Here’s everything you need to know about what happened so far on Top Chef Season Three Miami:
Now there are five remaining. This is Brian:
And this is Sara:
This is Casey:
This is Hung:
And this is Dale:
On last night’s episode, the contestants traveled to Le Cirque restaurant where they sampled a sea bass entree made famous by the restaurant’s owner, Sirio Maccioni. Then the show’s host, Padma Lakshmi, slurred explained that for the Quick Fire Challenge, each contestant needed to recreate Le Cirque’s intricate dish.
Exactly twenty minutes later, each completed dish was presented to Sirio Maccioni for evaluation — and like the consummate professional he is, Maccioni selected the dish he most admired:
Next it was time for the Final Elimination Challenge. The contestants were shuttled to the French Culinary Institute and were given two hours to conceptualize and create their own unique entrée made from three assigned ingredients: chicken, russet potatoes, and white onion. In addition each contestant was given the opportunity to purchase supplementary ingredients at the Greenmarket in Union Square:
And within minutes of their return to the French Culinary Institute kitchen, all kinds of chicken parts where frying their asses off:
Meanwhile an assortment of Culinary School deans and chefs gathered to act as the taste-test judges.
While the contestants feverishly prepared confit this and truffle that over risotto this and pureed that, Bossy paused to assemble a culinary delight of her own:
With the entrees completed and successfully delivered to the judges, Padma modeled a negligee told the contestants to convene for the judging.
At the Judges’ Table, Padma was joined by Tom Colicchio and Gail Simmons, along with that perv brilliant gastronomist Sirio Maccioni. The judges flung culinary questions at the contestants and pondered things like, “What was he trying to articulate with this dish?”
In no time the judges had reached a decision. Bossy isn’t going to give it away, except to say the person they sent home is from Jamaica but lives in Miami and has a thick Irish brogue:
Oooooh! I had something exciting and brilliantly witty to add, but then saw I was first and got stage fright…. As, always, you’re hysterical, though!
One of vuboq’s neighbors needs to HURRY UP and get cable so vuboq can watch all the fun Bravo Reality Shows!
I think I need to ramp up the pressure. Do you think sticky notes on their doors asking “When are you getting cable?” would be appropriate?
I thought Top Chef was only shown in marathon styles on Sundays?
Oh my God. I have to inform the TiVo!
(and also, I want Casey to win because she is cute too. No. Seriously.)
OK what is the deal with Padma exactly? Her credentials to host a cooking competition, let alone write a cookbook (WTF??) are that she was a model married to Salman Rushdie?? And you’re right. She can’t articulate at all.
If Casey wins, they’ll make a movie about her life and it will star JENNIFER ANISTON because they look like identical cousins. Yeah, she’s cute, but I swear she’s only on TC still because her milkshake brings all the boys, etc. Did you hear her define “amuse bouche”? Bitch didn’t have a CLUE, people.
I keep waiting for Padma to remove the dental, cotton logs from her mouth… and for her Novocaine to wear off.
If that’s all the laundry you’ve got – you ain’t got no excuse for missing a second of this show.
Sheezz, you don’t even have to put your baby to bed 18 times every night.
this is perfect! top chef is one of the few bravo shows that i just can’t get into at all, so now i don’t need to watch. i’ll just come here! this recap was way better than actually watching the show.
Bossy is much more entertaining than watching TV.
I missed it last night, but am so relieved Sara was booted. Wait, did I just ruin that for others? Sorry! And my boyfriend and I constantly laugh at her accent. WTF!! I like Casey, too, because she seems to stay away from the drama.
Ha ha. I love top chef and I look forward to watching it every week. Your rendition of it was even more entertaining than the show.
I still love Collichio though. He’s my fav…
I agree Alice. Bossy is far more entertaining, and now I can free up some TIVO space instead of watching.
Bossy, If I decide to photo document my life in 12 pics or less, can I hire you for commentary?
Quiz: would you eat something cooked by a guy that looks like Dale? Now if you’ll excuse me, gotta hit the drive thru…
I have nothing witty to say. I do watch Top Chef though.
I miss Sam. Sam should be on every season of Top Chef, always. Sam for president!
HOW great is THIS POST!
I love top chef and have thought about the final four all day today and now reading this blog. You are just too much fun Bossy.
Keep it up!
This is me, madly in love with you.
We don’t get Top Chef in Scotchland, not having TV or t’internet or that.
But we do get American Idol, on the steam-driven radio with pictures. It’s padded out with Cat Deeley interviewing the contestants, which doesn’t seem to happen in the US version.
Mr Farty loves American Idol.
why don’t high school advisors tell you that you can be the dean of pastry studies…because i would so have been all over that…
I want Casey to cook food and then eat it off of my hairy gorilla body.
Padma is so pretty that she hurts my eyes. It must be the glare of all the concentrated gorgeousness.
That is all.
LOL!!! Your blog is hillarious, perhaps… even my favorite of all the blogs in the world. Oh yes. I said (typed) it.
Keep on keepin on cuz you rock me like the proverbial hurricane.
Wow! Princess Leia’s mom has her own cookin’ show? That’s so, like, hot!
errmmm, that bowl o’ cereal looks good. Dig ‘Em Smacks?
Casey, Casey, Casey…Jennifer Aniston called and she wants her hair back!
Damn me. I am so addicted to Bravo. I am absolutely Bravo’s bitch. Additionally, since I wasn’t home last night at 10PM to watch Top Chef, I stayed up until 2AM to watch the replay.
Aren’t I pathetic? Pathetic enough someone will get me Tivo for Chanukah? Start saving, you have a few months…
Hey we get that here too! I think we’re a season behind though. Hmm.
My husband watches Project Runway each week even though he doesn’t care about clothes. Awwwwww ….
Fritos are the hardest thing in the world to replicate in a kitchen. Until these guys are able to do that, they ain’t shit.
I always lose track of the outcome of the show because I’m daydreaming about being holed up in an hourly hotel drifting on cut smack with Padma mumbling at my side to save her a morning shot. Thanks for the blow-by-blow summary.
I prefered the tour of your knick knacks, cereals, and your toes to the actual show. Yes I admit I watch it too but unlike your hubby I do most all of the cooking here at el Casa de Monkey. And even though I can’t sew or design I am a total man whore for Project Runway. I sound like a bitchy old queen when I watch it, “Oh no she did NOT put that piping on that top! I will scratch her eyes out for that!”
You kill me. I wish we had such compelling programming in France.
How come when *I* turn on the TV, there’s nothing on but CSI, Law and Order, and other crap. In fact, we get something like 700 channels of “nothings on”.
You have a better TV than we do, methinks.
Woman, I love your re-caps. Why bother watching when I have Bossy?
Please tell me you are watching Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsay. It is hysterical, and your re-caps would make it … FAB.U.LOUS.
Thank you for the Friday morning chuckle… I needed it with this hangover… I love Top Chef… I hate Hung… he should be hung…
Well, seeing as I have so much other STUFF to do (like stick my face in a computer for 15 hours a day), I don’t watch much tv and especially not much reality tv (except for survivor, amazing race, apprentice, dancing with the stars, and ummmm I think there’s one more). Here’s one less I can watch now (not that I watched it before anyway). I know this isn’t making any sense, but I have a good reason (or 2 – they’re called left boob & right boob, and my son prefers them at midnight, 2, 4 and 6am), so ya know..thanks 🙂
I am glad Bossy is giving us updates because I certainly don’t want to miss out on…how you say…confit and rissoto. Risotto. Ricey pasta.
Anyways, Do people really eat the way they cook on that show? ’cause in my house its all Trader Joe’s this and Trader Joe’s that. Why should I cook it when TJ has done it for me?
Bossy pours ONE MEAN bowl of cereal.
You and Res, with the Food Network!
I’m not sure I get it, but it looks like a lot of fun!
Meg thought Bossy got bored and changed the channel – that shot of Padma in her negligee looks like Sandra Bullock!
Dude, did you make that bowl of heaven yourself? You are a woman of many talents.
Especially the Cheerios.
Bossy is OMSH’s kind of woman.
Bossy and OMSH sittin’ in a tree…
Hey Bossy,
My big question was what the heck are Ramps? I’ve heard of skateboard ramps, wheelchair ramps, even those portable ramps on trucks, but i’ve never heard of a food called Ramps? Have you?
What IS up with Sara’s accent?
I just knew the final 4 was gonna be Tre, CJ, Casey and Hung (I hate Hung!). Guess I was WRONG!
I had about 50 other Top Chef questions and comments, but I’ll let it go. I really just want to know what Ramps are supposed to be!
I wonder if I could be on Top Chef? I make a mean Easy Mac. Hmmm maybe not.
Velocibadgergirl loves Bossy.
And this blog.
And, I admit, Dale with the weird hair. He’s my favorite, which probably means he’ll bite it next episode. Sorry, Dale! My favorites never win.
Hung for the win!
I like to watch Top Chef while eating Cheez-its. They go well with red wine.
Fer chrissake.
I’m new here. And I love you. Yep. Total girl crush on bossy : )
After I saw the large, sweaty, bald guy sweating into the pot he was stirring, I decided that I could no longer watch this show.
After I saw the large, sweaty, bald guy sweating into the pot he was stirring, I decided that I could no longer watch this show.
who needs cable when they have bossy?!?!
Manic Mommy HATES cooking and HATES reality but hates being out of the loop more – BOSSY kicks ass!
Now go make me a chicken pot pie!
Bossy’s husband is crazy. That lady is not cute.
OMG! I did NOT know Padma was married to Salman!
OK, NOW this week when me and my husband look at each other and once again ask,
“WHY is that chick famous and WHY is her annoying lispy-ass hosting this show?”
I will finally have a response!
I miss Trey, thought he should win.
Although, I thought Sam should have one Season 2.
I did pick correctly for Season 1, with Harold….
1 out of 3 isnt that great….
Do you watch Rock of Love? You have inspired me to do a Rock of Love post, if I can put the time in, Im pretty slow at photo shop.
Have a great weekend.
BTW, I like Padma, and found out a couple of months ago that she was married to Salmon Rushdie (sp?)…found out when I read they were divorcing. Totally odd couple, almost as odd as Phil Spector and his new wife, what a trip!
I have not watched this show but your comments are hilarious!!
I don’t have a TV. Crazy chick. But your blog is better than a TV, and through your toes makes it worthy it! Your style cracks me up.
i did not know that padma used to be married to salman rushdie. ‘the moor’s last sigh’ is one of my favorite books, but i could never get into ‘the satanic verses’ or ‘midnight’s children.’
anyway, thank-you bossy.
as with the broccoli bugs, once again, i leave your blog a smarter person than i was before.
next, please tell us what the fuck ramps are.
and also, how did padma become qualified to judge this show and write her own cookbook?
Tell me you don’t weep just a bit when you think about Tre being gone. I miss him.
Oh Bossy, Sarah also used to have a crush on Tom Colicchio until he started wearing stupid clothes.
I’m like you. I have to eat during this show. But usually I eat animal crackers…directly from the jumbo tub ‘o crackers.
Ooh, my favorite show! But Padma’s clothes bug me. (I’m deep like that.) I wonder what Hung was thinking when he heard he won her cookbook.
Rushdie!? I learn all kinds of things from Bossy.
My God woman, how long does it take you to put together each of your posts? That was great!
I so don’t have to watch this past season now, thanks!
Where was your coverage for Big Brother 8? I wasted 2 1/2 months on that lame ass show.
you crack my up!
never noticed the slurring…now it’s going to bug me!
Hilarious post love the pics you posted!