Thank you, thank you. Really, a standing ovation? Thank you. Please everyone—have a seat. What’s that? You’re just waiting for a bus? Then Bossy will be brief. This year’s victory is dedicated to him:
Because Bossy’s friend Bobo voted for Bossy once on his work computer. He thinks. Unless he accidentally voted for someone else. That voting thing sure is tricky.
Readers reader—it’s not too late! Voting ends tonight! Did Bossy mention you can vote multiple times? Hey, where you going? Over to Sadly, No where they don’t stump for votes? At bus stops?
Vote Here Now while you listen to Bossy’s Final Battle Cry:
I want you to know that I refuse to even click on that link to Sadly, No because I cannot believe anyone is more funny than you. You will always hold my fondest allegiance. Hail to Bossy!
Could you please add some gratitude for the little people?
I will know you mean Me.
You have the log in to my blog, right? So, like, if you wanted to post something THERE to campaign for more votes, you totally could, right?
I so voted for you. Twice, while applying hand cream and cursing.
I’ve been voting for ya everyday, but they have this little once every 24 hour rule that they Lord over me when I try to sneak in an extra vote. I can get ya one from home an 4 from work a day … that’s it Bossy … then they throw it in my face that I am trying to stuff the ballot box.
Bossy, how can you be so funny…and pretty. I’m starting not to like you.
Well, it worked this time. I’ve been trying, but not too hard. Didn’t want to go on a list of Bossy Stalkers somewhere.
Act casual. Whistle. Vote again from home later.
Go, Bossy, go! All casual-like.
Voted every day…will vote all day…GO BOSSY
I can only vote once a day. You are the funniest but I had to sneak over to Say,No yesterday just to take a peek…I don’t think it is in the right catagory. It looks like a political satire type blog.
Hey, I voted once at home too……….I think
I voted again! At least you aren’t in last place.
I have been dutifully voting for you. I have four purple-stained fingers to prove it.
Fer chrissake, that song is going to be stuck in my head all day. I’ll go vote – again – if you’ll make it stop.
It hasn’t been 24 hours yet – I’m tryin Bossy, I’m really trying, but the man is keeping me down.
You got my vote today..and tomorrow..and so on..
Dude – I checked out ALL those dumb-azz blogs and not one is as funny as this here funny as hell blog – there is no justice…
I’ve been loyally voting every single day. This is one brilliant acceptance speech. Almost as good as “you like me, you really like me.”
I just voted-how can I actually vote more than once-I tried and couldn’t figure it out. I am getting really upset that Bossy isn’t number one-I don’t understand it, it’s just not right.
Oh, Bossy. I voted, but you have a ways to go. But Bossy will always be numero uno to me!
It’s definitely rigged. I voted for you every day (oops what a giveaway) and still you’re outnumbered by that other rubbish. Booo!
You are truly the FUNNIEST blog person I know! Well, you know, I don’t really KNOW, KNOW you — but you know what I mean… anyway I voted for you again today!
Gooooooo Bossy! Woooooo hoooooooooo!
Fight the Power indeeeeeeeeeeeed!
I have stuffed the ballot like an intern for Mayor Quimby on election day.
Very funny. I love your blog!
I voted for you! A ton. I have a hard time believing “Sadly, no!” is better than “I Am Bossy.” I refuse to even look and see.
AG missed the voting and all this year. AG will have to be on top of it next year after the first yarzheit.
Bossy, I swear you’re the funniest – I checked all of them. And I voted from home and work every day. I promise.
I voted everyday, but when I went just now they had closed
I know it doesnt make you feel any better to hear that just being nominated was a huge prize in itself, or that you were WAY Funnier than those other blogs….but since it’s totally true, Im tellin it to ya!
Grooving to your Bossy Battle Cry. You have a lovely gutteral baritone voice.
Sadly, No! Blows.
Where is the justice in the world?
I think Sadly, No! might be becomin’ The Man.
And where does that leave them? Huh?
Keep fightin’ the power, Bossy. They can’t hold you down.
You made me a believer.
I promise I’m voting. Hell I’d never even heard of the rest of them.
nut case.
I vote for that necklace!! It’s totally boss. (No bad pun intended)
I think it is cooler NOT to win. Do you want to be like the beleaguered “winner” George Bush or the hipster “loser” Al Gore running around college campuses wowing the chicks with his talks on Global Warming?
I agree with Neil. Losing is the new winning.
Real winning’s so 1999.
I think Sadly No outsourced to India and an office filled with eager workers is busily voting away for it over there…..I demand a recount and I want to see how Chad is hanging.
You was robbed, Bossy.
bossy is a winner in all our hearts, regardless of what the stupid numbers say.
Fifth funniest blog on the internet. Pretty damn good job. Especially when you consider that 3 of the 4 above you are political humor blogs with large, rabid readerships.
Couldn’t even raise a smile reading ‘Sadly No’! Too much ‘in your face’ for me and I agree the above blog seems to be in the wrong category. Bossy you are the best in the West and I am talking from my side of the world … Cape Town South Africa! You ALWAYS make me smile! Keep on being our winner!!!!!!!!
haaa i’m with neil. when the winner is “sadly, no,” it’s better to not be amongst those ranks.
Off to vote…
Help. I have pregnant brain and can’t figure out how to vote over there.
(Seriously, why am I the only one? Seriously, help.)
You got my vote(s)
You ran a good campaign, and will always be #1 to me chicky baby!
I went over to that Sadly No..cause you had a link..and I don’t get it…
Meghan…to vote you have to double click..I had issues in the beginning too.
PS…don’t forget to go to the parenting secion and vote for Dad Gone Mad!
Um, I’m pretty sure you’re having issues voting because the polls are closed.
Bossy, are you there? Stop crying, hon, and come out. Give us another entry. The only reason you didn’t win is because there is no category for “Most Wonderfully Unique and Special Blog”. You can’t be categorized, didn’t you know? Now crack open a bottle of wine and talk to us.
Oh no, fifth? Sorry, but we still like you best. Someday the rest of the world will know –
I always look for the silver lining in every cloud.
The one here is that – ahem – I found YOU because I was already reading Boobs Injuries and Dr Pepper. So it goes both ways.
Of course, now I’ve found 8 others that are supposedly funnier than you. We’ll see.
(insert Dr. Evil Pinky Chin look)
OR WILL WE?!?!?!
But … but … we think I Am Bossy is funny! Really, really funny!
Anyway, sorry Bossy, that you and the other funnier-than-Sadly, No-blogs got caught in the crossfire of that thing with the DUmmie FUnnies guy. It’s just that what he did to Andy Stephenson, the whole spreading of the disinformation about him as he was dying of pancreatic cancer, it sort of got the political people’s dander up.
So in the end, the Funniest Blog category became about something other than which blog is actually funniest. Because you are the funniest. We just try to be funny and occasionally and very randomly succeed in a not-really-all-that-funny kind of way.
Also, I’m drunk.
I found you through Sadly, No and have become a fan- voted for you too! Soory that it was too little, too late.
WTF Bobo? I have a Dodo friend like that who totally cost me the L Word script contest last year. Aren’t I worth a click?! Bobo’s lucky Bossy doesn’t seem to hold a grudge like I do against my Dodo.
For what it’s worth, I voted for you twice. I think you was robbed.
Actually, I think Bossy does hold a grudge. She drove 45 minutes to my house, knocked on my door, twisted my nipples and turned around and left. Did this happen to anyone else?
*raises hand tentatively*
I think I can remain standing. I don’t think anyone will even realize I am standing as my height standing is about average of that of someone of average height sitting.
Of course I have thoguht this all thru while drinking a gianormous hot chocolate laced with enough Bailey’s for a few more people. But at any rate, I am thrilled for your nomination and am giving you a standing O.
Ovation. not Orgasm. I mean it’s really exciting you were nominated, but I need to know when to say when. Ya know?
I’m sorry I missed the vote. I haven’t giggled like this over a blog since maybe the Twinkies Project…(and that wasn’t even a blog)
Even your comments are funny. You shoulda won.
Better luck next time…
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