Based on a Steven King novel, 1408 is the story of an incredulous writer (Cusack) who is researching supernatural things for a supernatural book and therefore makes a reservation to stay in a supernatural hotel room in New York City.
First the writer explains to the hotel’s manager that the stories surrounding room #1408 are actually pure myth:
But the writer isn’t in his room two seconds when all kinds of supernatural things begin to happen. Like the hotel room fills with a strange light:
Then the internet connection goes haywire:
And soon the writer is begging for a reprieve:
How will it end? Will the writer get out of the room alive? Will John Cusack marry Bossy?
He looks like he just bought something sold or processed.
i love john cusack. he totally rocks the cashbar. (casbah? cas-bar? whatever) especially in Say Anything. But even more brilliant in High Fidelity.
is Joan in this one too???
I was really worried for BOSSY because the head in the bed with her looks more like Keanu and Keanu is bad. BAD. BAAAAADDDDD!
Bossy, I love you and I love John Cusack. But I don’t like scary movies.
So I’m holding out until his next movie: Martian Child.
Which does have his sister as well.
I just watched Say Anything last night. He was so young and lovely.
I could eat him up.
Cusack is lucky to have you, dearie.
Bossy, I have met John Cusack and let me tell you, love him, love him, love him.
Here was our conversation:
John: Anything you like here?
Megan: Their (insert some obscure tea favorite of mine at the time) is really great.
John: Thanks. I’ll try that.
I think he then mumbled something about my being gorgeous, but there was so much blood rushing in my ears that I couldn’t make it out.
I should mention that this little meeting was after weeks of my stalking him through the streets of the French Quarter. I ran into him after I finally gave up the hunt.
Aaah, John Cusack. That was fun.
Me Heart John Cusack.
Me thinks you need to get Photoshop so you can really manipulate those images…
ps BOSSY. I have WAYYYYYY more chin and forehead than Alanis. And that is saying a lot…because girlfriend has some serious forehead. Im at least…a FIVEhead.
But you are sweet to say such nice things in lieu of the obvious extra facial real estate I be sportin.
AND YES, for the love of sweet JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH woman…get yourself some proper software. We’d like to see your untapped photo editing potential.
I’m sure John would agree.
Megan: Let Bossy get this straight – you met John Cusack and he *maybe* called you gorgeous but something something about your ears something and that was it???
Shayera: Bossy agrees with you about scary movies but she makes exceptions for John Cusack. This is because Bossy never concerns herself with the twisted plot, but rather sits in the theater and plans How To Turn From Stalker To Bride In Five Easy Posts.
Everyone else: Are you trying to tell Bossy something? The slight mention of Photoshop here, the dropping of the Photoshop bomb there… Getting Photoshop isn’t the problem. It’s working through their bible-length instruction manual that seems most daunting.
PS Everyone else: Maybe Bossy *likes* the severed heads and body blobs she crafted using her very expensive, er, free Graphic program. Maybe she likes them so much maybe she wants to marry them and forget about a certain Mr Johnny Cusack.
John Cusack is definitely dreamy, and it’s perhaps sickeningly cute that my husband feels that way about Joan.
Bossy, the crudeness of your photo butchering–I mean editing–is part of your abundant charm.
A new Cusack movie? Based on a Stephen King novel? This is one of the downfalls of living in Taiwan… all you get is Van Damme, Steven Segal and Chuck Norris. But, Chuck is the man, but just not on the same level of cool as Cusack. I have to admit, I love all his movies (except one, but I won’t mention which one jjust to keep the peace between Taiwan and Bossy).
oh how I love you
in a word, yes.
Bossy, I like to think that *maybe* he said something about my being gorgeous. Or he might have just been ordering the tea I recommended. Either way, he was standing right next to me and lord, let me tell you, that man is large.
Megan: Bossy has no doubt that man is large. Mmm hmm, large – no doubt at all.