The 50th Anniversary of the Grammys aired last night, and Bossy was there to catch the action live—and when she says she was there live she means in the chair right by her TV. Shall we get started?
To kick-off the show, Alicia Keys performed a duet with Frank Sinatra:
A few minutes later, Alicia Keys accepted the first Grammy of the night for Best Female R&B Performance:
Next up, Rihanna performed a couple of songs with the original members of The Time ime ime hey hey hey:
And then it was the part of the program reserved for that very famous musical artist, Tom Hanks:
The next award for Best New Artist was presented by Cyndi Lauper and Miley Cyrus to Amy Winehouse:
And then it was time for a live performance by this nice gentleman in the sunglasses whose song made Bossy cry because it was all about a boy in the ghetto who sits with his broken mom on the kitchen floor and promises to buy her a house someday and then he goes off to Columbia University:
Then Cher introduced a performance by Tina Turner and Beyoncé:
Next Nelly Frittata accepted another award for Amy Winehouse:
Then the excitement mounted as the action moved outside to the large arena to feature a live performance by the Muppets:
The next performer was unknown to Bossy, but she’s pretty sure it’s The Artist Formerly Known As Bossy’s Next Husband Cowboy Josh:
Moments later in an unexpected twist, Best Rock Album goes to Jesus and Brad Pitt:
Next it was time for a Parlor Game: Can you guess which is the peerless musician of the legendary pop band, and which is Ringo Starr?
The next Grammy award went to Rihanna who won for Most Syllables Of The Word Umbrella Best Rap Collaboration with Jay-Z ee ee ay ay ay:
And then—live from London—Cuba Gooding Jr. addresses the Amy Winehouse shituation situation:
And then came the live performance someone? we’ve all been waiting for:
Next the action went back to the Staples Center in Los Angeles, where Tony Bennett and Natalie Cole prepare to present the award for Song of the Year:
And the winner of Song of the Year? Amy Winehouse:
And then, as the show draws to a close, this happened: zzzzzzzzzzz.
Bossy Was Sorry She Went To Bed Right Before Herbie Hancock Won – And Here Are More Winners.
But, poor Amy, not being able to be here to enjoy the show Live! as Bossy did. Oh.
Thanks for the reports, I slept through it all.
I went to eye-bag school just like Tom Hanks. Majored in eye-bags, minored in crow’s-feet.
Bossy! THIS is the solution for your hair! You need an Amy Winehouse up-do! You may end up with a menstruating squirrel living in your beehive, but your roots would be hidden.
Thanks for the play by play. About the only thing I caught was Rihanna accepting and Amy W performing.
You make it so much more interesting.
Bossy might be excited to know that Tom Hanks does have a song, one I actually hear somewhat regularly in my life. It’s called “Hot Chocolate.” Sounds racy and politically incorrect, doesn’t it? It’s from the move Polar Express.
Kirsten Dunst could not be there b/c she’s is rehab too. Yes way!
Poor Amy. She is talented.
Oh and I think Kirsten Dunce is in rehab too. All the cool kids are doing it.
the artist formerly known as bossy’s next husband cowboy josh, is Brad Paisley. And I’m really sad that he is unknown to Bossy, because Biddy loves her some Brad Paisley! AND, he’s married to the adorable Kimberly Williams (think Father of the Bride). AND he looks really good in leather pants (biddy has seen him in concert a time or two or ten)…come to abilene and biddy will teach you the finer arses…er..points…of country music 🙂
and yeah, kirsten dunce er…dunst was watching from rehab. maybe biddy doesn’t want to be a famous singer after all…
Natalie Wood? Back from the dead and looking very tan? Sorry I missed it!
Did Bossy do “the bird” when The Time played? Oh ee oh ee oh!
Amy Winehouse’s speaking voice was so….oh, I dont know,,,,,,weird and SUPER English. In fact the skinniness factor of her legs was directly proportional to the extremeness of her accent. and I love when she said, “My Blake, incarcerated.”
Ill admit, throughout her songs, I was searching her eyes for that look, that look that says, “Im on heroin.” and after, I waited patiently for someone to acknowledge that they were singing, “I dont want to go to rehab” while actually out on a pass from REHAB.
I thought it was a very entertaining show….although, someone was on drugs when they put that Cirque show together.
Why do I get the feeling that you watched this live?
I super heart Cowboy Josh, who is also normally known as Brad Paisley. I just love to watch him um…breath.
Glad I didn’t watch the Grammy’s, this was all I needed to know. Bossy, you’ll do the same for the Oscars right?
All I know, is that my man Herbie Hancock won. There IS justice.
Thanks for the play by play! I was painting my laundry room, getting high on paint fumes! Is there a twelve step program for getting high on paint fumes? Happy Birthday, by the way!
Thanks Bossy! You did such a good job summing up the Grammys, I didn’t even need to snooze through it myself!
Snort – Nelly Frittata…you’re a girl after my malaprop heart!
i don’t think Amy Winehouse won enough grammys last night…
I was remarking to The Mistah last night how much Taylor Hawkins, the Foo Fighter’s drummer, looks like Animal from the Muppets. With the teeth of Barry Gibb.
I loved Amy Winehouse’s dumfounded look. Like she just got caught with a crack pipe!
I don’t like Kanye West. He’s a whiny girl.
YEAH, Natalie Wood & Natalie Cole look so much alike, I can see how you’d be confused LOL
Thanks for the run down 🙂 I haven’t watched the Grammy’s since I stopped being able to understand the lyrics to just about ALL mainstream music on the radio. So, around 1992.
Back away from Cowboy Josh. He’s allll mine.
OM Fecking God! “Sometimes a CRACK PIPE gets in the way”. SERIOUSLY. I just peed my pants a little. TOO FUNNY.
I just have to comment in SUPPORT OF eye bags! And crow’s feet.
I personally I thrilled these days to see people on screen with naturally occurring facial FLAWS!! Then I feel better about mine…
Thanks for watching those so I didn’t have to. I watched the BAFTAs on BBC America but I was too lazy to live blog about it.
You are my favorite thing to wake up to in the morning, Bossy, and that says a lot, because I wake up in pretty groovy surroundings.
Natalie Wood? Natalie Cole? Both evoke the ghosts of great talent gone too soon. No wonder Bossy got confused!
Can I join the bags-under-the-eyes club because I seriously needed paint primer to cover them up this morning. I love Amy Winehouse and I really don’t want her dead because I haven’t seen her in concert yet. Is that a bit selfish?
Best play-by-play ever. I opted for the L-Word (and Rock of Love — shhh!) over the Grammys, but I did watch E!’s (repeat) red carpet special this morning.
The Foo Fighters = looking a bit Fraggle Rock, indeed.
Didn’t one of the Hooters write time after time?
The huz left the room until I changed the channel to Saving Private Ryan (strange Tom Hanks coincidence). I’m so out of the loop, it really doesn’t matter anyway.
Can we have more on the way that you know the person who wrote Time after Time? I love that song.
This was so much more fun than actually watching it. 😉
I totally got a *tear* in both eyes when Kanye was singing.
BOSSY forgot to mention the best part of the show–when Tina Turner, her voice and her fine 68-year-old ass totally upstaged Beyonce.
Kanye West is a freakin goofball maroon. I didnt think I was going to like Amy Winehouse as much as I did. And oh yea, another one of Bossys friends played in a band with the guy who wrote “girls just want to have fun” and her friend was the first person the writter played the song for before anybody else heard it. Bossy knows all the cool people!
There is a mexican restaurant near me that makes a great Nelly Fratatta
What is it about the Muppet look that I’m missing? When choosing your new hair salon, Bossy, please avoid wherever Cyndi Lauper, Miley Cyrus, Amy Winehouse, Jesus and Brad Pitt go, okay?
I think Amy needs rehab for the beehive. But she won’t go go go.
OMG! Don’t call my future husband, David Eric Grohl of the Foo Fighters, a Muppet. I love him just the way he is…..
Also – Yay for Flight of the Conchords who won the grammy for best comedy album. They are home in NZ at the moment and apparently had to google to find out they had won after hearing rumours. *g*
Thanks Bossy. I missed it… I was busy involved with a DEXTER marathon – season 2.
I needed a Grammy Update!
Glad you recapped it for us, because I was on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happened. NOT.
I wonder why Obama couldn’t be there to accept his Grammy? Maybe he wandered into one of Tom Hanks’ eye bags and couldn’t find his way out in time?
Wow Tom Hanks looked old and tired…that must mean I’m looking old and tired too. ACK!
thanks for the recap, I missed the show.
Wow Tom Hanks looked old and tired…that must mean I’m looking old and tired too. ACK!
thanks for the recap, I missed the show.
Jesus and Brad Pitt – that kills me!!!
When you were writing about the Kanye song, I was hearing “In the Ghetto” by the big E himself. I’m not behind the times at all, though! Really!
My latest crush is an amazing artist who made this odd, yet fitting, homage to Amy Winehouse:
I didn’t even watch. But I obviously didn’t need to. You made the program FAR more entertaining than what it was! 🙂
I love you for this, because I can pretend I am cool and that I watched the music thingey you just recapped – and I can drop names like Amy Weineramer, and nobody will know I secretly watched Sleepless in Seattle for the nine hundredth time instead.
Did I mention how Little Miss Farty *actually met* Trey Parker off the Foo Fighters?
Amy really does rock.
Hilarious! I was already laughing, but when I got to the Jesus and Brad Pitt part, I couldn’t contain myself…Bossy’s recaps complete with amazing photography are second to none!
Bossy, you rock! This was SO much better than actually sitting through the Grammys myself.
This was hilarious.
I’ll just link to you rather than do one myself 🙂
So, in short, to be famous, one needs:
* a tragically bad wardrobe, so tragic as to be hip
* big, red lips
* to be a train wreck, utterly and publicly
I thought the Grammy’s stunk so my reaction was to fall asleep.
And DUDE, isn’t the cowboy BRAD PAISLEY? Married to KIMBERLY WILLIAMS, of “Father of the Bride” fame? Also Magazine Cover Ad Nauseum for Most Beautiful Couple and Family EVER? (And as much as I wish it was me, I have to admit, they are hands-down one of the most beautiful families ever, and what’s more? They seem so nice.)
Hey how is your daughter doing?
this was far better than actually WATCHING the grammys. thank you for the sacrifices you make for us 😉
Ah the grammys… I saw a list of who won what in the papers today but really, all I can remember is that Amy won 5 awards because that’s apparently all the Brit press care about… so hey, thanks for the rehab… I mean, rehash!
The only thing saving me from plunging into a deep, dark depression at having missed a rare live performance by THE TIME (loved ’em) is the discovery of the word “shituation.”
Thank you, Bossy. Thank you.
“Actually it was Cher dressed as a drag queen dressed as Cher.” You NEVER disappoint!
Yeah, you could grow bangs to hide the forehead wrinkles … or, JUST WEAR A WIG LIKE NATALIE COLE!!!
Also, my husband is so going to love you because … he always says that the dude from Foo Fighters looks like Brad Pitt and I’m always like, “he so DOES NOT.”
You both need glasses. 😛
Bossy made Missie cry. Tears of laughter.
What would I do with out you? I missed the broadcast, but as luck would have it, there is a little place called “i am bossy” that always cuts the crap and boring stuff to give it to us straight. Bossy for president!
i’ve been thinking about it…and i think there should be a clause that says “if the winner’s dumb ass is in rehab, the next nominee wins”
i’m just sayin
No mention of Tina’s super silver outfit? She’s 68 and she’s just starting to get a little bit of back fat–that woman rocks!
I’m having a strong urge to get hair extensions and go to rehab.
You crack me up. I forget that those Hooters guys wrote that Time after Time. Which one are you friends with Brazilian or Hyman?
Oh Bossy it is not nice to make me laugh out loud here in the oh so serious breakfast area of the Springhill suites where all these businessment think I’m so busy being corporate lady reading email and eating oatmeal. Jesus and Brad Pitt. I’m be secretly giggling all day at that one.
I missed this so it was good to get the live version…and me thinks Bossy would look fabulous in a beehive what do you think?
Awesome recap! That’s why I didn’t watch it, I knew I could come here and not miss a thing!
What about TINA? Seriously, how good did she look and she’s 107. Well, maybe 68.
Kanye made me cry.
Funny, funny recap.
Muppets. Hilarious!
I don’t know why I even bothered watching because THIS was so much more enjoyable.
Just added to my life list:
Watch Oscars with Bossy.
Thanks – I totally feel as if I were there – live and in person.
Now I am bummed that I didn’t see “The Time” (“Whaaaaat time is it?” “Jungle Love!”)
You are too funny….Bossy School of Eye Bags. Ha!