcoholic, guilt free.
Cape May: bacon, egg breakfasts, sour lemonade, sugary funnel cakes.
Anything as long as I didn’t have to make it.
I associate Mirassou Chardonney with breaded Bluegill, not Fetzer Merlot.
Anything I don’t have to prepare myself, or clean up after.
London B&B: Unlimited huge pats of golden butter on toast.
Rising to find buffets of delicious-ness not prepared by me.
Hell, that’s easy: Beer. (With 6 words to spare…)
Fish saying “Mommy, is that you? More water please, Mommy.”
Food covered by silver lids delivered on a noisy cart.
Cruising = most abundant good food ever, 9 week togo!
yeah yeah yeah…who cleaned the fish?
Without a doubt, smores.
Hawaii isn’t Hawaii without SPAM, pineapple, and sticky rice.
KoffeeKup donuts, Pomykala Farm veggies/corn, grilled chicken/fish, s’mores
(yep, we vacation on the same island as the Bossys)
Chips and french onion dip! Corona with lime. Salty. Satisfying.
At our lake cottage, must have black raspberry ice cream.
I am a food whore, vacation or not. It’s shameful.
Mai tai. Ceviche and tortilla chips. Fresh-caught grilled opa.
Don’t care what it is if someone else cooked it.
Clam Chowder on the boat, bluefish, Miller lite,all invited!
Italian food while speaking Italian with Italians in Italy. Fantastico!
(These ten wistful words brought to you by the ongoing crappy exchange rate. Thanks a lot, weak dollar policy!)
Jerk chicken under a Jamaican sky. Sun or Moon. With rum.
Fudge on the seashore boardwalk, along with fries, funnel cake.
Fried tomatoes every minute of every summer at the shore.
Tequila and tequila in outdoor cafes in Mexico before poverty.
“Another order of raw oysters, please,” in cheap Florida joint.
Small plates of delicious food in Italy. Never feeling stuffed.
Margaritas, beer, mai-tais, beer, G&T, beer, mojitos, beer, L.I. iced tea, yum!
basically anything that cannot be found in my podunk town
Campfire lobster and LORD one has Bossy’s name on it.
#21 Michael P………………I forgot about smashed PB &J’s in the cooler!
Thanks for the reminder!!!
Nantucket Summers………….
Emperor of All Breakfasts: sausage stuck on hanger over fire.
Every single thing that I can get my hands on.
Cosmos & fresh seafood. No prep, no cleanup & no eyeballs, please!
“Angels on horseback” = melted cheese/toast/bacon campfire breakfast, our own backyard.
56/Bea, I feel your pain.
white wine, red wine, gin and tonic, margaritas, and wine.
Do I win anything if I guess correctly whose marshmallow that is? OK…I win.
beautiful beautiful pictures….nice smell as well.
OK – breakin’ the rules here. Your fish look like you cooked them w/o fishmongering them? Did anyone filet them? Cut the fins off? They look awfully scaly under the makeshift breadcrumbs? One would think a camper would have breadcrumbs before having pies and eggs in the middle of nowhere. LOVE the lake pics.
Natural Light Beer
Smores made with burned Marshmallows
Beans cooked in a can,
Road trip so sick of fast food and french fries.
shrimp, scallops, crab,
fresh corn
iced tea with splenda
Schat’s German Bakery–Danish, doughnuts, crusty french bread. Carb heaven!
The food I most associate with vacation is liquor immediately after breakfast.
beer wine margaritas twizzlers beer wine margaritas twizzlers beer wine
Moreton Bay Bug, sweet chili sauce, brie pizza… Town of 1770!
PS I don’t do camping any more. Gave it up when I was about 25. Discomfort is not a holiday!!! But seriously… that 1770 pizza… best ever!!!
South African braai with chops, boerie and potatoes in foil.
menus, a waiter, no cooking, no dishes
I was eight years old and I finally ate tomatoes!
Sad but true, 4 kids eating PB&J in mini-van.
Nags Head – fresh fried fish, crabs, ice cream, beer, mojitos.
Cincinnati Skyline Chili. Boy I need to start vacationing elsewhere.
New Orleans = crawfish monica, shrimp po-boy, gumbo, beer, booze, beer.
Daytime wine in cafes that never give Bossy sleepy headaches. (Italy.)
Tomato sandwiches on beach. Ideal, ‘cept the occasional sand grain.
Dutch oven and grill food. Enchilada cassserole, hamburgers, frankfurters, smores.
Keystone beer, that is all I can afford after vacation
Beignets, Muffaletta (New Orleans) clotted cream (UK) local red (France)
seafood, something italian, wine, pizza, blueberry pancakes, funnel cake, wine.
Eggs, bacon, toast. Vacation = only time I eat breakfast food.
Paris, 1992: “Kenny a-ate sweatbreads, ha ha ha-ha ha!”
Too much cheese on roadtrip equals Foolery in a bind.
“Not cooked by me” is a good vacation unto itself.
Breakfast meats, bacon, sausage, ham, bacon, sausage, bacon and bacon.
Bloody Mary’s and freshly caught fried bluefish w/ salsa. That’s breakfast.
shrimp, crab legs, smoothies, these really good sub sandwiches, alcohol
Lobster, corn on the cob, lotsa butter, ice cream cones.
Marion’s Key Lime Pie, shepherds’ pie,root beer floats-homemade
I eat cupcakes because I don’t get a vacation. Ever.
Moss Landing Cafe fried artichokes dreaming on a wintery day
toast with ground beef stuff on it for breakfast….
Crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs.
You guys ate perch?
Vacation food is food that I don’t have to cook!
Wine O’clock, cheese, olives, crackers, dip, …what? you kids want dinner?
When the rules are relaxed I eat everything in sight.
Its called “steak on a stick” its a summers specialty..mmmm.(bp) before poverty..
Spicy Bloody Mary, coffee, orange juice and water for breakfast!
If traveling back to MN, fried cheese and grilled corn!
Lopstah rolls, potato salad, wild berries, unripe apples, excessive booze.
Pasta pasta pasta pasta hotdogs microwavable soup…oh an pasta!
She-Crab Soup. And lots of it. Oh, and booze.