Designed to blend with downtown Las Vegas office buildings, this 350,000 square-foot detention center is twelve stories tall and features glazed brick, underground passageways, 1,450 beds, and O.J. Simpson.
Designed to blend with downtown Las Vegas office buildings, this 350,000 square-foot detention center is twelve stories tall and features glazed brick, underground passageways, 1,450 beds, and O.J. Simpson.
He’s finally in jail, where he belongs. Although not for murder, interestingly enough (is that a word? Interestingly?). Kinda smacks of Al Capone going to jail for Tax Evasion when we all know he did much worse…
They played the tape of his “outburst” on Sky24 News today… hahaha.. one word comes to mind: Classy.
What? No “chicken pay back” music for OJ?!
Let’s hope they lose the key.
I hope they keep him.
Bossy should learn to cross-stitch better. 🙂
But, the glove doesn’t fit.
I think that having him locked up on the day of his book release is a nice poetic justice. Keep in there till he rots.
So sad here in France I have to google to get OJ news. What’s wrong with the world today?
Domestic Goddess beat me to the Capone comment but I’ll take it. Keep ’em there!
Greedy a**wipe, getting off for murder wasn’t enough?
I love your “Home Sweet Home” cross stitching there. Nicely done.
Do you think he packed THE glove?
The cross-stitching would be a good hobby in the slammer!
He could get 30 years. He would get out when he’s 90. I have a feeling his remaining legal defense team won’t touch this one! Ha!
Am I the only one that gets the heebie jeebies even seeing his face?
He gives me the creeps.
Stupid OJ.
Nice stitching. Must’ve taken hours!
it’s sad when a jail is about 541968416484163849616354 times nicer than my house…
and it probably has cable too…
Me thinks O.J. is going to be very popular in his new retirement home, the big house.
i heard a criminal defense lawyer this morning saying how this is easy to get out of, because legally it’s not theft if he thought in good faith the stuff was his BLAAAAAH blah blah. i hope they whack him really hard over the head so he signs a confession and he’s locked up for good. what a waste of space he is.
Too bad they’re keeping him in isolation. I understand prisoners have a justice system of their own….
What a dumb ass.
it’s really amazing it took this long.
Let me try to understand this…after he murdered Nicole and Ron, he got off on the “if it doesn’t fit, you can’t convict” defense, i.e., can’t throw his sorry ass in jail because it’s not his. Now he’s gonna give the opposite defense a try – “If the stuff is mine, I don’t do time”?
This whole story just makes my inner Dr. Spock freak out.
chant it with me:
Let him rot!
Let him rot!
Let him rot!
“His Own Version Of Ocean’s Eleven” Oh.My.Goodness.You.Did.Not.Say.That. I am done lurking, I must comment here often.
I don’t know why he didn’t just take this matter to a court of law. He knows how reliable THAT system is! *snigger*
Saw the following and for some reason thought of you. Go figure.
it’s about frickin’ time!
Does anyone remember the old Hertz commercials he used to do running through the airport. One more reason to use Thrifty.
Well folks, my last “Blue Man Group” Vegas tix set me back $180, I wonder what it will cost to “OJ – The Caged Fury”, and will it come with a comped meal?
Honestly? This whole OJ thing has made me a FIRM believer in karma. I mean, really.
I was glued to the TV during the OJ case. I couldn’t wait to get home to see it. This time, I really don’t care. I think this time he’s going to be spending some time in a small cell with a guy named Marvin who wants to be his wife. Marvin will be big. Marvin will love OJ. Marvin will hug OJ and will break OJ.
It was only a matter of time.
Everybody knows you can’t rob a casino without Brad Pitt. OJ really is a loser and I hope they keep him in there for ever.
Fate, anyone?
i wanna hear about this a la bossy