Wargasm (wôr’g?z’?m) n : George W’s three-year peak of excitement characterized by strong feelings of pleasure emanating from his half-cocked war. Typically accompanied by seamen – but also airmen and ground troops.
Wargasm (wôr’g?z’?m) n : George W’s three-year peak of excitement characterized by strong feelings of pleasure emanating from his half-cocked war. Typically accompanied by seamen – but also airmen and ground troops.
A.C. says
November 6, 2006 at 3:32 pmSex scandals, at least in societies dominated by guilt-sodden Protestants, fulfill the therapeutic function usually attributed to pleasant or exciting sex: exploration of intimate areas of political life, surfacing “issues” normally repressed. America can’t talk about Iraq, where American boys are raping 14-year-old girls and shooting families at close range, can’t talk about torture, so instead we focus on what former Republican Representative Mark Foley wrote to a page about boxer shorts and their contents. What’s the other option? Pack a tube of sex lubricant, holster up, grab a box of ammo and head for the Amish schoolhouse.
Adorable Girlfriend says
November 7, 2006 at 7:47 amWhile on my way to the airport yesterday, the cabbie had on the news. Bush was on saying, “Consider voting GOP tomorrow because we are not finished in Iraq.”
Seriously, he believes this stuff.