Bossy and her brother spent the majority of their youth living on the 19th floor of a city high rise, but throughout his life, Bossy’s brother seemed drawn to the idea of a house in the woods.
Bossy was also drawn to the idea of a house in the woods, except with all the trees cut down, leaving sweeping views of open, rolling countryside.
Other people dream of living on a hillside, or wish they had a mountain view, while others dream of living on the water.
Bossy can sum up her dream spot in this way: It certainly wouldn’t include a yard that can’t drain. Oy.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy and her council about your dream landscape?
And be sure to check back later today for the best landscapes on the web.
If you missed last week’s challenge, click here to see how Bossy’s council describes clothing purchased on vacation that become unwearable once home.
–>A comfy chair, cold drink, sunset and sweeping water views.
Ocean view: front. Canyons, mountains: back. Luckily, we have both.
As long as there’s a likker store nearby, who cares?
away from nuclear power plant, room for kids to play.
Green pastures filled with horses and burros in New Mexico.
Mature trees, babbling brook, lush plants, flowers, family and friends.
Soft rounded old mountains on every side, enfolding, protecting, parental.
Woodsy, hilly and secluded, with a babbling brook, and wildlife.
Friends, cocktails, great food and smiles make any place home.
Home in Oregon where there are real trees and sky,
While the beach is nice, I need to see trees.
Small quaint villages, brooks, open farmland. Walkable
to shops, restaurants.
— or: “Darling, I love you but give me Park Avenue!”
Wooded hill top with views of cornfields and cattle. Quiet.
Ocean view, cocktails, comfy chairs, lighthouse beam sweeps over deck.
High on a wooded hillock, wrap around porch, family and friends…
Beach, ocean, flowers, palms, Corona. (Will settle for Uncle’s house.)
Lakeside girl living in the woods. Either is home now.
hills, views, trees, pond, cows, NO HUMIDITY, sweet old house.
Tall trees with sunlight filtered through, moss on the ground.
Long driveway, hidden house with huge porch. Horses grazing. Peaceful.
Ocean waves, four seasons, pretty remote, good bike riding roads.
Some sand, the ocean, a beach house, no kids. Amen.
Brownstone duplex in the West Village with a second-floor terrace.
Anywhere that has beach with a beach on the side.
Ocean on one side, bay with sailboat on the other.
Huge vegetable garden, big oak trees, the perfect party deck.
I have mountains, prefer the beach. Need beer at both.
A small home on a big river with a boat.
Wide plank boardwalk from surf to door to dislodge sand.
Penthouse. Bay windows, facing west. View over the city roofs.
Old thatch-roof cottage, hilly English countryside, ancient stone fence.
Wrap around porch to sit and see lots of green.
Mountains close enough to touch, room for dogs to roam
Mountains in the view, ocean out my front door
Water, water, water. Anywhere and everywhere. Except in my basement.
Lakefront, but not too secluded, kayak at the dock. No humidity!
Enough land and trees to walk naked around the yard.
Skiable mountains and warm ocean beach – only in my dreams.
Tiny. Orderly. Oceanside. Sorry Ellison, you can’t come inside.
Small house surrounded by small island surrounded by big ocean.
hudson river view from a huge bay window, wine, music.
Rushing river past deck complete with books, sweetheart, plenteous wine.
I like idea of 12/BossysMom’s small quaint walkable villages, too.
Blue choppy waves moving in and out with the tide.
I always thought ocean, but lately maybe lake. Better swimming.
Hills, grass that grows naturally without need for Horticulture phd
Rural, woodsy, vineyards, quiet, old house, breezy, close to town.
Gah! How to decide? Sorrento, Aix, Santa Barbara, Cornwall, Bluegrass…
White sand, azure ocean, some black rocky stuff. Heaven!
an asshole, in a bath robe, emptying a chemical toilet.
bay with fog and misty sunset salty air craggy trees
Oceanfront baby, falling asleep to the sound of the waves.
#12 plus great apt. in Berlin, Prague, London or Manhatten.
Sunny, flowery, ocean view: NOT like the cornfields surrounding me.
Desperately want to learn to plant huge gardens. Need space.
Old fashioned beach cottage preferbly close to Seagrove Beach Florida
Pass “front porch test” – if naked there, neighbors won’t know.
4 seasons, moonlight, tree frogs chirpping, hammock, husband and I -no need for words
A sunny place that is mine and not the bank’s.
I’d like fragrant garden, trees and crisp, cool mountain air.
Pasture, horses, trees, lake, someone else to mow the grass.
Rolling salt-water waves and enough sand for a lawnchair.
Tall pines catching the scent of Pacific salt-water from below.
My feet dangling off a dock into Priest Lake, Idaho.
Sedona rocks, Monterrey coast, San Diego weather, all-in-one…
Warm breeze, soft rustle, wave lapping, slapping, pink sun.Setting.
Water, no yardwork, sunshine. Oregon – Florida – we move between them.
Bossy’s mom (#12) is right too. Gotta have shops /restaurants.
Zen bedroom overlooking infinity pool overlooking dunes overlooking the sea.
Look, you can see the Chrysler Building from our terrace.
Stars and stars and stars and stars and stars and…
Throw rock from window and it lands in city cafe.
hills, meadows, log cabin, horses, riding anytime day or night.
weeded, designed, and built by…. Martha! with an ocean view!
From the porch I can see giant sequoias and Tahiti.
red house, white trim, riverfront lot, can’t see my neighbors…
I’ll take the one I got already, minus the mortgage.
Northern MN lake, cabin, trees, AZ now, crazy til then.
Any landscape that keeps my daughters 7 and 3 forever.
High on a hill with a lonely goat herd la-de-oh-la-de-oh-la-de-oh.
Fishing, mountains, ocean, porch and comfy chair with umbrella drink
Small farm. Chickens, Ducks, Goats, sweet tomatoes and hot peppers.
Miss me?
Sexy naked Pepawz, as far as the eye can see.
My dream landscaper would involve world a shirtless Kevin Bacon.
My dream *landscape* would involve Kevin Bacon and a beach.
Correction: My dream landscaper would involve a shirtless Kevin Bacon.
The perfect landscape is here, but work precludes enjoying it.
Red awning house on Craigville Beach. Ocean – front. River – back.
Ocean, but not warm. A cool mountain breeze. Puget Sound.
Avalon. Ocean front, pool in back. 80 degrees year-round
Muskrat’s comment (#51) made me LAUGH OUT LOUD and long for a silly Chevy Chase/Randy Quaid movie. I love Bossy’s Commenters.
Newport, RI ocean front, porch, rocking chair, books, wine.Bliss