Bossy had some free time — two hours or more
So she went to her church: A nearby paint store
And returned home to tackle her hideous shutters
When she saw the new color her heart went a-flutter.
(Bossy couldn’t find a rhyme for Cardiac Arrest)
She began with the shutter opposite her front door
The ladder kept sinking in mud — what a chore
But she got the first painted by hook or by crook
Then she climbed off her ladder and stood for a look.
“It’s not orange,” Bossy lied. “It is more like a clay.
Or a brick or perhaps terra-cotta, I’d say.”
And with this rationale, the orange she embraced
Although she couldn’t quite shake this look from her face:
She stretched and she reached and she smoothed and she jabbed
Stroke by stroke Bossy morphed those shutters from drab,
Something flew in her eye and she twisted her knee
But with both shutters done, Bossy stood back to see.
She completed her task across the whole front
Neighbors set up lawn chairs to watch Bossy’s new stunt
For the window box she mixed a shade slightly diminished
Then she dove for the gin just as soon as she’d finished.
Terra-cotta, Autumn morning, Maple leaf, Deep Clay, Ember, New Brick – – yes. Orange, no. The color rocks. Roof rocks. The Nashville judge gives it a 9.8 on tint and saturation. 😉
I like it. The house is really coming together nicely. I really need to get off my duff and become handy. However 2 questions:
How come you didn’t take the shutters off to paint and make it easier on you?
They didn’t set up lawn chairs, did they?
*I* would have set-up lawn chairs if I was Bossy’s neighbor, but that’s just how I am.
Color looks fantastic. Nice job.
When’s the dog’s funeral?
It looks great bossy, and the front porch looks like ti is coming along nicely.
Did Bossy install the window boxes herself? Does she have any advice on doing so?
The color is hot. HOT, I tell you.
Bossy, the house is looking great. I like the shutter color, goes well with the new roof! Great job!
Bossy, your house is looking absolutely beautiful!
umm- It doesn’t go with the white. *ducks* It looked more salmon in the can. It’s tricky, because the chimney is brick, right? (My MIL has a brick wall in her kitchen, and salmon looked purty with it.) Have you considered slate grey? 😛
(Please do not forget that my monitor settings are most likely skewing my perception here.)
oooo, loverly. Please tell me you’re going to paint the trellis as well? Nice job, though, I’m impressed.
Also, Bombay Sapphire went better with the old color…pray tell, which Gin did Bossy choose to go with It’s Not Orange?
Looking good!! I like the color from here.
I would have left half of the shutters green. I dyed my couch orange to go with the olive green walls…
I’ve been losing sleep over those green {shudder} shutters. This will help a lot. Thanks!
BTW, I know where you can get another dog if… ah, I’m sure you’ll take of it.
Nice work, Bossy!