When last we saw Bossy’s son he was celebrating his triumphant acceptance into the college of his choice:
So without further adieu, Bossy will reveal the winning college while looking up adieu so she knows how not to further it:
Many of you guessed correctly. Betsey and three boys in D.C. and Sloane and Hacksaw and Ree and Patty and R and Shayera and Therese and Rattling the Kettle and Peg and Blairie Lou Hoo and Teehee and Mr. Lootiatto and Alyssa.
Mr Lootiatto was disqualified on account of he’s a dog and on account of he belongs to Bossy’s mom and on account of his unfair advantage having gone through the garbage.
The rest of the names went in a hat:
Next Bossy’s lovely assistant digs around in the hat before making her selection:
And finally Bossy’s lovely assistant daughter makes her selection:
Congratulations, Peg! Soon you will be the proud owner of the cherished collectible Class of 2002 Special Edition Barbie. And thanks to everyone for playing. Another contest coming soon. Because Bossy has a lot of crap in her basement.
Uh…Columbia is nowhere near Ohio. Dang. I thought Bossy could sleep our bunk bed when visiting her son at school.
OOOHHH! more excuses to go to NYC for Bossy and family!! more yummy reading for her fans!!
Congrats, Bossy’s Son!
And I hope you all get great news today too re the graft!!
Great post! Looking forward to seeing the additional crap in your basement.
Hope your angel is improving…
The cake looks so yummy. How come your son looks so manly? God I am feeling old.
So happy for your son, and so happy that you all can find your senses of humor during this time.
Congratulations, Bossy’s Son!
Yeah! Bossy’s son will be so happy! I love Columbia and the neighborhood around it. I spent many a happy time visiting my cousin who went there and my brother and sister in law who lived nearby.
I think that this will be a harbinger of good news from the doctor for Bossy’s lovely daughter too. (Yeah, I know that makes no sense, but I’m thinking lots of positive things for you guys.)
Congratulations again, Captain! If Bossy’s son is feeling a teeny bit upscale, and thinks he’d like to try his hand at slumming a bit, there’s always MY alma mater, Chico State. It was known in the 80s as the #1 Party School in the Nation. (Thanks, MTV — now my degree is worthless to all but maybe Bacardi Co.)
Lemme know if he’d like the tour.
Columbia? The School of Broadcasting?
Ha-ha! Kidding. That’s a joke from “The Soprano’s” in case ya don’t know.
That is SOMETHING. You all should be very proud of him and he of himself. That is quite an accomplishment just to get IN.
And the parties! Um, I mean, the academics!
Aww … I was going to guess Columbia, but I thought it was just because I’d been watching The Sopranos. Congratulations, Bossy’s son!
Okay, not Brown. Columbia was my SECOND choice, though! The only thing is that I don’t know where you can get pumpkin bread French Toast in Morningside Heights. But I do know a good Spanish restaurant there!
I bet he’ll have a great time, and I’m impressed with the cake. I would have totally messed up the spacing and squished the “BIA.”
yaaaaaay bossy’s son! congratulations! everyone i know who went to columbia LOVED it.
thanks for the updates, bossy, even while you guys are having hectic times…
Congrats, Bossy’s son (and Bossy)! New York will surely welcome him to the concrete jungle with open arms (the same ones that steal your money and make you pay $5 for 4 apples). (Yes. Really.) But think of the stories he will have, and the exciting times visiting will bring!
Congrats to Bossy’s son. My father’s alma-mater, class of 73 for masters in Journalism.
Which is why he would find our blogging esoteric nonsense.
Way to Go Bossy’s Son!! and I hope Bossy’s Daughter is recovering and feeling better, with a graft that is grafting nicely.
Yay! Have fun at Columbia. Congrats.
I am psyched to take more virtual vacations with Bossy when you move in!
I knew Bossy’s son was smart. Nice job! Congrats!
Wow – that’s awesome!
Wow – that’s awesome!
Your right. Those are cute toes.
Well done Peg, and Bossy’s son, and Bossy’s incredible assistant…and Bossy’s husband who obviously raised a genius –
Contests for crap in the basement? I’m thinking someone would LOVE the incredibly large Jurassic Park playset downstairs…
I was close, right? I picked Cornell. That starts with a “C”.
Oh, well….I guess Columbia will do.
Way to go, Captain O Captain.
Hope all’s well with Bossy’s daughter and the graft watching.
Sweet. I just love his happy face here. That’s what getting into college SHOULD feel like. One question, though — did he find out by email???
Loving the cake, bossy. And the cute toes.
Congrats again to your son ~
Now Bossy can spend the next four years saying “My son is at Columbia”.
Or really, the rest of her life saying “when he was at Columbia”.
Mr. G. went to Columbia and says his years there were some of the best in his life. I hope Bossy’s son has a similar experience. Congratulations.
Whoo hoo! Congrats to all.
Hope the girl is recovering well…
If you hang a Columbia banner outside the house I will have to pretend I don’t know you. The cake is very nice and collegiate looking. Did you prick it all over with a fork and drizzle on a liter of microbrew before frosting?
You all are awesome, especially Mr. Lootiato.
Bossy’s son is HAWT
Woohoo! I love being right!
Oh, and congratulations to Bossy’s son for obviously being right most of the time!
Ooooooo, Columbia! Nicely done, Bossy’s son.
And yes, those sure are mighty cute toes. And stylin’ jammies. Heal quickly, Bossy’s assistant!
Congrats to Bossy’s son! Morningside Heights is a great place to live – I spent 7 wonderful years there. Let me know if you want some area restaurant recommendations.
Columbia! AWESOME!
Congrats, Bossy’s son. And we still hope Bossy’s daughter is healing quickly and well!
congratulations to son of Bossy! And still holding fast to healing for dauther of Bossy!
Bossy: Your family ROCKS….
Congratulations to Bossy’s son! That’s awesome!
When you guys come into town, I’m taking you all out to celebrate! Great news, Bossy. I’m so glad he decided not to apply to that other wussy school up in Cambridge. Nothing but a bunch of wankers there!
Yay Bossy’s son. Tell Bossy’s daughter I am perfectly ok not winning the Barbie as my three boys are not big fans.
Glad to see Bossy’s sense of humor is still with her and still sending lots of good thoughts from DC.
Ach, I should have gone with my gut! Now I’ll never have a Barbie doll. Never, never, never!!
MetroDad beat me to the dinner invite, but I’m happy to take sloppy seconds. I also lived up in the area and can make recommendations for places of interest (re: eating).
COngrats Bossy’s Spawn!
Bossy, that is terrific. I have a feeling your son will feel very at home in New York.
Well done, Bossy’s son! (Even if he didn’t choose a good New England school.)
Let’s go Lions!
I spent five wonderful years at Columbia and just KNOW that Bossy’s son will have a fantastic experience.
I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to hear how the graft is doing…
Congrat’s to Bossy’s hot son!! Very exciting. It’s very nice to see Bossy’s daughter w/ a very important job!!
Lucky Columbia!!!! Congratulations to Bossy’s son, great hat trick, and sending lots of rainbow kisses to Daisy…
Congrats, Peg! And, of course, congrats to the Bossy son and entire Bossy family!
Yeay! Good for him! xxoo
A wag to the Columbia Son.
But more importantly, now that I’m getting some name recognition, I realize that I need to decide whether I’m going to keep the triple t, triple o, or drop a t.
This Ris is a little bit in love with Bossy’s son. Congratulations! And, best wishes for a speedy recovery to Bossy’s daughter.
This Ris is a little bit in love with Bossy’s son. Congratulations! Also, best wishes to Bossy’s daughter for a speedy recovery!
Wonderful news – congratulations! And so nice to see your beautiful assistant up and about!
Did you know that bossy’s friend, Martha, has a sister who’s husband works at Columbia? Or is it her sister’s husband’s ex-wife’s ex? The joy on your son’s face is beautiful! Congrats, what a great time in his life!
Yay Bossy’s son.
Um, Bossy? Could you ask your son to send mine some “work ethic” and, um, y’know, “care about school brains”?
Woo-hoo! Congrats to the Drumline Captain! Love that picture, you can just feel the excitement.
Congratulations to Bossys son. I love to see young people persue higher educations. Was sorry to read about Bossy’s daughter. I’m praying for your family.
Hey, Alpha Mom graduated from Columbia. Although the campus and dorms have gotten (she smart!) a big upgrade since she went there for undergrad. She may or may not be visiting campus next May for a (cough) reunion.
My mother used to teach at Columbia. In fact, when I was little I thought “Teachers College” was named for my mother since she taught there.
Maybe this explains why I went to a state school…
My mother used to teach at Columbia. In fact, when I was little I thought “Teachers College” was named for my mother since she taught there.
Maybe this explains why I went to a state school…
Bossy’s son is HOT. Lucky girls at Columbia!
Oh and just read up on how your daughter is doing too. Sounds like she’s taking it all in stride. Have thought of her alot lately.
Congratulations…and prayers…to you and yours.
Ohhh, I am so relieved it is not Harvard or Yale. Apologies to any from those schools, but then again they bestow upon their students enough self-regard to withstand the annoyance of puny Oberlin grads like me, so maybe not … But Columbia! And NYC — where BossyBoy is unlikely to leave until he has kids and maybe not even then if he picks a major besides English! Which, to be clear, I teach. Critical thinking and all that. Pays like shit.
Bossy, your boy is cute. I’m thinking of moving to NYC before the fall, so maybe I can keep and eye on him. No need to thank me. Toodles.
Columbia? That’s awesome. Congrats to your son.
Congratulations to Bossy’s handsome son. From MarieMillard who has a beautiful daughter … ahem.
The Columbia stories to come =)
I’m hopeful that your Angel Baby is doing well and that the doctor had good news for you today.
First and foremost I hope that your daughter is doing well, and is healing more everyday.
Second, congrats to your (handsome):-) son on getting into Colombia.
Third, I can’t believe I didn’t know about your blog before now. Seriously! This thing is amazing, I’ll be back, daily.
Big congrats to Bossy’s brilliant son and yippee for me. I never win anything and now I have!
More stuff in the basement just waiting to be won??? Cool! Got any vintage Duran Duran action figures or perhaps some albums from the 80’s? The holidays always make me feel nostalgic for the good ‘ol days!
oh, and many congratulations to Bossy’s son. Columbia? That rocks!! What a proud momma you must be!
Congratulations to the man!
I’ll be waiting for another contest.
You are too funny!
Congrats! Columbia is an outstanding choice.
Bossy’s son is smoking hot. Lord help the girls at Columbia.
is that iridescent icing!?!?! how’d you do that?
oh, yeah, congrats on the smart, good looking, soon-to-be-well education son getting into an awesome school!!
And was Bossy pregnant at age 10?
Congratulations to your son and all the family too!
Aww! Yay! That’s very exciting. You obviously have a very smart kid on your hands. Congratulations to you both.
Columbia rocks hard. Many, many congrats to Son Bossy.
Will Son ‘o Bossy start a Columbia-blog, pray tell? That would be some fine readin’ I bet!
Yay, you get to visit NYC!
I mean…um, congrats to Bossy’s son! I hear the Ivy schools have a pretty decent reputation.
I love that look of JOY on his face!
long time reader, first time poster, but congrats!!!! i am a current junior at columbia (and huge bossy fan) so i’m especially happy to hear of the news. oh, and tell him to live in carman not john jay.
Whoo Hoo Columbia!!!
That’s where my daughter MUST go…in about 14 more years…
Man, I missed the contest, but would have totally guessed Columbia because it was my alma mater. I was there at the same time as Barack Obama and George Stephanopoulos, so Bossy’s son will undoubtedly one day run for President or have his own TV show. Go Bossy’s Boy!
Congrats. He is really lucky. I went to Columbia, and now I write a blog for no pay! (but the girls there are cute…)
Be careful when he comes back Freshman year quoting Aristotle.
Hi; I found your blog through BB’s say la vee. The pic of your son on learning of his acceptance at Columbia really made me smile. Thank you for sharing that!
Bossy’s son is hawwwwwt. Congrats on Columbia!
Only my second visit to your blog (i’ll be baaack) & a bit late commenting on this one but–
YEE-HAW on Columbia
yup, i’m an alum…
Big congrats to Bossy’s son & of course, to Bossy for surviving the college road trips & the entire process. Just imagine~ my folks did separate college road trips for each of us SEVEN kids.
Only my second visit to your blog (i’ll be baaack) & a bit late commenting on this one but–
YEE-HAW on Columbia
yup, i’m an alum…
Big congrats to Bossy’s son & of course, to Bossy for surviving the college road trips & the entire process. Just imagine~ my folks did separate college road trips for each of us SEVEN kids.