Once upon a time, young Bossy was dating a man much older than herself. Not that Bossy was a man. But, that man was a man. And he was older. And that man decided everything in his apartment should be either black lacquer or white lacquer. And no that man wasn’t gay. And yes that…
ten-word tuesday
Ten-Word Tuesday. The For Sale Version
Bossy doesn’t just own cars. She marries them. The first car Bossy ever owned was a car inherited from a neighbor. It was a Chevy Impala or something along those lines, where those lines equals lines drawn in the shape of a rectangle: Bossy tried to love this car. She sat in its front seat…
Ten-Word Tuesday. It’s not Tuesday. April Fools’!
You are looking at Bob Lefsetz, a legendary crank who blogs about the music business, or lack thereof, and early this morning he quit. Bossy has been a big fan and dedicated reader of Bob Lefsetz’ newsletters for a long time, even before Bossy had the chance last year to meet him for a hike…