The next time you need to tweeze your eyebrows, do it in the car. Bossy is serious, the light is perfect. Not as harsh as standing in the middle of your yard, but not as dark as indoors. And don’t forget to pluck with the grain, way down low where tire meets road.
I have always found it quite a challenge to do that if the car happens to have an annoying stick-shift. I mean, come on.
A bench seat in a vintage muscle car is a completely different story though. I used to borrow my family car, a late 70s Buick Electra 225! I might as well have been in a Ramada Inn.
And if you insist on daylight, I guess a car is a fine place, plenty of ambient light there.
Oops! I read the word “pluck” and got off on the wrong tangent. My bad.