My son is going to the Senior Prom. All arrangements are made but I have a question: Do girls still wear wrist corsages? They seem so ridiculous!
– Mod Mom
Dear Mod,
Ridiculous? Whatever do you mean?
Historically the word Corsage referred to the bodice of a dress – which is where a small bouquet of flowers was traditionally pinned for a fancy occasion. But then women tired of pinholes in their dresses.
A wrist corsage won’t damage the dress with a heavy pin. And it won’t leave behind those pesky scars associated with pinning your corsage directly to your chest.
It is also thought that wrist corsages are less distracting than other bouquets. Unless of course an entire perennial bed falls onto your arm.
It is important to determine what color your son’s prom date is wearing in order to select a tasteful corsage.
When in doubt, buy all the colors of the beach ball.
Or consider presenting the date with the unadorned punky corsage clip.
It is also imperative to understand the hidden meaning behind the flowers your son purchases. A pink rose means Friendship. A pink tulip: Caring. A lilac symbolizes First Love, and a daisy represents Innocence. A red carnation means My Schlong Wants to Dance With Your Poontang on the Hood of My Brother’s Volkswagen Jetta.
Happy Prom!
blue girl says
June 2, 2006 at 5:52 amSid! You’re back! Cool.
We are tooooo married!!!
I like the balloon one the best I think.