In honor of Bossy’s very close and personal friend Her, who recently outlined the classical positions of ballet, Bossy would like to share a few of her own classic dance moves:
The Disco Inferno Burn That Muthah Down position:
The Get’cha, Get’cha, Get’cha, Get Ur Freak On position:
The She’s the One, the Only One, Built Like a Amazon Brick House position:
The Get Up, Get, Get, Get Down 9-1-1 Is A Joke In Yo Town position:
The Papa Don’t, Papa Don’t, Papa Don’t Take No Mess position:
HaHaHa…. Priceless. You are one twisted woman. I like that in a person.
minimal effort ballet – i love it! bossy is always the innovator.
That’s one fine looking ottoman. And, Bossy must have some seriously strong abs.
It is a good thing your dog is the same size as the horses, or it just wouldn’t have worked as well!
there’s something a little different about your landscape…..can’t put my finger on it.
are people with pulmonary embolisms supposed to be gettin down like that?!
Way to physical for me, I might catch a hernia.
PS. did you forget to add me to your map of potential road trip stops? I’ll share a pin with uncommon blond if you like- I’m close to Sarasota.
Why is your dog so icily aloof and indifferent to your funky dance grooves?
When you figure out how to get your ass off the ground, let me know.
I’m still stuck down here and I forgot my camera.
I recognize all those classic moves. I’m sure your close friend is green with envy.
I’m a bit concerned about where exactly Bossy is resting her arse…..please say it’s not on the bank of snow.
Stella is one perfect speciment!
Hahaha, perfect! Thanks for the laugh on a dreary, cold morning! =)
I love how Stella’s all, “Ummm…I don’t know her, honest. I have NO IDEA who this woman is. She lives at my house, but that’s about all I can tells ya.”
Bossy looks like she’s about as good at dancing as DG.
Now those are my kind of moves! I dig the orange slippers–you’re my kind of woman (wish I had such a cute dog though). I may have to do a tribute to you and PW and photograph my own dance moves!
I liked this version best.
Though her photography was amazing.
BwaaaaHaaaHaaaaa, that was HIL-arious! Not only was it so funny but the play on Ree’s ballet post was so clever. You are ALWAYS so clever!!
But damn, yesterday was a bit cold for lying on the ground!! Proving the old adage, life is easy, comedy is hard.
Bossy is Boss, as are Bossy’s slippers.
first let me say you are freakin’ hilarious. I mean, adding the Great Dane (emphasis on the Great) is perfect…
but, man, how did I miss Pioneer Woman’s page all this time too? Thanks for the heads-up. Another comic genius…and those photographs are so stunning I couldn’t look at them all at once. Have to look at a few at a time and soak it in…
Now I have another blog to check out daily, in addition to yours…
you ladies rock!
Oh, I kinda like it when you mock “p-dub.” You do it so well. And, then she’s mocking herself to begin with. Total Mock fest. Good job.
I think what Stella was finding funny was where you were laying – that soft spot under your head? Yes, that one? eeeww.
the real question is – why didn’t Bossy enter her deer/dog/cow/horse in the Miss Mustang 2008 contest?!! Stella could knock out a speech about how important it is educate children in the Iraq and the South Africa, and such.
Which one was the Electric Slide? did I miss that? And does Stella do the Electric Slide?
I can’t believe the horse just stood there for the duration of your awesome dance moves. lol
at first i thought you were wearing socks, as per your WHITE ASS feet! lmao!!
I think the Inderal is going to Bossy’s head…
A different type of cow, your boots have a softer look, and those moves indeed leave the impression you listen to some classic tunes.
oh … and have great abs!
Bossy is electric! Boogeywoogeywoogey.
Maybe someone mixed up your prescriptions, or gave you an incorrect dosage. Makes for good entertainment whatever the cause.
U & P-dub, what a way to start the day. I may have to copy your mockery, except my 12 week old Jackeranian (Miles) is never sill for more than a nanosecond.
I like how your dog turns from side to side during these dances. The first movement of “burn that mutha down” reminds me of the time my daughter (then 14) was in the hospital with a collapsed lung. This was 10 years ago. We were sharing a room with a little girl with a broken leg whose mother kept bumping her leg and the girl would cry. Then at night when we were supposed to be sleeping, the mom and her boyfriend started making out and made some remark about “burning that mutha down.” Which kind of bothered me and frightened me at the time. I asked the nurse to make the man leave and boy did I get an earful the rest of the night. The woman called someone and started talking about me making him leave. Oh well…you do what you gotta do. 😀
*snort* i love bossy!
go check out biddy’s hood!
I hope you sent it to Ree. That’s great!
Nice public enemy reference. You been watchin’ Flava of Love again Bossy?
Big love to mah Bossy!
*choke* I LOVE IT! Thank you for the smile this morning, I very dearly needed it.
The orange slippers really give it that 70’s vibe, ya know? And your dog? Awesome!
I may have a twisted mind, but some of those photos looked like something from a kinky shoe fetish site for Great Danes. Not that I would know anything about kinky shoe fetish sites for Great Danes.
So, Bossy’s neighbors must already think she’s weird, huh. And you also have stunning photos.
I LOVE your dane!!!!
And Stella approves of this dance lesson.
Stella seems to be under the impression that you are Richard Avedon or Annie Liebowitz. I have never seen an animal pose like that. She’s worse than my brother Mantel Man.
My, my, my, but you are the LIMBER one, I see.
Bossy is mighty, mighty and lettin’ it all hang out. Stella looks much less interested than PW’s cows.
It cracks me up how Stella keeps looking off in any direction except at you. She’s loyal and protective, but all “Woman? What crazy woman? I’m just watchin’ the squirrels.”
First of all, you and she are equally twisted and hilarious. I like that we have a balance of classical dance and disco in the blogosphere. Secondly, danes must have different temperaments than labs. If I got on the ground and tried to do that with my lab around, I’d have a face full of snout in no time!
BTW, diet coke burns when it comes out of the nose…
Oh my gosh!
You are hilarious!
HBM wants Bossy’s dog, and Bossy’s slippers. Does dog fetch slippers? WANT.
Bree’s bovine ballet moves were very fun, but I much as I love the PW, she’s got NOTHIN’ on you and your Disco Dane, Klub Kid Kool, Get Down Wit’ Yer Get Down, Bossy Boogie Fever demonstration!
Bossy, could you please come check out my ballet moves today? I know, I know, I’m a copy “cat.” 😀
I’m sorry, what???
Stella is wondering, “Where’d that crazy woman go?”
I would never stoop so low as to copy someone else’s idea…
Dancing just isn’t classical unless there is a dog the size of a horse involved.
And orange slippers. Which I covet. Because they would look great next to the lime green ones I like to rock…
Hey, funny! And I love your slippers, too. Could you tell us more about your slippers? Like what brand they are and where to buy them? Thanks.
You are a fruitcake. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
And there you go, rubbing it in that you met Ree irl again. Meany. THhhbbbtt!! (that was a raspberry by the way.)
What? No Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight position?
I bet the dog would love some KC and the Sunshine Band.
Stella makes the perfect clubbing partner – poised and coldly aloof to all your dance floor machinations.
Nice moves! Do tell where you got your slippers from. Love them!
bossy? i love you
She looks embarassed. I’m just sayin.
Maybe when you do the road trip through CANADA I will show you photos from my high school air band routine for that particular Public Enemy song. Oh dear.
…Gosh, I dunno what I love more – the dance moves or the fashion statement made with those killer orange shoes! lol… ;o)
They say dogs and their owners have a striking resemblance. Well, Bossy, I think you have just proven this theory true! I think you share the same chin!!!
The dog looks like he’s looking for adequate adult supervision.
Bossy turned that mutha out…
I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!
Dig the dancing shoes!
I’m sorry, I see nothing but the dog on this post!
As the sidekick to fawn English Mastiffs, I have to laugh at the similarity in temperament. They would be totally doing the same “WTH, is anybody looking this way?” frozen pose. While nonchalantly changing cranial direction between takes.
I have a problem. I am addicted to Bossy.
Well the dog certainly looks unimpressed. Is this telling you something. Maybe you need to try some new moves.
Get up..get on down. Get up..get on down.
Stella says the gettin’ down part is mastered, but the gettin’ up still needs work.
Your dog’s indifference cracks me up in these photos. Very funny.
Bossy knows how to Bust A Move.
Apparently .9 a day is enough to stay thin as Bossy clearly is. Now if I do this dance work out will I need a larger dog since I’m a larger woman? Is there a larger dog? Maybe a bear. Does a resistant dog increase the calorie burning?
Oh my Goodness, you are a hoot. I surely hope you don’t have neighbors, you may get a visit from a social worker. Ha ha.
This is why you have few followers in New Mexico, where those moves are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Bossy must be too young for the Hitchhiker. Or the Hustle.
Bossy-you’re sick and twisted- I like that in a person! verra verra funny…
First, aren’t Bossy’s feet cold?
Second, how many times did you have to shoot these photos because it was all out of focus because you were laughing so hard at your shear genius?
You are SO immature.
And I mean that as a compliment.
Now I’ve got some evil bass guitar playing boogie in my head…
Good thing I saw that post of Ree’s or it might have taken me a second to get it since I was too caught up in ogling your beautiful dog. I have always wanted a great dane.
You are a hoot! You can tell from your dog’s expressions … even he thinks you’re nuts! Love the moves!
I LOVE how your dog is looking left and right then down at you then back up again – the look on his face is priceless. I imagine the thoughts going through his head are – God does anyone else see this – I need to get her in the house before someone thinks she has lost it… or This cant be happening I am SO embarressed, but she feeds me so what can I do about it!!! LOL LOVE IT!!