Hopefully not off somewhere getting xeroxed. That’s because the newest culprit in Identity Theft is the digital photocopier — which comes equipped with a hard drive that stores your duplicated information in the same way your computer retains data.
Which isn’t really a big deal since Bossy is sure that all copy center employees are perfectly nice. But Bossy does want you to know that a recent survey found that 55% of you are minutes from copying your tax returns, and 25% of you will do so in public copy centers, and 54% of you have no clue that copy machines store your most personal banking information — so that’s like: 116,000% of you could be screwed!
I can only hope that the minimum wage employees of most neighborhood Kinko’s don’t have it in them to do something nefarious with your tax info.
AG did her taxes online. AG accepts the Gov’t is filled with liars and the Internets are filled with kooks.
What are you going to do? AG has bigger fish to fry: The Bush Dynasty.
Did all my taxes two months ago, and I used my own copy machine that I got an excellent deal on at http://www.heasterlawson.com!