Oh My. This reminds me so much of the OJ coverage. Except she didn’t kill anyone (yet) and she’s a rich, white woman and there was no white bronco chase, but the coverage! The coverage of this! It’s a mere month in jail, people! C’mon!
I love this song.
That song cracked me up the first time I heard it… 1966 Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels kinda in your face garage band rock. Loved it! Who’s the band?
But in jail? She was COLD. And she had to use her only blanket as a PILLOW to protect her hair from getting mussed. And the food-it was…institutional…and there were no wine selections or champagne or ANYTHING. Do you know how much she is SUFFERING?
As we speak I bet she is sitting in her cell mentally writing the book that will be released in three months called “Paris:My Story”, and will be a huge bestseller for her, complete with nationwide book tour and talk show appearances. This is only going to make her more visible, more spoiled, more clueless to what is really going on in the world.
You know what she should have to do? She should have to go live in one of those countries where there is no running water, the toilet is in the middle of the street, and food is limited to whatever the United Nations manages to airlift in. It makes me so angry, how out-of-touch she is.
Bah ha!
Have you ever heard the song “Smile” by Lily Allen?
“When I see you cry,
I feel bad for a while,
and then I just smile … ”
It goes through my head every time I see the photo of Paris sitting, HANDCUFFED, in the police car and crying. That really made my week.
Slammer time.
If I violate my parole and go to jail, will you do the same for me? Purdy plz?
I love the chicken payback song. Found it last year and it has been stuck in my head on and off ever since.
You rule, Bossy.
MOM!!!!! IT’S NOT RIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHHT!!!! You’d think she was sentenced to life….
Oh My. This reminds me so much of the OJ coverage. Except she didn’t kill anyone (yet) and she’s a rich, white woman and there was no white bronco chase, but the coverage! The coverage of this! It’s a mere month in jail, people! C’mon!
I love this song.
All I picture is Jodie Foster as Nell saying the words to that song….paaaaybaaaack.
All I picture is Jodie Foster as Nell saying the words to that song….paaaaybaaaack.
Only in America does the justice system have so many loop holes for anyone with a bank account and a marketable name. What a sham, oops I mean shame.
Where do you dream up this stuff. I have never heard of that song. And Paris is in jail, then out, then in..
made in America.
Good God, Bossy!
Tie “Chicken Back” to poor little Paris!?
That song cracked me up the first time I heard it… 1966 Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels kinda in your face garage band rock. Loved it! Who’s the band?
“Breakitdown! Lemme hear ya!”
*dances off*
But in jail? She was COLD. And she had to use her only blanket as a PILLOW to protect her hair from getting mussed. And the food-it was…institutional…and there were no wine selections or champagne or ANYTHING. Do you know how much she is SUFFERING?
As we speak I bet she is sitting in her cell mentally writing the book that will be released in three months called “Paris:My Story”, and will be a huge bestseller for her, complete with nationwide book tour and talk show appearances. This is only going to make her more visible, more spoiled, more clueless to what is really going on in the world.
You know what she should have to do? She should have to go live in one of those countries where there is no running water, the toilet is in the middle of the street, and food is limited to whatever the United Nations manages to airlift in. It makes me so angry, how out-of-touch she is.
I was going to post something about Paris Doin’ The Hokey Pokey, but 20,000 people beat me to it. Grrr!
That’s the best take on this whole Paris ordeal. I love it!!!