This weekend Bossy’s whole town turned out for the unveiling of a new clock at the train station!
Several neighbors were chosen to pull the tethers:
As the canvas billowed in the fresh morning breeze the crowd grew breathless with anticipation:
And then the countdown began. Five, four, three:
Two, one… tah-dah!
And so at precisely 11:04:38 it became official that Bossy’s town now Swings the Biggest Dick has the biggest clock:
Isn’t that kind of a random time?
Also, dude! Pay attention!
Quite a clock, huh? But all I can think of is ONE POINT TWENTY ONE GIGAWATTS?
The clock is ok, but I really love the new family album. I am so excited to learn about bossy’s roots.
You had me at the headline. Tinkle — heh!
This one has had me completely baffled. Dude, it’s just a clock. (We skipped the unveiling, but wandered into town for the moonbounce. Can’t miss the moonbounce.)
i guess you can see the BIG CLOCK when you are late..and far away from the train station. I bet the chatty ladies wore depends in case the excitement did make them tinkle.
Does that lady think she can see a clock unveiling any day of the week? What is wrong with her? She is MISSING IT!
I can’t wait to let that guy from college know he’s been shown up.
I wish I was you and could revel in the awesomeness that is your life.
(OW! That hurt! Stop hitting me!)
best clock since back to the future.
save the clock tower!!!!
save the clock tower!!!!
(must have coffee now. brain is short-circuiting)
I was also curious about the time. Why 11:04.38? Is that when the general population is out and about? Wouldn’t lunch time have been a better time? Or dawn or something?
I’m sure the time was chosen because the hands are more dynamic at 11:04 than at noon, when they all but disappear. Ever notice that all clocks in advertising are set for 10:10? No? You didn’t? My bad — my brain is FULL of crap like that.
Boy, I can’t tell my town. It’ll get clock envy.
Am I in the right place? I was looking for the world’s biggest cock?
Oh no, my first thought when reading your post was Back to the Future but darn someone already said that!! Pooey.
Having witnessed the blessed event, I can tell you, THAT’S WHAT TIME IT WAS! Linked in with the Atomic Clock or something, AUTOMATICALLY adjusting for Daylight Savings Time! This is one VERY SPECIAL CLOCK!!!
Man. My town sucks.
I think I may have peed a little myself.
I don’t get out much.
You must be so happy.
The closet clock we have to that is the one that was installed in our local Friendly’s. It was gigantic although not as large as yours, and so one day they took it down.
My life in sleepy New York City pales in comparison to the dynamic adventures you encounter in your daily life.
What is it, 80 degrees there? I thought you lived on the east coast with all those Ivy League schools, not in the tropics.
I laughed and then FARTED while reading this. HIGHEST PRAISE MY FRIEND!
10:52 a.m. Giant boxer shorts made for the unveiling are deemed to small, the mayor calls for the town parachute
10:57 a.m. When they realize that the clock will remain gigantic for more than 4 hours, a major sponsor (pronounced “see-Alice”) withdrawals sponsorship
11:04 a.m. Giant clock is unsheathed, the crowd audibly gasped, several onlookers fainted
11:07 a.m. Chair of the “Great Balloon Release” committee is fired as 8 helium topple up into the wild blue yonder o’er Bossy Town
G’day from Australia, Bossy,
As someone who always has time for humour and photography, I thoroughly enjoyed your captions here.
(Came here from Nap Warden)
Cheers …
Crack me up. What were they THINKING?
Delusions of grandeur? And yet…it’s just a clock, fer chrissakes.
goodness gracious. what a big deal. what’s next? a NEW STOPSIGN???
Look, Lady, if you’re not going to RESPECT the unveiling of the clock, maybe you should just stay HOME during the unveiling of the clock, lest you distract the more sincere clock-unveiling fans.
The above was, of course, intended for the chatty woman in the pictures. Not you. You obviously respect the clock.
Yup, I like those folks that completely ignore why they are were they are.
Something about that makes me very, very happy.