Oh good. Bossy sees you are finally advertising Asian Girls For Love & Marriage on her blog. This makes total sense given i am bossy’s archives and the part about how Bossy and her readers reader are forever searching for Asian brides.
Bossy’s only suggestion would be: more girls from the Guangdong province. Because who can say that word enough, really?
Thank goodness, because I was in the Asian bride market and had no idea where to even start.
I’m still new to the ad thing–now, will you get extra $$ if we order our brides from a link on your site? That’s pretty exciting b/c valentine’s day is coming up.
Bossy – for all your human-trafficking needs.
Maybe your name should change to I am Pimpy.
That one chick weighs 50Kg. Is that heavy?
Whoa, Bossy, what’s happening to your site? Along with my Asian bride, apparently I can order “A Booksense Notable Book” called ‘A Man of No Moon’ which is described as “a wonderful dirty book” and “alive with lust and aphoristic barbs”. That sounds like it might hurt. Exactly what type of reading material will you be bringing along with you on your excellent road trip?
Your new tagline could be, “Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy!”
I saw you had, GASP!, republican ads on your Google ads one day.
I knew THE-BOSSY would not be happy!
Love to ya!
It can never be said that BOSSY discriminates because there is an ad for Christian Singles on BOSSY’S site too. The one common denominator seems to be BOSSY’S obsession with making sure her readers find a love connection. somewhere. Asia, exotica, church, or on her Excellent Road Trip.
My one burning question..WHERE ARE THE MEN
I prefer the Asian Girls Outlet, myself.
I don’t see the ad for Asian girls…just the ad to support Fred Thompson.
Does he like Asian girls?
It is hard out there for a pimp….
I got taken on Russian thing once. Found Tatiana Petrenko in Mos-co. Her dad had cancer, mother sick and also dying of something, was studying to be a doctor of cosmetology at Mos-co U, wanted an American hunk and scammed yours truly for several hundred dollars, a tee shirt, a bag of peanut M&Ms and a Sony Walkman. What a fool I was. I love M&Ms.
I just ordered 2 Asian Brides. The shipping was cheaper when you ordered that way
I wish Google would post some 100% “sweet with sugar on top and a side order of sweet” potential husbands ads for those of us of the husbandless variety…not that I am looking – just saying…
Can I buy an Asian gay marriage?
Alls I see ads for are a Bossy/ John Cusack movie, and custom bumper stickes, which can maybe be used for some of the cool sayin’ people are suggesting.
Who knew that so many of your readers were fortysomething, gold medallion wearing, toupee sporting bar flies?
I love me some Asian brides.
I like that you have “Alive with Lust” and “A Wonderfully Dirty Book” as quotes on the right side for the reviews of “A Man of No Moon.” Lusty and Dirty and Bossy!!!
These ads are from a little-known subsidiary of Google known as Go Ogle.
I wish they’d put some guangdong men in their ads. Not that I’m looking for love, marriage or anything else, but in honor of the holiday, it should be about equal opportunity, guangdong it.
I’m really glad they’re for both love AND marriage. One or the other just isn’t enough. When I buy another human being, it has to be a multitaskable purchase, otherwise it’s just money down the drain.
valentines day pressie for hubby
Okay –
Guess what’s crazy. I actually *know* someone who ordered a bride. Yup. That’s what. Okay, I don’t *know* him, but I work with his sister-in-law. The bride came over in Dec. and they hurried up and got married fast, you know, for the tax deducation.
I’m serious.
thats disturbing.
Hmmm….Asian chicks on one side and “Meet Christian Singles in your City” on the other. Thanks for giving me lots of options. Love your blog. It keeps this SAHM very entertained!
that is so funny. I like that google is running 3 non-bossy bumper sticker ads against yours right now…do they really want the competition?
i’m ordering myself one…so she can do the cleaning and the laundry. yeah….sounds good to me! oh! do they come with a massage option?
Next ad: Unclaimed money in Kenyan bank account can be yours for a small upfront fee.
What works for me is that I just have to click on Bossy’s site to get my Anthony Bourdaine fix…Yummmm
ya, i was wondering when you would get useful ads like these up. was gonna say something…guess now i don’t have to!
I saw that group of ads on your blog the other day and was wondering WTF was up with Google.
I’m with ManicMommy – when are the unclaimed bank accounts in Africa going to surface as a Google ad?
Adopting our daughter from China was a long and mentally exhausting process… perhaps if we decide to adopt again we’ll take this route and ask for a nice teenager.
Google ads – bringing families together.
At least the ad is for love AND marriage and not love OR marriage. Or would that be false advertising?
Whew. I was hoping it was a mistake. Because I could not for the life of me figure out what you were trying to tell us posting Asian Brides Ads on your site. I was hoping it didn’t mean you were an Asian Transvestite or something.
All my ads – every last one – are for flea and tick control. I am NOT amused. Hmph.
Perhaps Bossy needs to add Asia to her road trip schedule?
Fer chrissake, I was just looking for one of those.
Almost as funny as the many times I’ve seen ads for Republican candidates on Bossy’s blog.
My ads are all for cake toppers. Asian brides are a little more colorful.
Google never ceases to amaze me, whether it’s the crazy ads or stupid ways people find themselves to me.
I have no ads on my blog, but I can see that I am totally missing out.
The present Google Ads (on this page) want me to buy bumper stickers. And, to support Fred Thompson.
Oh, that reminds me … When I first started coming to your site (last spring?), there were a lot of Ann Coulter ads and I remember thinking, “Did I somehow miss that BOSSY is ultra-conservative?!”
Hey, you never know when you might need a mail-order bride!!!
Ah, those plugs for Bandolino boots AND brides!!!
Gotta love Bossy!
I get ads for Asian brides all the time. Which is good. Cuz I think my brother is in the market for a wife. Good to know my blog is not only entertaining but USEFUL too.
Hi.. I like your blog you are really smart and funny.. I have never seen so MANY people comment on all your different topics..Oh and I do get ads like that but mostly they are the ‘Looking for single Christians in your area’? kind..Have a nice day =)
I wasn’t in the market for a bride, but now I’ve got a craving for Chinese food.
If you come to visit me and my middle school girl programs on your bloggy trip, you can’t bring your mail-order Asian brides, Bossy. I am sorry but we have standards here.
Now, if you have ANY mail-order grooms… see me.
I get ads for sausages and pole dancers on my blog.
The photos of meat on a deli counter are especially pornographic.
Maybe they thought John Cusack would be interested?
Where’s the marketing strategy here? You know, like, me love you long time!
I had to finally get rid of GoogleAds because I didn’t want to advertise for pornographic material on my blog for pennies a day. 🙂
Hmm . . . Now I’m really curious about the English translation of the Chinese characters from the Road Trip Update that made the Google crawler run that ad . . . Perhaps male enlargement ads will follow . . .
The problem with Asian mail-order brides is that you want another one twenty minutes after you’re finished with the first.
Hmmmm… Asian bride. I need a good wife! Because I refused to be one.
Refused to be a good wife, that is. Not Asian bride.
You make a strong case for google adwords.
bossy believes in free enterprise.I pick bride in column A with extra eggroll.
Not only can I order an Asian bride, I can also triple the traffic to my site in 48 hours! Your site really is the one-stop shop for everything, isn’t it?
i saw a trio of Asian chicks at my job yesterday and they were like tween hookers with high tech gadgets and I secretly wished I could be one of them.
I also recently noticed an ad for “certified” Christian singles. Or was that certified “Christian” singles? or certified Christian “singles”? I can’t remember.
Thank goodness it isn’t only me. Today I had an ad for “Girls in Thongs” and one that said “I see London, I see France, don’t let them see your underpants”, how appropriate! I am sure my ad settings are for “G” rated only….urgh.
What’s with the metric weight and height measurements? I like to bride shop the good ‘ol Imperial way.
What the?
I noticed those ads and thought, “Hmmm…wonder what BOSSY thinks about this?”
Oh man. That’s crazy…
And Ree…. you crack me up! Touche! LOL
Last I heard Guandong had a special market price “buy wan get one flee” …bwahahaha…
lol…Its ok, Im Asian…and I used to be a mail order bride… ok kidding again….but the Asian part is true.