We want our money back. For all those years wasted learning to spell. It was an unnecessary evil. “Look it up!” Bossy’s dad cheerfully repeated throughout her childhood whenever she asked him how to spell a word. “But how can I look it up,” Bossy whined in grade school retort, “when I don’t know how to spell it?”
These days Bossy’s got her spell-check to keep her warm. Never mind that sometimes they don’t see I to I (sic). For instance when Bossy needs to use the word ‘poopy’ in a sentence and spell-check humorlessly issues an elbow-to-the-ribs reminder that what Bossy probably meant to type was ‘pope’.
More problematic can be the “auto-correct” option, which amounts to little invisible spell-mavens who sweep Bossy’s sentences behind her, capitalizing words and erasing Ebonics as they go. But at least spell-check distances Bossy from her crumbling Merriam-Webster. Bsiedes, it’s a porevn fcat taht you can raed tihs snetnece eevn wehn tehre ins’t a croertlcy selpeld wrod in the wolhe fcuinkg tinhg.
martha says
April 6, 2006 at 5:31 pmSo funny! I am one of those people that can spell relatively well…but my problem is, I can’t type. My head gets ahead of my fingers or something like that. AND THEN I am too lazy to even do the spell check. Luckily, as you pointed out, it doesn’t seem to matter anyway! Waht a relief!
Jerzy Shore says
April 7, 2006 at 10:06 amRight on the mark!
Never mind that while the reader will understand what the writer meant, they inevitably will mentally shave about 20 IQ points off their perception of said writer’s intellect!
PS. Tell Martha that typos don’t count!