How many stars are there in our flag?
Answer: 50, not including John Travolta.
Who elects the President of the United States?
Answer: The electoral college Katherine Harris.
For how long do we elect the President?
Answer: Four years Hell to Eternity.
What is the Constitution?
Answer: The supreme law of the land That thing lining the bottom of
Barney’s crate.
What are the duties of Congress?
Answer: To make laws To pass bills that are vetoed by the President.
What is the Bill of Rights?
Answer: The first 10 amendments of the Constitution The Right to elect Bill one more time.
Who is the Speaker of the House?
Answer: Bossy, unless she has laryngitis.
Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death”?
Answer: Patrick Henry Laura Bush.
What is the 50th state of the Union?
Answer: The State of Anxiety.
Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Answer: Exactly.
Name one of the Constitutional requirements to be eligible for President.
Answer: Must be a natural born citizen Must be a natural born doofus.
How many Supreme Court justices are there?
Answer: Nine About six too many.
Who was the first to adopt the Declaration of Independence?
Answer: Angelina Jolie.
What is the name of the President’s official home?
Answer: The White House The Danvers State Insane Asylum.
Who sold the Louisiana territory to the United States?
Answer: France James Carville.
Who was the President during the Civil War?
Answer: Ronald Reagon.
What special group advises the President?
Answer: The Cabinet The Kitchen Sink.
What are the two major political parties in the U.S. today?
Answer: The Democrats and the Republicans The 2007 Academy Awards and the Greenwich Cotillion.
Which President freed the slaves??Answer: Abraham Lincoln Barack O’Boyfriend.
These Are Sample Questions From The New Naturalization Test Which Even Bossy Couldn’t Pass.
Jodi says
May 2, 2007 at 8:29 amWell, shoot. If they ever throw pop quizzes at us citizens, I am SO screwed. Perhaps I should print out your answers and commit them to memory.
Question: Do you mind if I link to you?
You see, every so often I post a few links to sites that I enjoy. I especially like to do it when I am feeling really lazy and can’t come up with anything original. I would like to link to you during one of those times. May I?
Jen M says
May 2, 2007 at 8:38 amYup, hell to eternity sounds about right.
magpie says
May 2, 2007 at 9:53 amI don’t know whether to laugh or to cry. Laugh because you’re funny; cry because the situation sucks.
amy says
May 2, 2007 at 10:04 amwhere can I get a pair of hanging chad earrings?
amy says
May 2, 2007 at 10:05 amwhere can I get a pair of hanging chad earrings?
Erin says
May 2, 2007 at 10:30 amEven though Pres. Bush may be goofy, I think there is something darn right cute about him.
I had the hots for Bill, too, while he was in office!
Don’t think I could have “done” Jimmy, though!
Nicole says
May 2, 2007 at 10:59 amI recently found your blog. I love it!
Very funny, a bit cheeky, quite witty!
penny says
May 2, 2007 at 11:38 amLOL! They have the same nose.
orangeblossoms says
May 2, 2007 at 11:45 amI always wondered what shrub was lining the dog’s crate with. Also, he shows the dog more affection than he shows Laura. Go figure.
penny says
May 2, 2007 at 11:45 amWait! Bush has three arms in that last pic! Aaack! Run like Hell!!!
nutmeg says
May 2, 2007 at 12:03 pmAnd what do you get when you mix a Bush with a Dick? Screwed.
jeanne says
May 2, 2007 at 12:25 pmrecently was referred to your blog-love it –today’s was fabulous!lifted those grey clouds-poof.
Tuesday says
May 2, 2007 at 12:39 pmI love it!
Les~ says
May 2, 2007 at 12:56 pmAwesome! Do you happen to know what the pass and/or fail average on that test is?
Alicia says
May 2, 2007 at 1:44 pmBOSSY = AWESOME
Brando says
May 2, 2007 at 2:03 pmThe Angelina one was especially good. Nicely done.
Michael Bains says
May 2, 2007 at 2:21 pmYah, what is Up with those 3 arms??? Was Rover helpin’ him do the salute correctly?
BTW Bossy, I definitely had you in mind as my “other” candidate on the Unity ’08 site.
Good stuff!
Seattle Mamacita says
May 2, 2007 at 2:33 pmState of anxiety hmmm i wonder how many people live there? Clever quiz makes me want to make up my own version…
Criquette says
May 2, 2007 at 2:51 pmWhen will I remember to put on some Pampers before I read your blog???
Farty says
May 2, 2007 at 6:39 pmI think technically all of our laws have to be approved by the Queen before they can go on the statute books. The reason I’m not sure this is true is: it’s never happened in my lifetime!!! And we have a lot of laws.
At least your prez is elected. No, wait…
Oh, The Joys says
May 2, 2007 at 9:51 pmI have never been so satisfied with any previous political advisor and would recommend BOSSY to all my friends.
the Mater says
May 2, 2007 at 11:14 pmHave you ever written for SNL?! Bossy, you are wickedly funny. We must get you a gig on live TV.
fish says
May 2, 2007 at 11:21 pmHeh, I thought those were empty percocet sheet earrings…
BOSSY says
May 3, 2007 at 12:01 pmSo, confession: Bossy photoshopped away the security guy standing in the background but she forgot to erase the guy’s arm. The ass in the photo, however, is real.
lildb says
May 9, 2007 at 5:35 pmdamn, sam.
brilliance from this quadrant of the interwebs is blinding.
tongue in cheek says
May 11, 2007 at 3:22 amI want you on my team!
Jayne says
September 1, 2007 at 3:53 amHahaha… those’re great answers. I don’t think they encourage smart-assishness, which is really a crying shame. I figure, if you give a creative answer you really should get credit. Damn those beaurocrats!